Servers / DW | Vice City's Death War [www.death-war.net]
« on: August 04, 2012, 02:37:56 pm »
- Server Name: DW | Vice City's Death War [ www.death-war.net ]
- Server IP:
- Online Panel: http://blueclassic.co.uk/dw
- Live Map: http://blueclassic.co.uk/dw/map
- Gamemode: Death War SQ v2.4
- Echo: irc.juppinet.co.uk / #death-war.echo
- Scripts: Death War SQ v2.4 by MaDKiLLeR.
- Slots: 48
- Server Type: Squirrel R2
- Server Forum: http://forum.death-war.net/Information
Rules - No Advertising
- No Stats Padding
- No Spawn Killing
- No Excessive Heli Killling
- Bug Abusing
- Racism
- Any Kind of Hack!
- register - Register an account on server!
- login - Used to login on server.
- duel - Challenge someone to have a duel.
- level - Displays your level!
- server - displayes some information about server
- stuntbike - Enables / Disables stunt bike!
- stats - Displays yours and statics of other users.
- duelstats - See your duel stats.
- wstats - Displays Weapon Statics of your and other users.
- bstats - Displays Body statics of your and other users.
- cash - displays your & other's cash.
- wep - Gives your free weapons! ( Can be used as multi wep to ).
- spawnwep - set your own spawnweps!
- forsale - A List of forsale Cars, Bikes, Props, Aircrafts etc!
- loc - Displays your distance, direction and location!
- hunt - Actives Man hunt!
- hunted - Gives some information about hunted player!
- script - Displays some information about script
- rules - A List of rules!
- admins - A List of active admins!
- hide - Removes your marker from the radar!
- heal - Sets your health to 100.
- newpassword - Set your new password.
- givecash - Give cash to other players!
- goto - Teleport to a player.
- gotoloc - Teleport to a saved location!
- saveloc - Save a location!
- clanstats - Displays statics of a Clan.
- eject - Ejects you from your vehicle.
- brb - Enters you in Brb mode!
- back - Exits you from brb mode.
- cd - Begins the Countdown.
- report - Report a cheater.
- rank - Displays top 5 killers.
- crank - Displays top 5 Clan Kills.
- hrank - Displays top 5 Head Shooters.
- pos - Know your Position in Death War!
- cpos - Know Position of a clan!
- tag - Know your & others Rank Tag.
- nogoto - Allow / Disallow players to teleport to you.
- ping - Displays your and others ping.
- cardrive - Teleport you to your car.
- fog - Change the weather to fog!
- night - Sets weather to night.
- rain - Brings the rain in server.
- sunrise - Sets time to sunrise!
- gw - Sets the Good weather!
- clearmsg - Clears your chat window.
- withdraw - Withdraw your money from bank.
- spree - Displays players on a killing spree.
- fix - Fix your vehicle.
- duelyes - Accept the Duel Challenge.
- duelno - Denys the Duel Challenge.
- lms - Actives Last Man Standing Mode!
- join - Join to Last Man Standing.
- buycmds - A List of property / Vehicle Commands!
- hoston - Displays the hosting time of server!
- fight - Teleports you to fight zone!
- arena - Displays a list of Arenas!
- aspaz - Teleports you to spaz arena
- am4 - Teleports you to M4 Arena.
- am60 - Teleports you to m60 arena!
- disarm - Disarms you.
- irc - Displays information about IRC!
- pack1 - Gives you Weapon Pack 1.
- pack2 - Gives you Weapon Pack 2.
- pack3 - Gives your weapon pack 3.
- flip - Flips your vehicle.
- ff - Flips and Fix your vehicle!
- drunk - Sets you Drunk x_x.
- undrunk - UnDrunks you!
- joinwar <t1/t2> - participate in war!
- Clan Districts
- Advanced Dueling System v1.0
- Last Man Standing
- Manhunt
- Gangwar Ingame.
- Property System
- Vehicle System
- Forbidden & Invalid Names
- AntiClones
- Weapons Stats
- Bodypart Stats
It's a 5 vs 5 ( By Default. Limit can be increased by the admins ). A Simple but Interesting gangwar between two teams which are Cubans & Haitians.
- Activation:
You need an Admin to Activate the war as well as to start the war.
- Images:

Property Commands:
- home - Teleports you to your Property.
- myprops - List your Properties.
- myshareprops - List your shared props.
- renameprop - Rename your property!
- delshareprop - Delete a sharer from your property.
- propspawn - Enables / Disables prop spawn.
- buycar - Buy a car.
- sellcar - Sell a car back to vice city!
- sharecar - Share your car with someone.
- delsahrecar - Delete a sharer of you car.
- mycars - List your Vehicles.
- mysharecars - List your shared vehicles.
- lock - Lock your Vehicle.
- detonate - Detonates your vehicle.
- putcar - Puts you directly in your vehicle!.
- getcar -Brings your vehicle to you.
- renamecar - Renames your vehicle.