I made a radaroff command with VRocker's dll, but i think this section containes some bugs, because if i specify a players id than it will remove his/her radar icon.
But if i specify another id or name than still removes the same persons's radar icon from the map.
Heres my code:
elseif (pmarker iswm $3) {
WSV.cmdlevelcheck $1-
if (!$4) WSV.msg $2 Syntax: /c pmarker + or - <name/id>
if ($4 == +) {
if ($6) {
if ($6 isnum) {
if ($WSV.pconnected($5)) {
WSV.removemarker $5
WSV.setplayermarker $WSV.id($5) $6
WSV.msg $2 $WSV.name($5) $+ 's Radar Marker has been changed to: $chr(91) $6 $chr(93)
else WSV.msg $2 Error: Invalid Player
else WSV.msg $2 Error: Invalid Syntax! Value must be a number.
else WSV.msg $2 Syntax: /c pmarker < + > <name/id>
elseif ($4 == -) {
if ($WSV.pconnected($5)) {
WSV.removemarker $5
WSV.msg $2 $WSV.name($5) $+ 's Radar Marker has been dleted.
else WSV.msg $2 Error: Invalid Player
VRocker, it is a bug or i made something wrong?