I have tried to change the !say and !count scripts for GUS and I have been unsuccessful. Correct me if I am wrong: vcmp.announce %id $3- Will only show to
the player that typed it.
So my dilemma is that when I do vcmp.announce %id $2 $3 it is all bugged.
My script looks like this:
elseif (!count* iswm $2) || (!pmcount* iswm $2) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!count,%id) == fail) !halt
else {
.timer 1 1 vcmp.announce $2 %id Get Ready!
.timer 1 2 vcmp.announce $2 %id 3
.timer 1 3 vcmp.announce $2 %id 2
.timer 1 4 vcmp.announce $2 %id 1
.timer 1 5 vcmp.announce $2 %id Go!
elseif ($2 == !say) || ($2 == !pmsay) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!say,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <text>
else vcmp.announce %id $2 $3-
Well with the scripts like that, this happens: