VC:MP 0.4 (Beta) > General Discussion

VC:MP 0.4 Default Server (UPDATE: 30.08.2014) - 64bit


LAST UPDATE: 30.08.2014


I have seen many people that could not set up a 0.4 server (64bit), so I made a default server that could help some of them.
In this archive you will find all you need to run a server.
I have added all implemented events in the main.nut.

Good luck ! ;)


For 32bit version of server, you should download 32bit server.exe and 32bit plugins. (do not forget to replace 64bit plugins with 32bit plugins in server.cfg)
You can download 32bit server from here, and 32bit plugins from here.

PS: If you find a bug or you have troubles in running it, reply.
       Also, if you think something is missing, reply.

Server.conf has been updated !

I removed some already-added lines and I made the server leave every player choose the wanted framelimiter option.
You can download it from here:

PS: It will be good if a developer posts an example of .conf , because I have no idea what options are really working with 0.4, and what parameters have functions like <Class> and <Vehicle>

This has every option available. Please note I'm not entirely sure about the default values of gravity, gamespeed etc. These values are there to show what kind of value it expect.

--- Code: ---<Settings>
<ServerName>Your server name</ServerName>
<MaxPlayers>Max players</MaxPlayers>
<ShowOnRadar>See FF</ShowOnRadar>
<TimeRate>0 = freezed, 1 = normal</TimeRate>

<PlayerPos x="123.123" y="123.123" z="123.123" />
<CamPos x="123.123" y="123.123" z="123.123" />
<CamLook x="123.123" y="123.123" z="123.123" />

<WorldBoundaries MaxX="123.123" MinX="123.123" MaxY="123.123" MinY="123.123" />




<Class skin="id" x="123.123" y="123.123" z="123.123" angle="123.123" weapon1="id" ammo1="999" weapon2="id" ammo2="999" weapon3="id" ammo3="999" r="255" g="255" b="255" a="255" />

<Vehicle model="modelid" x="123.123" y="123.123" z="123.123" rotx="123.123" roty="123.123" rotz="123.123" col1="col" col2="col" world="1" />

<Pickup model="modelid" x="123.123" y="123.123" z="123.123" world="1" />

--- End code ---

I don't remember default gravity off the top of my head but gamespeed and waterlevel are 1.0. The timerate is now the number of milliseconds in an in-game minute. A value of 1000 will have one real second per game minute. 2000 will be two real seconds.


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