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Messages - soulshaker

Pages: [1] 2
Script Releases / Re: Function Accessible Locs like on 0.3
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:23:23 pm »
Changed the function to pickups

Script Releases / Re: Mansion Gate
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:09:21 pm »
Why not you make the gate auto open and close instead of bindkeys, as if some newbies joins server they may face problem to enter or exit mansion(just a suggestion)

Script Releases / Re: Function Accessible Locs like on 0.3
« on: October 10, 2014, 06:23:05 pm »
have already made that, but i thought this function will give the experience as same as 0.3 to user. ( just without fade in/out )

Script Releases / Function Accessible Locs like on 0.3
« on: October 10, 2014, 12:46:03 am »
Hello all.

As we know that there are many places like lovefist, vcn building, bloodring, etc which are  inaccessible in vcmp 0.4, so i made this function to make them work just like 0.3 using pickups.

Add this on your server.conf file before any pickup:-
Code: [Select]
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-935.85" y="-351.315" z="17.8038"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-936.923" y="-351.838" z="7.22692"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-557.433" y="782.167" z="22.8768"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-551.781" y="787.953" z="97.5104"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="142.726" y="-1372.82" z="10.432"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="139.562" y="-1369.64" z="13.1827"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="531.76" y="-118.642" z="13.337"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="531.655" y="-131.936" z="32.5095"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="475.792" y="30.4263" z="12.0714"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="462.603" y="30.3705" z="30.9712"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-893.381" y="1054.55" z="15.6737"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-940.18" y="1077.63" z="11.0946"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-829.876" y="1309.94" z="11.5467"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-813.565" y="1354.24" z="66.4603"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-1090.55" y="1311.23" z="9.50517"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-1443.39" y="936.094" z="262.411"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-1089.59" y="1351.05" z="9.50517"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-1414.77" y="1155.04" z="267.429"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-410.452" y="1118.05" z="11.0709"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-449.024" y="1128.07" z="56.6909"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-448.446" y="1249.33" z="11.767"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-448.35" y="1249.3" z="77.3986"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-874.715" y="1159.56" z="11.1825"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-877.507" y="1160.53" z="17.8152"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-1108.33" y="1331.05" z="20.1156"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-1426.24" y="1507.62" z="302.902"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-892.953" y="1048.69" z="15.6737"/>
<Pickup model="383" world="1" x="-893.477" y="1050.26" z="75.8666"/>


Add this function in your script:-
Code: [Select]
VCMP 0.4 TelePickups Script

function onPickupPickedUp( player, pickup )
 switch( pickup.ID )
case 0:
player.Pos = Vector( -933.277, -351.746, 7.22692 ); // To bank locker
case 1:
player.Pos = Vector( -933.531, -351.39, 17.8038 ); // From bank locker
case 2:
player.Pos = Vector( -555.477, 788.2, 97.5104 ); // To Office Buliding Lift(UP)
case 3:
player.Pos = Vector( -562.089, 782.275, 22.8768 ); // To Office Buliding Lift(DOWN)
case 4:
player.Pos = Vector( 140.503, -1366.83, 13.1827 ); // To Lawyers Office
case 5:
player.Pos = Vector( 145.115, -1373.62, 10.432 ); // From Lawyers Office
case 6:
player.Pos = Vector( 531.82, -127.311, 31.8522 ); // To Roof access near malibu #1
case 7:
player.Pos = Vector( 531.851, -111.883, 10.7477 ); // From Roof access near malibu #1
case 8:
player.Pos = Vector( 456.443, 30.3307, 34.8713 ); // To Roof access near malibu #2
case 9:
player.Pos = Vector( 481.619, 30.4486, 11.0712 ); // From Roof access near malibu #2
case 10:
player.Pos = Vector( -943.87, 1077.19, 11.0946 ); // To Lovefist
case 11:
player.Pos = Vector( -888.268, 1054.37, 14.689 ); // From Lovefistcase
case 12:
player.Pos = Vector( -820.836, 1355.72, 66.4525 ); // To Roof Access in Downtown #1
case 13:
player.Pos = Vector( -828.593, 1304.96, 11.5887 ); // From Roof Access in Downtown #1
case 14:
player.Pos = Vector( -1423.86, 941.064, 260.276 ); // To Bloodring
case 15:
player.Pos = Vector( -1088.61, 1312.74, 9.50517 ); // From Bloodring
case 16:
player.Pos = Vector( -1412.4, 1159.08, 266.689 ); // To Racetrack(Stadium)
case 17:
player.Pos = Vector( -1086.57, 1352.84, 9.50517 ); // From Racetrack(Stadium)
case 18:
player.Pos = Vector(  -445.71, 1127.11, 56.6909 ); // To VCN Building
case 19:
player.Pos = Vector( -408.424, 1114.92, 11.0709 ); // From VCN Building
case 20:
player.Pos = Vector( -444.803, 1253.35, 77.4241 ); // To Roof Access in Downtown #2
case 21:
player.Pos = Vector( -449.452, 1252.74, 11.767 ); // From Roof Access in Downtown #2
case 22:
player.Pos = Vector( -880.359, 1159.52, 17.8184 ); // To V Rock(Near Lovefist)
case 23:
player.Pos = Vector( -872.045, 1161.86, 11.16 ); // From V Rock(Near Lovefist)
case 24:
player.Pos = Vector( -1332.08, 1453.91, 299.146 ); // To Dirtring
case 25:
player.Pos = Vector( -1105.68, 1333.03, 20.07 ); // From Dirtring
case 26:
player.Pos = Vector( -890.945, 1066.15, 75.8666 ); // To Lovefist roof
case 27:
player.Pos = Vector( -887.988, 1046.99, 14.4515 ); // From Lovefist roof

