Author Topic: Dark Negative Anti-Social  (Read 3706 times)

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Offline Darfy

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    • Dark Negative Anti-Social
Dark Negative Anti-Social
« on: November 04, 2012, 10:41:51 pm »


Dark Negative Anti-Social, as it's the full name of the clan, is one of the oldest clans in VC:MP. It was originally formed back in 2006 and it's still alive and kicking, mostly thanks to Yaceq and Baldachyn who pretty much kept the clan alive when no one else was there. As time was running by and players leaving and joining the clan, DnA has changed much and nowadays it's somewhat a small yet dedicated clan with strong values made long time ago by founders oVeRdOsE, OpHiDiAn, AnalBomb and Smoke2jointS, as well as BugsySiegel later on.


Avenger, Darfy, Yaceq

Baldachyn, Ryz

Abdi, Alphazor, Bryce, Crys, Daren, DiegO, dreLu, E6GA, Forgive, Gudio, habla, Jea, Jellyfish, jUan*, Milko, MtS, Nereyus, Ryne, SaM, TaRRiF, Uzzaji, Zouita

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You can visit and register to our website here or if you wish to chat and hang out with us join #dna on LUNet (
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 06:24:15 pm by Darfy »