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Messages - straton

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Server Host has been changed - NEW IP -

- [DZ]OutlawZ
 (XE Administrator)

*Any global moderator if looking at this thread right now please make it Stickied to this board, thanks.
delete topic Name calling my parents, my wife, my son! Close the topic and remove all the posts in Russian

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Need help on a European server
« on: April 27, 2011, 11:25:25 pm »
Читеров, как правило, банят сразу же. Учись играть.
Наконец то хоть один русский попался! Слушай а как зарегиться, а то я ввожу команды, а в консоле при игре пишет, короче что в переводе типа логин и пароль не подходит, чё за фигня такая? Как надо зарегиться? Или в клан нужно вступить?

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Need help on a European server
« on: April 27, 2011, 05:42:46 pm »
They Must be hacking or ur bugged
Hacking - Hacking is Simple softwares like Trainer in VC Single player
Bugged - nothing to explain Just Understant Bugged...
And why did the administrators do not ban them?

XE Servers (Legacy) / Need help on a European server
« on: April 27, 2011, 05:28:24 pm »
My name is Dmitriy I'm from Russia! I play under the nickname: Russian_mafia
Since I badly speak English, I have to use the Google translator, so sorry for any mistakes!

Then the problem is this:
I noticed that some players are not playing fair!
For example shoot at an opponent right in the end, and he does not die, for the opponent is in a couple of times you shoot and you're dead, what it is, it's not fair mother fuck!
And also can tell me the commands for the console such as a teleport, or even how, but I'm tired of every time on stupid machines get ten minutes at one time or place innoe city!
And yet how do I join a clan? I've been playing for three weeks before Nick was Straton, and now Russian_mafia!
My email address: [email protected]
My Russian mobile phone number:
Thank you for your attention!

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