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Messages - DilsonTB

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Servers / Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
« on: April 01, 2013, 06:52:13 pm »
@ Seby:

Brother, " Roleplay " its an english word, and in samp latin rp games, you wont see the " Roleplay " in spanish, so i decided to put the whole name in english :D, it sounds better :D.

@ Rathan_TZ

Thanks brother :D.

@ hellboy_vkk

The fu**** hackers are taking it down, cuz they know that we are better than them, ¿Why are we better?, cuz with the simple reason that they cant see our servers rp opened the want to take it down, cuz our is better. :D.

Anyway, in case of i see it down, i will re-open it :D

Servers / Re: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
« on: March 31, 2013, 04:13:11 am »
mention server ip too.

Thanks, EDITED

Servers / [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
« on: March 31, 2013, 03:14:16 am »
[R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Buenas, Vengo a presentarles un servidor que acaba de ser desarrollado por Dilson_Peralta, bajo la base de scripts: Squirrel, queremos que te unas a nosotros y puedas disfrutar del rol y la vida real misma, estamos cambiando todo el ritmo de VC:MP, ya que somos una organizacion de Rolers y cambiaremos el sentido junto ¡ Que esperas para entrar!?

Aqui en breve presentaremos algunas especialidades del servidor:

  • -*Comandos*-
Comandos de Policias

-> /c unirse
 -> /c duty
 -> /c esposar
 -> /c liberar
 -> /c encarcelar
 -> /c sus
 -> /c buscados
 -> /c descansar
 -> /c multar


Comandos de Mafiosos

-> /c unirse
 -> /c duty
 -> /c amarrar
 -> /c robar
 -> /c encarcelar
 -> /c robarbanco
 -> /c buscados
 -> /c f
 -> /c descansar


Comandos de Taxistas

-> /c unirse
 -> /c duty
 -> /c descansar
 -> /c f


Comandos del Gobierno

-> /c f
 -> /c duty
 -> /c impuestos
 -> /c ap
 -> /c descansar
 -> /c f
 -> /c desemplear


Comandos de Jugador

-> /c registrar
 -> /c conectar
 -> /c rentar
 -> /c desrentarveh
 -> /c arma
 -> /c l
 -> /c w
 -> /c llenar
 -> /c reparar
 -> /c irc
 -> /c comprar
 -> /c miscoches
 -> /c estado
 -> /c emplearme
 -> /c emplearmeoff
 -> /c entregar
 -> /c trabajar
 -> /c unirse
 -> /c comprarropa
 -> /c creditos
 -> /c time
 -> /c misprops
 -> /c ocupado
 -> /c devuelta
 -> /c car
 -> /c scripts
 -> /c serverstats
 -> /c reglas
 -> /c hp
 -> /c myping
 -> /c equipo
 -> /c auto
 -> /c jugadores
 -> /c negcmds
 -> /c movilcmds
 -> /c casacmds
 -> /c bancocmds
 -> /c ayuda
 -> /c jugadorcmds
 -> /c cochecmds
 -> /c chatcmds
 -> /c fcmds
 -> /c cuenta
 -> /c subirnivel
 -> /c stats
 -> /c mostrarlicencias
 -> /c admins
 -> /c mods
 -> /c millonarios
 -> /c sanar
 -> /c comprarlic
 -> /c subirnivel
 -> /c presos
 -> /c pagarm
 -> /c mercadonegro
 -> /c duda
 -> /c rduda
 -> /c amarrar


Comandos de Admins

-> /c adminduty
 -> /c duty
 -> /c gravedad
 -> /c aheal
 -> /c addtodb
 -> /c vprecio
 -> /c noprop
 -> /c ac
 -> /c slap
 -> /c encender
 -> /c addcar
 -> /c haceradmin
 -> /c addprop
 -> /c ac
 -> /c slap
 -> /c encender
 -> /c addcar
 -> /c haceradmin
 -> /c addprop
 -> /c addnegocio
 -> /c admincmds
 -> /c spawnveh
 -> /c seguir
 -> /c traer
 -> /c kick
 -> /c ban
 -> /c unban
 -> /c getip
 -> /c nublado
 -> /c tormenta
 -> /c soleado
 -> /c tarde
 -> /c noche
 -> /c voltear
 -> /c limpiarchat
 -> /c dcanal
 -> /c noduda
 -> /c ann
 -> /c congelar
 -> /c descongelar
 -> /c cambiarnivel
 -> /c darfaccion


Comandos del Banco

-> /c depositar
 -> /c sacar
 -> /c cuenta
 -> /c dar


Comandos de Casas

-> /c comprarcasa   
 -> /c vendercasa
 -> /c rentarcasa     
 -> /c rentaprecio
 -> /c desrentarcasa       
 -> /c borrarrenta
 -> /c retirarIngresos


Comandos de Negocios

-> /c comprarcasa   
 -> /c comprarnegocio
 -> /c vendernegocio
 -> /c ringresos


Comandos de Lideres

-> /c cambiarrango


Comandos de Mercado Negro

-> /c mercadonegro
1- Soga
2- Pistola
3- Mascara

Sistemade Nivel

Contamos con un sistema unico que marca en tu DeathMatch Score, en ves de las muertes, muestra tu nivel de jugador, el nivel de jugador esta basado en minutos, mientras mas minutos duras, mas minutos tendras para subir de nivel y asi poder comprar casas y negocios.


