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I Wanted to start an lan party in the next week and i decided to make an Gta Vc Lan server but we dont want an such "blank" server...
!manhunt Script
!buycar !sellcar , etc.
!buyprop !sellprop , etc.
Code: [Select]elseif (jail* iswm $3) {
if ($WSV.pconnected($4)) {
if ($5) {
if $WSV.levels($2) >= $WSV.levels($4) {
WSV.cmdlevelcheck3 $1-
WSV.say Admin $WSV.name($2) Jailed player: $chr(91) $WSV.name($4) $chr(93) For: $chr(91) $5- $chr(93) seconds.
WSV.setlocation $WSV.id($4) 381.6198 -504.7959 9.3956
WSV.setweapon $WSV.id($4) 0 1
WSV.announce $WSV.id($4) You are ~o~jailed! ~u~for $5- seconds
WSV.setcontrols $WSV.id($4) 0
!.timer 1 $5- /WSV.setcontrols $WSV.id($4) 1
!.timer 1 $5- /WSV.announce $WSV.id($4) Jailing over! you can go now
else WSV.msg $2 You can't jail someone who has higher level than you.
else WSV.msg $2 Please set the jailing time.
else WSV.msg $2 Player unavailable!
Yes, I believe you.
The only reasons I can guess:What happens when u use it??
I go to the server type !jail and its write "invalid command"
I try this too with /c jail and its not work too
1) U didnt add it on the right place
2) U made a mistake with the "elseif ($3 == jail) {"
And like strike said, please post any error messages in ur status window
I am admin in XE server...and there will be 100% less cheaters
What happens when u use it??
What did u try to fix it??
Sorry, but i think u need to try fixing urself.
If it still wont work you can ask here, We are happy to help you