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Messages - Sandoval

Pages: [1] 2 3
XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Scripts Suggestions
« on: March 04, 2009, 01:02:03 am »
Some addons needed for XE Servers
1.Auto Ban For Armour Hax when admins aren't online
I think this was tried before, but there's a glitch sometimes before you spawn it says you have for example, 115% armor, when you really don't. So I think that might run into some problems.

And I have a suggestion:

Offline Forceban, - (!forceban <ip>) - Bans a user's IP even if they are offline.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Server Admin
« on: February 28, 2009, 07:36:16 pm »
Age: 16

Time Playing VCMP: almost 1 year

Average Hourly Play: 1-4 hrs
Average Days Play:i play everyday

Country: Australia

Timezone: GMT +10

Why: To ban hackers, glitchers, spammers etc. especially when there's no other admin.

Other: I'm on IRC everyday and on the forums, I'll add anyone on msn if it's necessary. I think I've played on the xe servers for long enough to have earned this..
Oh yer i'm admin on daniel95's server if that counts as experience :)
Vouch for Squida, He's a great guy, when I was active a few months ago he seemed like he could handle this. I believe he would be a great admin. :)

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: hacker
« on: February 28, 2009, 07:31:11 pm »
I banned three people for hacking yesterday. One for Mass Heli Killing with HP Hacking, and two for armor. Oh, and on the 26th, the day of this report, I banned someone who was armor hacking, along with massive heli killing in the army base. There's a big chance one of these people you reported have been banned.


XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: My Absence
« on: February 27, 2009, 07:42:06 am »

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: american server
« on: February 27, 2009, 07:38:30 am »
American Server > Euro Server. Hands down.

Well, Vice-Versa if you want to deal with players with 400+ ping circling around you, while you shoot aimlessly five miles behind them.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Server Admin
« on: February 27, 2009, 07:35:21 am »
Name: [BA][Abdula001]
Age: 16

Yea sure,

keep dreaming of being an admin.
This Topic isn't for "You'd fail at being an admin" remarks.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: I?m BACK BITCHES
« on: February 26, 2009, 08:19:13 am »
I'm happy for seeing this. Back in November this kid left me eight messages saying how Chucky abused his powers, banning him, and so on. When I logged on today I felt bad, not having been active on the time but now I actually feel better, knowing that he was a hacker all along.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Tommis! I want to be an admin. Reply!
« on: February 26, 2009, 07:43:34 am »
Ew... this smells rotton. Who raised the dead?

/wishes he had lock powurz.

XE Servers (Legacy) / My Absence
« on: February 26, 2009, 07:41:58 am »
Some of you probably remember me from back in November and a little before that. I was an active admin for some time, but then became less and less active, then I "disappeared".

Well, the reason for this is that I have a tendency to "wander" off from game to game some times... from VCMP I moved back to SAMP, and from SAMP to Runescape, and from Runescape to World of Warcraft, and then now I've lost most interest in WoW and Runescape.

I apologise for my long absence, and have promised to myself that I will put forward all my effort to be on more, perhaps once every day or so. I've seen a couple of changes to the server, and wish I was active during them.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Gaming!


XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: New and Noob Hacker...
« on: February 25, 2009, 02:18:20 am »
We can only take action if you provide proof to us. All we can do now is just watch him, if of course he joins with the same name..

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Unban Request Please
« on: November 25, 2008, 07:33:19 am »
As Chucky says, case closed. Picture shows enough.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Unban Request Please
« on: November 19, 2008, 12:47:26 am »
I need your in-game name that you used when you were banned.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: [DS]Mr.Sosa
« on: October 18, 2008, 05:14:38 pm »
i doubt it. If they wantd to ban fanhot, then they could just have hacked, or do anything that is against the rules. But fanhot was himself, playing normal. He only got banned because he said dont use trailer twice to chucky

Well, that still doesn't explain why their IP's are so alike, and their ISP's.

Anyways, Fanhot only deserved a 24 hour ban, not a permenant ban.

EDIT: @Mattz: They were already unbanned.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: [DS]Mr.Sosa
« on: October 18, 2008, 12:58:37 am »
Case Re-Opened

Take a look..

This is Mr.Sosa's/TheXOnly's IP And ISP
Along with the last IP/ISP to log onto [FKT]Fanhot's account:
As you can see the country is "DO" not sure what they stands for.

Now, I know it hasn't been a WAY LONG time since Fanhot used [FKT]. So I !getip'd Fanhot
As you can see here, the country is "BR" Aka BRAZIL.

Picture removed on request.

I think we have someone impersanating here.
Someone from Mr.Sosa's/TheXOnly's IP went onto FanHot's account and got him banned.

XE Servers (Legacy) / Re: Scripts Suggestions
« on: September 28, 2008, 05:35:43 pm »
Yeah, I've been bothering Tommis about the offline !IPban too, still didn't give me a response, I'll ask him now

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