Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP 0.3 => mIRC/pawn Scripting => Topic started by: Fuzzy168 on June 20, 2011, 05:50:32 am

Title: Colours
Post by: Fuzzy168 on June 20, 2011, 05:50:32 am
Where can I get more colours?
[pawn]#define COLOR_GREY         0xAFAFAFAA
#define COLOR_GREEN         0x04A36BFF
#define COLOR_RED         0xAA3333AA
#define COLOR_YELLOW      0xFFFF00AA
#define COLOR_WHITE         0xFFFFFFAA[/pawn]
Title: Re: Colours
Post by: stormeus on June 20, 2011, 01:35:09 pm
From the SA:MP wiki:
A chattext or player color looks like this 0xRRGGBBAA The RR is the red part of the color, the GG the green and the BB the blue. AA is the alphavalue. If you use FF there it will be displayed without transparency and if you put it to 00 it will be invisible.

The colours are in hexadecimal format, so RR is between 00 and FF. A-F represent numbers between 10 and 15. They can be combined to form something like 0F, F0, FF, or 00.

You can use this color picker to make colors:

As the wiki says, the AA is an alpha value, so FF will (or should) make text completely opaque, and 00 will make it invisible. Add this to the end of the color you get from the color picker.
Title: Re: Colours
Post by: Kar on June 20, 2011, 05:38:53 pm
even easier,

now, all you need to do is add "0x" before it, then at the alpha channel at the end.

"FF" for pure solid.