Author Topic: float in area help [pawno]  (Read 2849 times)

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Offline A7Xsniper

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float in area help [pawno]
« on: June 24, 2011, 12:58:31 am »
English: as in pawn to the write example:

!fight takes you to a particular place but as for putting it !fight do not leave there until you die and if you want to go back as well as the server
sharks vs Marios

EspaƱol: como se hace en pawno para que al escribir, example:

!fight te lleva a un lugar determinado pero como se hace para que al poner !fight no salgas de ahi hasta que mueras y si quieres salir te regrese asi como el server
sharks vs marios

me pueden ayudar ???
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 02:10:51 pm by A7Xsniper »

Offline Castagna

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Re: float in area help [pawno]
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 10:32:53 pm »
Well , from one hand the the Sharks vs Marios script have a WorldBounds that doesn't let you to cross "X" arena... For the !fight command you need a function witch when you put the cmd, create a new timmer with a function (example PlayerIsOnArena) that if you cross a " MinX , MaxX , MinY, MaxX " ( if is a cuadratic zone)  the player will return to the arena , until he type !la ( delete the timmer "PlayerIsOnArena") if the player wants to leave the arena or fight zone ... This is used at the Hunting Arena and XA server
Castagna - EA Founder