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Topics - SharpzSh00t3R141

Pages: [1]
Support / vice city slow, any soltuions?
« on: September 15, 2013, 02:57:42 am »
Hey! It's me, I'm back after 2 years.

So, have a temporary PC here whilst my laptop is being repaired. and it's shit. Still, must be a way to make vice city faster and more smooth with somewhat stable FPS. I lowered all the graphics etc, but must be a mod or something to decrease graphic quality, thus increasing FPS in return.

If anyone knows, tell meh.

Support / VC-MP Crashes Instantly
« on: October 30, 2012, 06:24:26 am »
v'e bought this game off steam for cheap. The single player runs fine, with no sound tho. I download vc-mp and when I try to load a server, the game appears but instantly crashes. I'm using a windows vista 32bit with 1.5gb ram. Iv'e always had this problem. I'm running the game in windows xp compatibility mode. Iv'e put it in DEP. Iv'e downloaded the 1.0 no-cd crack ENG.
But nothing, this is my favourite game I played so long ago, and I'd love to get it back up and running again online! Thanks a lot if you can help me.

Support / Vice City Crashes Instantly on Startup
« on: September 02, 2012, 06:10:40 am »
I got this game from steam for very cheap. I downloaded the 1.0 crack. I have both VC-MP and gta-vc.exe in windows 98/me compatibility mode. I have a windows vista, 32bit. The game in placed at my desktop. I have both VC-MP and gta-vc.exe placed in data execution prevention. I installed the latest VC-MP client from the site. Single player works fine.

Ok you have everything you need to know! What happens is I start up the game, and the game appears showing the logo, then instantly closing 2 seconds later. I really don't know what it is. I even downloaded multiple cracked versions of the game and STILL the same result!! What should I do :(

Support / Resolution increase option is disabled in Display Menu
« on: December 31, 2011, 11:32:22 pm »
(Vice City Multi-Player 03.z)  - When i open Vice City Multiplayer i see 2 Black rectangular lines on both left and right sides of my screen. When i open "Options > Display" it currently says 640x480x16 in a dimmed, faded text. I cannot change it. Yet, when i open Vice City single player, it isn't dimmed. Which means i can simply change it to what ever i wish. I'd like to change it to 1280x768x32. Is there any program i can use to force it into full screen. I think having a small, tiny screen could be straining both my Gameplay and my computer which could maybe be linked to the game crashing every 15 minutes. Overall, my ping is fairly good (Average 90) don't u think. Thanks to anyone who is about to reply to this ! :)

Support / Is 95-120 ping good?
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:29:02 am »
I'm using a Windows 7 64 Bit with 4 Gigs with an ok processor. I Get about 80, maybe 95 to 150 ping in vice city. The connection and gameplay is pretty good, apart from the 2 black lines at the side of the screen. But is this ping good or bad?

Support / 2 Black lines along the sides of the screen
« on: December 27, 2011, 01:51:17 am »
I Think i know why my Vice City Multiplayer Freezes 15 minutes into gameplay. There are 2, big long black rectanges going down either side of my screen. It was never like this before. How do i get rid of these. It could partly be due to me having a 64bit Windows 7. Any suggestions?

Support / Is there any way i could play online without a mouse?
« on: December 26, 2011, 08:35:46 am »
My mouse broke. I Have to go get a new one. Til then, i need to find out a possible and easy enough way to play Vice City Multiplayer. It's just so hard and frustrating without a mouse. IT JUST MAKES YOU WANNA FUCK A HOT GIRL IN THE ASS!! Even though i'd do it for nothing. But still. Thanks guys

Support / Vice City Online freezes 15 Minutes into Gameplay
« on: December 26, 2011, 06:14:52 am »
I'm using a Windows 7 64 Bit with 4gb Ram. I Downloaded vice city as a torrent, then used daemon tools to trick the driver into thinking there's a Disk in there. Single Player works perfectly. I Also downloaded VC:MP (Vice City Multi-Player) I'm using the client version 03.z r2) I Can play online for about 10 or 15 Minutes straight, or maybe if i'm running or if i'm nearby a car that explodes and there's a lot going on in my area then the hole thing freezes, Even my computer. I Have to then re-boot my PC Which is exhausting. I Also set my compatibility mode to windows 98/me, and that didn't help. There was also a Windows 7 Option there too! But that didn't help either. What could i do in this situation? Thanks for your time

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