Thanks to seby for giving me the idea to make it :D
Well if you find anymore locs which are not accessible in vcmp 0.4 but are accessible in vcmp 0.3, you can reply here, i will add them too :)

Enjoy :)

If you will script every teleportation/transition that exists in 0.3, for 0.4, then I believe someone will use it. :)

nice idea :D

Script Releases / Lift Function (Office building lift working again :D )
« on: October 08, 2014, 07:28:39 pm »
Hello all.
As we know that the lift of office building doesn't works in vcmp 0.4, so i made this function to make it work just like 0.3.

Add this timer in onScriptLoad/OnServerStart:-
Code: [Select]
NewTimer("lift", 500, 0 );

Add this function in your script:-
Code: [Select]
function lift()
for ( local i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++ ) 
local plr = FindPlayer( i );
if ( plr )
if (InPoly( plr.Pos.x, plr.Pos.y, -558.963,783.904,-558.962,780.521,-555.975, 780.518,-555.912, 783.902 ))
plr.Pos = Vector( -555.542,788.014,97.5104 );
else if (InPoly( plr.Pos.x, plr.Pos.y, -553.059,789.694,-550.05,789.696,-550.052,786.313,-553.151,786.317 ))
plr.Pos = Vector( -560.125,782.265,22.8768 );

Enjoy :)

Script Releases / Re: Changeskin, paint - commands
« on: October 08, 2014, 01:59:05 am »
You could take advantage of the GetSkinID() function from the latest plug-in update

Thanks SLC :D
Updated the code( Now the command works both with ID and TAG).

Nice, It will get better if you add different attractive bright colors  ;)


Script Releases / Re: Changeskin, paint - commands
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:46:53 pm »
Actually it depend on others, which colour they want to add. So i didn't added any :)

Script Releases / Re: Changeskin, paint - commands
« on: October 07, 2014, 05:10:27 pm »
Thanks :)


Script Releases / Changeskin, paint - commands
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:47:58 pm »

Code: [Select]
if ( cmd == "changeskin" )
        if ( !player.IsSpawned ) MessagePlayer( "[#EE3B3B]You have to be spawned to use this command.", player );
        else if ( !text ) MessagePlayer( "[#FFFFFE]Syntax:- /" + cmd + "[#EE3B3B] <ID/SkinName>", player );
        else if( IsNum(text) )
player.Skin = text.tointeger();
         MessagePlayer( "[#66CD00]Skin changed to: " + GetSkinName( player.Skin ), player );
local skin_id = GetSkinID(text);
         if (skin_id < 0) MessagePlayer( "[#EE3B3B]Could not identify the specified skin name.", player );
player.Skin = skin_id;
MessagePlayer( "[#66CD00]Skin changed to: " + GetSkinName( player.Skin ), player );


Code: [Select]
if ( cmd == "paint" )
                    if ( !player.IsSpawned ) MessagePlayer( "[#EE3B3B]You have to be spawned to use this command", player );
                        else if ( !player.Vehicle ) MessagePlayer( "[#FFFFFE]Error: [#EE3B3B]You must be in a vehicle to use this command", player );
                        else if ( !text ) MessagePlayer( "[#FFFFFE]Syntax:- /" + cmd + "[#EE3B3B] <ID> (Id must be between 0 to 94)", player );
                        else if ( !IsNum( text ) ) MessagePlayer( "[#FFFFFE]Error: [#EE3B3B]The color ID should be in integer/number.", player );
                        else if ( text.tointeger() > 94 ) MessagePlayer( "[#FFFFFE]Syntax:- /" + cmd + "[#EE3B3B] <ID> (Id must be between 0 to 94)", player );
                         player.Vehicle.Colour1 = text.tointeger();
                         MessagePlayer( "[#66CD00]You have change colour of your vehicle", player );

Simple commands, but i thought these may help some people :)

Servers / Re: |0.4| Ethical DeathMatch
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:59:12 pm »
We were working on some bug fixes, and till that new functions/commands added.


1. changeskin( to change the skin of your player instantly)
2. paint( to change colour of vehicle )
3. anim( some animations )

1. Animations on requestclass
2. Clan system is fixed
3. Simple speedometer added

And some more custom static map/objects added.

See you in server :)

Script Discussion / Re: Server not starting after the recent update
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:43:22 pm »
Redownload the server, this was already patched out.

Fixed. Thanks :)

Script Discussion / Re: Server not starting after the recent update
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:59:51 am »
i hope now its visible

Script Discussion / Server not starting after the recent update
« on: October 07, 2014, 10:43:50 am »
After the recent server update, i can't start server in my vps. Its giving some error

I hope someone can help me

Videos and Screenshots / Re: | 0.4 | Funny Pictures
« on: October 06, 2014, 11:38:19 pm »

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