UltraMegaServer / Re: UMS has cheaters, and we need support from devs/mods to make baka respond.
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:03:30 am »
rofl... again with the off-topic nonsense.
can I respond this time?
again, I haven't been working on XE at all since November. again, you can fault me for this and you are right. and again, your statement does not change the FACT that when I was actively managing XE with my team, XE had the HIGHEST AVERAGE PLAYERCOUNT FOR NEARLY 2 YEARS.
why doesn't the next guy just come in and say "ULK flooded UMS with cheaters, so they could have them all kicked and XE will be popular again!!"
as much as I'd like to go OT and refute your points, I've already stated, please keep the off-topic stuff out of the discussion.
unless you are here to agree with or dispute one of the first posts' statements, don't post please. keep your feelings of inadequacy or whatever your personal feelings towards myself and ULK or XE may be to yourself, and stop trying to get my topics locked. lol.
can I respond this time?
again, I haven't been working on XE at all since November. again, you can fault me for this and you are right. and again, your statement does not change the FACT that when I was actively managing XE with my team, XE had the HIGHEST AVERAGE PLAYERCOUNT FOR NEARLY 2 YEARS.
why doesn't the next guy just come in and say "ULK flooded UMS with cheaters, so they could have them all kicked and XE will be popular again!!"
as much as I'd like to go OT and refute your points, I've already stated, please keep the off-topic stuff out of the discussion.
unless you are here to agree with or dispute one of the first posts' statements, don't post please. keep your feelings of inadequacy or whatever your personal feelings towards myself and ULK or XE may be to yourself, and stop trying to get my topics locked. lol.