its easy to add your own command in SanSan,
If you want a command like /c <command here> you have to change the
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.command:
simply add a line (at the end):
elseif ($2 == here you comand) { Here the code you want to run when the command is typed }
If you want a command like !command here
you have to change the
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.gamecmd
simply add a line:
elseif ($2 == !here your command) { Here the code you want to run when the command is typed }
I hope that helped
and how can i add the !heal command in sansan v3?
Try this:
elseif ($2 == !heal) {
vcmp.sethp $1 100
vcmp.adminmsg %id You healed
Or if you want the players to pay:
elseif ($2 == !heal) {
var %cost = Here the amount you want it to cost
vcmp.sethp $1 100
vcmp.setmon %id $calc($vcmp.hgetmoney(%id) - %cost
vcmp.adminmsg %id You healed