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Messages - cocky

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ShowRoom (pawn) / PSA 0.20
« on: August 01, 2012, 05:06:07 am »
Pawn Supporting Application
PSA is an external application, extending Pawn's functionality. It communicates with Pawn through text files, allowing PSA to perform a variety of actions normally unavaliable in Pawn. You can think of PSA as a plugin, only external.

Currently it allows to make a fully-functional IRC echo and SQL data storage.

Download  (by seebby)

The archive includes:
1)readme.txt - help.
2) psa.exe - PSA executable.
3) psa.cfg - PSA configuration.
4) echo.pwn - Blank script.
5) MySQL.dll - MySQL library.

1. Put the appropriate functions in your script. You can either take them from psa.pwn, base your script on psa.pwn or use psa.pwn as a filterscript.
Here are the key Pawn functions:
* PPSAtimer() // PSA timer for reading things from files.
* SetTimer("PSAtimer",100,1) // PSA timer activation.
* SendToIRC(str[]) // PSA function for sending things to IRC.
* PerformSQLquery(str[]) // PSA function for performing queries (which do not return values).
* PerformSQLquerySelect(qid[], str[]) // PSA function for performing "select" queries.
* OnQueryResult(qid[], str[]) // PSA event which gets called when "select" query returned a value. qid is the one you specified for PerformSQLquerySelect.
2. Put psa.exe, psa.cfg and MySql.Data.dll in your server's root dir (where your vcmp-svr.exe is).
3. Edit psa.cfg with your IRC/SQL settings.
4. Launch psa.exe.

Known issues
1. Requires .NET Framework 3.0 on the server machine to run.
2. As a consequence of the above, works with Windows server only.
3. IRC's quit message (if you close psa.exe) is "connection reset by peer".

If you have questions/suggestions, post them here.

Version History
=== 0.20 === 24.04.10
1) Performing SQL queries.
2) Required framework version is now 3.0 (instead of 3.5).
1) Fixed high CPU usage.

=== 0.10 === 09.02.10
1) Sending messages to IRC.
2) Receiving messages from IRC.

Post done by Boss so the credits goes to him, i only reposted it since it got deleted.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: Counting
« on: July 31, 2012, 06:16:43 pm »
I forgot pawn so... Let me try editing the !admins command post it here :D

General Discussion / Re: One important question or poll
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:50:34 am »
Argonath pwnts all.. but between these two ofcource Dilsons server is best.
PS: Translate this for them Dilson :D

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: Warning That I dont Get
« on: July 23, 2012, 01:04:15 pm »
[pawn]else if (IsCop [plr] == 1) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"*****[Error] %s Is A Cop!*****", gPlayers[playerid]);[/pawn]

Is plr defined? What is the warning? the script line you provided does not contain any other errors.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: Some Help That Got Crashed In The Database
« on: July 21, 2012, 04:07:38 pm »
Actually ABan only offers the functions required to make a ban system So, you need to make your own command with these functions.

Code: [Select]

 BanIP(IP[], Admin[], Player[], Reason[])
 BanName(IP[], Admin[], Player[], Reason[])
 Subnetban(IP[], Admin[], Player[], Reason[])

If you don't know how to do it then try editing ban command from one of the released script.

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: [HELP] Creating a server by the 0 [HELP]
« on: July 19, 2012, 04:35:04 am »
Thank you! :D I was wondering if it is possible host a server in a free way... Pawno give me a lot of errors when I try to edit GUPS gamemode.

Switch to squirrel for easy and better coding :D

Vice City / Re: NEED HELP !!!
« on: July 15, 2012, 11:56:11 am »
I now can play but after i pick a character then a 5 seconds pass by it automatically close

Maybe you got kicked from a server for not login/registering. (your sounds like malayali)

Support / Re: 2 bad problems
« on: May 16, 2012, 01:28:02 pm »
seems like you are using a modded version of vc and you haven't installed vc-mp in correct dir.

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