@Hanney: please don't forget that MTA:SA can download custom cars, models, maps etc. so you can create everything you want, even VC in SA, not just night clubs

About the "newcomers complain" problem. Since I'm playing VCMP, I've seen this problem a few times at least. So, first thing to notice: it is repeated from time to time. Why? Because people don't longer believe in "soon" or even "0.4". 0.4 was originally planned to be the next version after 0.3, if I'm right. 0.4 was supposed to be... amazing. And look how it ended. We've been through 0.3 B, X, Z, Z R2... Still no 0.4. No wonder that most retired players laugh, when asking "what's up in VCMP? 0.4 released?", because they know already the answer.
With R2 released over 3 years ago, an empty-hacked forum, no active developer, split beta team and no promotion for VCMP... Looks like it's a dead end. But there is still hope. And I believe in it.
I understand "they have private life". But wait, who doesn't? Everyone have their own live and still, always find some time to play VCMP or look over here, hoping to read something about a development progress.
@Jaczuszek's words:
And this game is still in a good condition. In the same condition as year, two or three ago and I don't think it's going to change. We have still new players who don't look when last version was released. They just download it and play, some of them enjoys VC-MP and stays longer and some not. We also have old players who came back to VC-MP, without 0.4 released.
Which don't prove, that it will be in good condition also this year. And "new players", if you count an almost full LW server with no-names (and just a few known players)... Uh no comment

Btw. think about how many people could join the community, if VCMP wouldn't be so complicated... Browser throws thousands of errors after closing, install setup doesn't search for the VC folder which is required, game doesn't work with VC v. 1.1 or some mods... Honestly, if I would see so much errors and was too lazy to search how to fix them... I delete this game.