i have a new problum about it i try copy my config.ini to my mirc folder and i type /FBS.LoadConfig.ini in my mirc mirc loaded it but it is not can use!!
next new problum is i fix the cash and i have money buy the car but i type !buycar (id s) server say Error, This is an unknown vehiclw
and i check this Script this error is need name vcmp.vehiclename.ini can i establish this file to change it??
elseif ($3 == buycar) {
if ($FBS.lin($1, $2) == $null) vcmp.msg $1 $2 You must register to be able to use this command.
elseif (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - Correct Syntax: ! $+ $3 <Car ID>
elseif ($4 !isnum) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, Invalid Car ID
elseif ($4 > $calc(%FBS.vehicles - 1)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, Invalid Car ID
elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || (- isin $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, No negative or decimal car id's
elseif ($FBS.CarPrice($4) > $FBS.actcash($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You do not have enough cash to buy this vehicle
elseif ($FBS.CarOwner($4) != Sunshine Auto's) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, This vehicle is already owned by $FBS.CarOwner($4)
elseif ($vcmp.vehiclename($1, $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2)) == Unknown) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, This is an unknown vehiclw
elseif (Sunshine !isin $FBS.Buildings($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You must be located at Sunshine Auto's
elseif ($vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) != $4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You must be in the car you want to buy
elseif ($FBS.Mycars($1, $2) >= 2) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error, You have reached your vehicle limit
else {
vcmp.say $1 ** Selling $vcmp.vehiclename($1, $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2)) (ID: $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) $+ ) to $vcmp.name($1, $2)
vcmp.msg $1 $2 Cost:[ $ $+ $FBS.Carprice($4) $chr(93) New Balance:[ $+ $fbs.actcash($1, $2) $chr(93)
FBS.DecCash $1 $2 $FBS.Carprice($4)
!remini -n FBS.carowners.ini OWNERS $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2)
!writeini -n FBS.carowners.ini OWNERS $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) $vcmp.name($1, $2)
FBS.IncMyCars $1 $2 1
!writeini -n FBS.mycarsinfo.ini INFO $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) $vcmp.name($1, $2)
by the way if my mirc folder is onen the mirc need establish new file mirc will cannot establish files?