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Topics - Pottus

Pages: [1]
Support / Getting LC:MP Running
« on: November 02, 2014, 12:07:34 am »
Hey guys I'm new to this forum but a few years ago I used to play LC:MP a lot with some friends before getting into SA:MP. Anyways we used to do a lot of stunting and really wanted to get into a LC:MP server going again. So after looking into it I am unclear on a few things since this seems to be pretty dead around here and I was hoping someone with experience could answer a few questions.

1.) Setting up client - I looked into this and got it running but I'm not sure if my configuration is correct with versions etc.
2.) Setting up a server - I am not really clear on how to actually run a LC:MP based server.

Any help would be appreciated a lot of the material on the forums here seems old and outdated with broken links so I am really hoping an expert here knows how to solve all these problems!

Thank-you for your time.

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