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Messages - Franklin

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Support / Re: vc-mp 0.4 can support input chinese?
« on: August 07, 2013, 03:10:48 pm »
I think it the reason is simple, we don't have to anyone that speak japanese and other are very lazy  :(

Servers / Re: Conquest Vanilla
« on: August 05, 2013, 06:26:16 pm »
thanks guys

0.4 Public Beta #2 / Re: [SUGGESTION] Remove inbuild command /kill
« on: August 03, 2013, 05:07:18 pm »
well, I'm thinking it the best would be do the same as for example in the messages of (Timeout), (Quit). well when a player died, the server says: " + player.Name + " died and if is drowned, " + player.Name + " drowned. then you guys can put if is /kill
" + player.Name + " died (Kill)

Servers / Conquest Vanilla
« on: July 08, 2013, 03:56:45 pm »

Serv Forum:
Serv Rules:
Serv Commands:
Serv Information:
  • Server Name: CV -> Conquest Vanilla
  • Gamemode: DM & TDM
  • IP:
  • IRC Channel: #cv-vcmp.echo @
  • Scripts: FrS v1.2
  • Server location: New Jersey

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: is it posibble ?
« on: June 20, 2013, 05:59:43 am »
NICE Quote of the day of one clown of Dominican Republic xD

Sorry but also i hate DilsonTB :P


Your ban expired, but it'd be cool if you stopped posting off-topic.

Also worth noting that I'm from a Dominican family.

Dominican hhhhhh

Videos and Screenshots / Re: General 0.4 Videos and Screenshots
« on: June 15, 2013, 09:58:54 pm »
How about health  ???
188 ?
When health or armour goes over 100, it works as a second layer over the normal bar. So the maximum for both is 200.

It's great :D

General Discussion / Re: Suggestions
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:31:14 pm »
as all have seen with the integration of bots on the vcmp 0.4

Bots are not being integrated into VC:MP 0.4. Bots are a third-party modification to the server and game.

my suggestion is useless  :-X

General Discussion / Suggestions
« on: June 12, 2013, 12:16:58 am »
About the bots:
  • Zombie Mode: Well, as all have seen with the integration of bots on the vcmp 0.4. I think it you guys can put animations like on the vice city long night for the bots. In that way the players can do best rpg servers using the bots (or robots) as zombies.
    First Question: Another thing with the free addition of the buildings, we can remove things of original map? I think it would be very great for us in the zombies servers and roleplay.
  • RolePlay Mode: Well, here the bots will be used as for example:
    In the Business: There will be business persons and also the workers. If the person wants to buy that business, the player must talk with the boss.
    Traffickers: The player here can get a gang using the bots.
    Cops: The bots can be used for catch the thieves. If the player is robbing on the bench. Automatically the cops go to the bank to stop the thieves like the classic mode wanted by the police.
  • Racing Mode: Hmm the bots with some animations and other things like this: a link. people screaming! etc.

If it's used the imagination you guys can create many things :D

: || Modern City Roleplay - Video + Trailer ALL IN 1 ||

Video + Trailer is like say: Video Trailer  :-X

Video Trailer:

it is not a fucking TRAILER!, IT IS NOT



and the title of the topic:

Modern City Roleplay - Video + Trailer ALL IN 1

General Discussion / Re: Post Your best sig related VCMP
« on: May 23, 2013, 02:02:57 am »

General Discussion / Re: Redone HD VC:MP Logo
« on: May 16, 2013, 04:38:01 am »
maybe the vcmp forum needs a remodeling *.*

General Discussion / Re: Stupid question about Fonts
« on: May 08, 2013, 08:33:54 pm »
sseebbyy a question, what's your nickname?

General Discussion / Re: Stupid question about Fonts
« on: May 08, 2013, 03:18:50 am »
It cannot be changed in this version of VC:MP. It can be changed in 0.4, which (my estimate, unofficial) may be released within this year.

finally good news  ;D

This is what I meant.

So that theory seems a bit off.

maybe but many latins make more servers in rpg than in dm, also as you says about Argonath RPG and is truth and also is a great server that has inspired many players in the rpg world:D

Many latins started to play on RPG servers made by latins scripters.
They like RPG servers more than DM servers. (If they like DM !?)

Argonath RPG is a great & nice server that allows all to play on it, its funny and very interactive, there is no doubt about that. (I like to play as cabbie :D , but in the last time, idk why, but I was banned somehow I think, 'cause I cannot join to the server)

But latins that not know English wants a latin RPG server, and when a latin server is on, much part of them play on it, with RPG nicks like "Andrew_Crafter" , "Tony_Jackob" etc. (are just exmaples)

 Good :-*

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