XE Servers (Legacy) / My Absence
« on: February 26, 2009, 07:41:58 am »
Some of you probably remember me from back in November and a little before that. I was an active admin for some time, but then became less and less active, then I "disappeared".
Well, the reason for this is that I have a tendency to "wander" off from game to game some times... from VCMP I moved back to SAMP, and from SAMP to Runescape, and from Runescape to World of Warcraft, and then now I've lost most interest in WoW and Runescape.
I apologise for my long absence, and have promised to myself that I will put forward all my effort to be on more, perhaps once every day or so. I've seen a couple of changes to the server, and wish I was active during them.
Thanks for reading, and Happy Gaming!
Well, the reason for this is that I have a tendency to "wander" off from game to game some times... from VCMP I moved back to SAMP, and from SAMP to Runescape, and from Runescape to World of Warcraft, and then now I've lost most interest in WoW and Runescape.
I apologise for my long absence, and have promised to myself that I will put forward all my effort to be on more, perhaps once every day or so. I've seen a couple of changes to the server, and wish I was active during them.
Thanks for reading, and Happy Gaming!