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Topics - McKinley

Pages: [1]
Support / lots of error when i close vc-mp
« on: October 03, 2010, 01:42:48 pm »
When I want to start vc-mp.exe it asks me to locate Liberty City folder, I click Cancel and then the server browser opens. Everything seems to work but when i close the program, i get loads of errors... what's this

Support / Problems with installing GTA:VC 0.3z
« on: November 05, 2009, 11:38:38 am »
Hey there,

I've got problems with installing VC-MP. First, I'm trying to download the newest version at and just install like SA-MP. I'm playing VC-MP since December 2009, but I installed SA-MP and uninstalled VC-MP. Alright then, when I installed it, it says: ''VC-MP succesfully installed!'' But when I open the VC-MP.exe file, and go to the internet servers or official, it wont load ANYTHING. Thanks for helping me.


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