Sistemade Negocios
Contamos con un sistema de Negocios, como pizzerias, banco, armerias etc, que cuando cualquier jugador usa de el servicio que brinda dicho negocio, entonces un porciento de ese dinero se queda como ganancia para el dueño del negocio.

Sistemade Casas

Contamos con un sistema de Casas, en el cual un jugador puede rentarle su casa a otro, y en cierto tiempos el servidor ira cobrando esa renta y poniendolos en la casa como ganancia del dueño.

Sistemade Rentas de Vehiculos

Contamos con un sistema de rentas de vehiculos establecidos en el aeropuerto Internacional, con el que podras rentar uno de ellos y usarlos hasta que salgas del servidor.


HostName: [R2]|• Modern City Roleplay •||v1.2|
Players: x / 20
Ping:      x
Mode:     |• Roleplay v1.0 •|
Map:      Vice-City

[Sorry for the spanish post, but if i put it in english, all who will see it will believe that the server is made in english lang and will be sad when join the server and see it in spanish, so i want to dedicate this post to the Spanish guys, Sorry.]

Servers / Re: [r2] Vice City Cops And Robbers
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:06:24 am »
I am with you brother.

OFF: Let me say something about this guy, he is one of those starter scripters, he downloaded the warshief server and translate it and said that it was his own proyect rpg, he saw that the others latin roleplay were getting full of players and his was like 3 players, he, and 2 admin friend, so he decided to DOWNLOAD, not create, he doesnt have any knowledge about visual basic or c++, so dont trust in him, well, he decided to download that program and take down ALL THE others RPG server online and full of players, so the players will be obligated to join his server, that why he is always taking down our servers ( I always said the same thing and no-one wanted to trust me lol, but thanks Storm :D).

See you them brother, and i am agree with you... :D

ON: Excelent server brother, nice work

General Discussion / Re: What happened, abandoned proyect?
« on: February 07, 2013, 09:15:40 pm »
Well, thanks,

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General Discussion / Re: What happened, abandoned proyect?
« on: February 03, 2013, 03:08:48 pm »
 :( :( :(, maxo is somewhere around, working or studying?

General Discussion / What happened, abandoned proyect?
« on: February 02, 2013, 03:39:03 pm »
I have been asking my self, what happened with the 0.4 release date, what about maxo?, so many players left from 0.3 to come in 0.4 release.

Any Mode/Admin answer?

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: how to make heal for money?
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:12:21 pm »
how to make heal for money i wnat to heal like 300$ can u tell me how to chnage this cmd[pawn]   else if ( strcmp( cmd, "!heal", true ) == 0 )
      tmp = strtok( cmdtext, idx );
      if ( !strlen( tmp ) )
         SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
// Here you can make/use a function to decrease money to the player
         SendClientMessage(playerid, BLUE,"You Are Healthy Now.");
         new plr = FindPlayerIDFromString( tmp );
          if ( plr != INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID )
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"%s Is Healthy Now.",gPlayers[ plr ]);
            SendClientMessage(plr, COLOR_YELLOW,"You Are Healthy Now, Thanks To %s", gPlayers[ playerid ]);
            SetPlayerHealth(plr, 100);
// Here you can make/use a function to decrease money to the player
         else { SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error: Unknown player" ); }
      return 1;

Catched it? :D

Support / Re: My Server NOT Showing to the Internet Tab ( I Use VPS Win )
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:17:20 am »
2 opcions:

1- Check if you already have the server´s port opened.
2- Check if you have the "announce.exe" in your server directory.

Good Luck

Support / Re: Help configuring Linux 10.04 iptables
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:35:41 am »
Storm, when i ask for someone "What i can do, motherf**** are taking my server down" the answers me: Go to linux! ¿What do they mean?

Support / Re: Help configuring Linux 10.04 iptables
« on: January 13, 2013, 07:51:01 am »
I dont have the Linux server, i have the Linux Ubuntu DESKTOP

Servers / Re: MY server xD
« on: January 11, 2013, 11:23:03 pm »
You need to remove this topic and post newly at the Board: "Servers"

Support / Re: Help configuring Linux 10.04 iptables
« on: January 11, 2013, 04:30:02 pm »
Ye it is, cuz Windows dont have the iptables protection, and linux do... and the security in linux is high, in windows is Medium

Support / Help configuring Linux 10.04 iptables
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:40:22 am »
Can someone who know about Linux,

I installed Linux OS in virtual PC cuz i wanted to kill the fu**** crashers of my sver with that program, so anyone can help me?

Support / Re: Linux problem
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:44:51 pm »
Thanks too much seby, this really helped me :D, Long time no talk each other :D

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