Vice City Multiplayer
General Discussion => Support => Topic started by: Nadeem9090 on October 16, 2011, 01:35:11 pm
Hey guys.i need a latest version of Pawno .So give me as soon as possible
i will appreciate ur help ;D
You might want the old version because when using the latest version(The Pawno in SA-MP), it gives you much more to think about.
So what i have to do?
Old or New pawno ?
my server not compiling someone told me to download the latest version
I compile my scripts in server with PawnoX.And they compiled sucessfully.But when i open the server the change didnt come in my server
my server not compiling someone told me to download the latest version
I compile my scripts in server with PawnoX.And they compiled sucessfully.But when i open the server the change didnt come in my server
It Compiled your script without any error but the cmds still not working? :o
Delete the already compiled .amx file in the gamemodes folder, then re-compile your script.
my server not compiling someone told me to download the latest version
I compile my scripts in server with PawnoX.And they compiled sucessfully.But when i open the server the change didnt come in my server
It Compiled your script without any error but the cmds still not working? :o
Yeah.I compiled sucessful but cmds not working
Delete the already compiled .amx file in the gamemodes folder, then re-compile your script.
I did this thing.First i deleted the amx file and open the pwn file and compile it .But the amx file didnt comes in gamemodes.And when i open the server" it say look at ur gamemodes at ur server cfg"
And 1 thing .Which pawno u using >?Give me its download link Please :-*
And 1 thing .Which pawno u using >?Give me its download link Please :-*
Leave pawn, use squirrel...
Delete the already compiled .amx file in the gamemodes folder, then re-compile your script.
I did this thing.First i deleted the amx file and open the pwn file and compile it .But the amx file didnt comes in gamemodes.And when i open the server" it say look at ur gamemodes at ur server cfg"
Look at Pawno Settings ... in first box need the adress of your gamemodes folder ...
Example: D/Games/Vicecityserver/gamemodes
In second box need put the adress of your amx file...
Example: D/Games/Vicecityserver/gamemodes/mode.amx
In third box need put the adress of your pwn file...
Example: D/Games/Vicecityserver/gamemodes/mode.pwn
Work for me...
Where can change options ?
Look on Pawno tab , see build ? click and click on Run Options .
This is... try and you .
PS: Sorry for my bad english !
And 1 thing .Which pawno u using >?Give me its download link Please :-*
Leave pawn, use squirrel...
Squirrel is not being talked about here officially. There exists a separate forum for it.
@Nadeem; do what Moby said or try and search manually for the .amx file then move it to the gamemodes folder.
I followed u moby but thats the problem
hmmm... take my pawno and try again :-\
How much Pawno compilers you got in your hard disk ?
If you got more than 1,then do the following steps:
Get to the pawno you want to use, press right click on a script, and select there, Open with, and fill in "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file". Browse for your pawno and your done
Thanks alot moby, morphine ,ssbey,MadKIller,shadow .Really helped me .Thanks alot guys
So lock Topic plz
Now wait for my own scripts
Now wait for my own scripts
I Hope that you'll make everything yourself... ::)
Yeah i am adding scripts
Yeah i am adding scripts
Adding & Making New are different things....
Yeah i am adding scripts
Adding & Making New are different things....
You can add script, but give credits to the original scripters...
he removed all the credits from GUPS....
he removed all the credits from GUPS....
You Got a Script from [EXT]Killer, changed the Forums address from to Didn't you added to much stuff in it? ::) Just edited the forum address...
Clever guy, changed the credits after my post :P ::)
How u know that i cleared all the credits?You are banned in my server then how u got it ?
rcon ban
How u know that i cleared all the credits?You are banned in my server then how u got it ?
rcon ban
You do even know what rcon is? [EXT]filla met me in game 2 days before & he was extremely upset that you removed all of the credits. He spent alot of time on it & you just edited a forum and deleted his name? That's why i'm angry. He trusted you but you are not a trust able guy. I'm not here to fight with anyone ad i don't like to but these things make me retarded....
If you were to modify others script, don't ever change the author!!! ONLY when you create your own scripts. (Meaning you typed everything yourself and not copy & paste from other scripts!.) IF you still don't get it, don't ever script again. >:(
If you were to modify others script, don't ever change the author!!! ONLY when you create your own scripts. (Meaning you typed everything yourself and not copy & paste from other scripts!.) IF you still don't get it, don't ever script again. >:(
Yeah ur right but i did'nt remove any credits....i won't led u down......
Nadeem! All i want is to add the [EXT]filla's name back in the script! It's modified by him not you....
Nadeem! All i want is to add the [EXT]filla's name back in the script! It's modified by him not you....
ok tell me why he deleted the Tamas name ?
If i got answer i will put his name
What will you do after knowing it? It's his fault not mine but as you've added his Tamas's name, add his to & btw, i told him to add his name, but you guyz are really retarded.
No i am repecting Pro's.But when i saw him ,he deleted all the credits.So Stop this shit out