Official Servers > XE Servers (Legacy)
Scripts Changelog
Welcome to the new change log for the scripts! All new updates we will post in here. Please note that the new scripts in the XE servers are GUS, but 100% rewritten for sync ect.
Friday August 01, 2008
* Fixed secret package problem with "[" or "]" in player names where found/unfound/total returned null values
* Added cash reward that increase upon the amount of secret packages you have already found
* Added DNS resolve for the admin "!ip" command
* Added advertisement that runs every 30 seconds, updates you mainly on new features in the scripts
* Added cash and bank system with commands "!cash" and "!bank"
* Added to show your IP when you log in and out
Saturday August 02, 2008
* If nickname is registered, login is now required for just about everything
* Statistics system is now updating. All deaths and kills are now recorded
* The command "!rules" without the "" has been updated
* Report system added. Use "/c report <name> <reason>" without the ""
Sunday August 03, 2008
* Bug found and fixed with players spawning and getting instantly killed
* Now costs money to purchase weapons
* We out partying for the most part of the day, so not much done today guys
Sunday August 24, 2008
* Earning amount for each kill slightly lowered
* Follow command for administrators added
* Anti sware system added
* Getip and unban commands for administators added
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