The server XE has been left by many users.
Many were banished without concrete proofs.
A lot of people hate the administrators' form to make decisions.
90% of the decisions in banishing or kikar, is an inconsequent action.
Admins of XE don't accept a feedbeck well it elaborates.
The administrators think what are God.
If somebody says that somebody violated something and they count for some admin, he goes there and of the an adivertĂȘncia, kikando or banishing, same doesn't tend visual proofs.
Admins are not impartial...
And do you think XE is better?
The problem of the admins is the following: They are going a lot behind the one that others speak, they take wrong attitude for that, and it ends up just harming a lot of people in the game for the other person to feel hate of her.
They don't have capacity to administer a game.
The only thing that they know how to do is to Banish or Kikar
Administrators of XE don't have moral inside of the Game
They use the system of the server, to abuse of the power
It lacks for you administrators, a lot of things as:
And has plus, at least in LittleWhitey's doesn't have GOTOLOC, what facilitates a good game, and does with that the admins don't use that tool in an abusive way as always it happens.