Vice City Multiplayer

General Discussion => Support => Topic started by: nikobg on December 01, 2012, 08:43:12 pm

Title: How To Make A VCMP Server
Post by: nikobg on December 01, 2012, 08:43:12 pm
Ok,I am really angry.I hope im posting in the right place.Anyways I've been trying to make a vcmp server for a hour or more but nothing works.I installed GUPS and I can actually join my server,but its not listed in the server browser.What I want you to tell me is WHICH ports do I open (I know how to port forward so don't bother posting links about it) but I want to know the ports I have to port.Here is my server config:
echo Executing Server Config...
friendlyfire 1
lanmode 0
maxplayers 16
port 5192
hostname Niko's Server
gamemode0 GUPS1.16 1
rcon_password (CENSORED)
rcon_port 8190
rcon_max_users 5
I want to know what I am doing wrong and i also want to know is the 5192 port UDP or TCP and is 8190 port UDP or TCP.And do I have to set it to HTTP_Server.Why dont you people go ahead and post a working tutorial with all the details a person has to know (FAQ didnt help at all) to make a working server that is listed in the browser.I am using a Huawei HG530 router and port forwarding is very easy.All I need to know are all the details and mistakes a person can make (All the ports I have forwarded work and I can have a server for every game,except VCMP) I actually made a vcmp server a year ago and it worked...i just forwarded 5192 (dont remember the protocol) but it worked and I had a server...until now.
Title: Re: How To Make A VCMP Server
Post by: Morphine on December 02, 2012, 01:17:17 am
Eh I expected this to be a tutorial when I saw the thread title. :p

Anyway, VC:MP uses UDP-protocol ports. The ports you have to port are obviously the ones that your server uses, which in this case appear to be 5192 and 8190.