Vice City Multiplayer
VC:MP 0.3 => mIRC/pawn Scripting => Topic started by: Castagna on February 02, 2011, 07:17:12 pm
Hi everyone , im new im this forum and Sorry for my bad inglish ;D
Well I was looking for some new commandos for monkey script ..., like naturalcmds or funcmds please ..
I tried to make my own command but i just get error when copile :( .And my other problem is that i want to make a kill reward , cause in monkey u kill someone and still in 2000$ (original money) , and a /c register , if is possible ..
Thaks for all :)
use gups here is link
go there and download gups and modify gups its good for u and ur scripts
in gups u can get killing reward and also u can do /c register
eeh ok i will try to put my commands of my script in gups , thax ! but if someone have commnads for monkey please show me :P
hi Castagna96,
gups is in pawn yes?
yees in pawno scripting ;D
whats psyshell ??? ??? ??? ??? ?
whats psyshell Huh Huh Huh Huh ?
its in mIRC script like WSV FBS etc
Well u can get Reward in GUPS by killing but if you want spree u can make one XD
yea i know , but im in monkey script , and is not the same as gups .I tried to the /c regiser system of gups to monkey and have error in copile .I don't know if i should move my gamemode to gups , cause i have commands that in monkey that don't work in gups .. :-[
hi, i was wondering if somebody could teach me about pronouns in gups?
Hmm you add/make some variable's your self to define things Like
#include <Dini>
stock encrypt password
bla bla bla
maybe you shouldd add monkey scripts to GUPS Easy and better idea ;)