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Topics - hellboy_vkk

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Copying server names .. low life guys!
« on: May 16, 2013, 07:50:43 pm »
Is not there any policy that no one can copy a server name or something as a shit server is trying to copy my server ??
moreover they are using a leaked version of my server which was outdated and fully scripted by me , which also include a RAT (Remote Administrative Tool) added by the raged owner to hack the PC of those who download it lol. <- the low life guys


Servers / [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers []
« on: February 16, 2013, 12:34:22 pm »
[r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers

Server Owners: Hellboy_vkk
Server Type : RPG (Role Play Game)
Server IP :
Server Forum :
Server IRC :
Server Live Map :;id=5
Players Online at the server :;id=4
Game Panel :;id=2

About the server :

The server is basically divided into the following jobs :
1.Cops/Army/Swats/FBI : Their job is to arrest the players who are wanted in the server , using the command "/c wanted" cops get the list of wanted players along with their respective wanted levels .They have to go near that player and press the aiming key ,which is by default "Right Click" or "Delete" key, in order to cuff them (or they can use the "/c cuff" in case) and when the wanted player is cuffed they can arrest him using the command "/c arrest".

Commands for this job : '/c wanted' , '/c cuff' , '/c arrest ' , '/c loc'  , '/c abribe' , '/c r ', '/c sus'.

2.Kidnapper : A kidnapper can kidnap any player (which is not a cop/army/swat/fbi) if he/she is sitting inside the same vehicle as the kidnapper or the kidnapper can buy a rope at the tooled store using the command "/c buyrope" to kidnap an on foot player using the command "/c kidnap" , after kidnapping , the kidnapper can do the following with the victim :
-> rape the victim ,using "/c rape"
-> rob the victim ,using "/c rob"
-> kill the victim ,using "/c killkidnap"
* the kidnapped player can try to escape using the command "/c escape" but for that the kidnapper must be a bit far from the victim.

Commands for this job : '/c kidnap' , '/c rape' , '/c rob' ,'/c killkidnap'.

3. Drug dealer : A drug dealer can sell the drugs to any player using the command "/c offerdrugs" but the customer must be close to him and the drug dealer must ensure that there is no cop in his area using the command "/c areacop" otherwise the cop will get to know that the drug dealer is selling drugs in his area.

Commands for this job : '/c offerdrugs'.

4. Taxi Driver : when ever someone do "!calltaxi" the taxi drivers gets a notification that someone is asking for a taxi along with his respective location , a taxi driver has to go near that player who asked for a  cab and do "!taxi" , which will notify that player that he is a taxi driver . when that player sits in his cab he can turn on the meter using "!meteron" it will start paying the taxi driver $10 per 5 seconds .

Commands for this job : '!taxi' , '!meteron' .

5. Hitman : A hitman is a contract based killer , when someone do "/c contract hitman target amount time" and hitman accepts that (using "/c acceptcontract") , he must complete the contract in the given time otherwise he would have to pay the same amount to the contractor.

Commands for this job : '/c acceptcontract', '/c denycontract' ,'/c contractinfo'.

6. Para-Medic : when a player do "!medical" paramedics gets a notification about that player asking for medical help, a para-medic has to go near that player and press the aiming key to heal that player and earn money.

Commands for this job : '/c heal' , '!patientlist'.

Commands which are not job specific :
1. Bank Commands:
-> !deposit <amount/all> : used to deposit cash into your bank account.
-> !withdraw <amount/all> : used to withdraw cash from bank account.
-> !interest : based on your ingame time you can earn interest on the cash at your bank account
->  !cash :to check your inhand and at bank cash
-> !givecash: to give cash to someone else (but there will be a deduction of 4% as tax).

2. Vehicle Commands:
-> !car
-> !buycar
-> !sharecar
-> !delshare
-> !sellcar
-> !lockcar
-> !getcar

3. Property Commands :
-> !buyprop
-> !sellprop
-> !shareprop
-> !delshareprop

4. Miscellaneous commands :
-> !hitman : to see who is a hitman (cops cannot use it).
-> !medical : to call for medical assistance.
-> !calltaxi : to call for a cab.
-> !team: to team up with a player.
-> !areacop :to see the cops in your area.
-> !robskills : to see your robskills (or of anyone online).
-> !crank : to see your crank.
-> !copskills : to see your copskills (or of anyone online).
-> !policerank : to see your police rank.
-> /c passedtime : to see your in jail passed time (a timer will show the time left to get unjailed).
-> /c rob : to rob a nearby player (cannot rob cops/swat/armu/fbi or taxi driver or para-medic if you had called them).
-> /c breakcuff : when a cop cuffs you , you can try to break the cuff to escape but its based on luck so good luck ;).
-> /c s : to speak to the players nearby.
-> /c sh : to shout around .
-> /c wh : to whisper.

there are many other commands in the server

The main features of the server are the following :

1. There are 42 stores all over the vice city , the non-Cop players can rob the stores by picking up the dollar pickup present there . with each robbery your robskills increases and when you reach 501 , you can rob the bank using a bomb which cost you 30k , but you can only rob the bank once in every 10 minutes .Also the bomb pickup can be anywhere at the 4 ammunition shops and once you pick it , it disappears from there and respawn some where else.
this may help

2. Once you buy any property , it pays you back based on your spawn time , but its quite low and if you die it will be 0 again.There are only 12 properties in total , so they are quite expensive .

3. The Live Map , its been specially modified for VCCNR , take a look at it

4. The web stats, as the server data is based on hash file system , it was quite difficult to make the webstats , even though we made it

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