Official Servers > XE Servers (Legacy)
Scripts Suggestions
Have suggestions for our scripts or server? Post them in here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
How about making !buycar and !sellcar script? ;)
--- Quote from: Mattz on August 02, 2008, 09:34:17 pm ---How about making !buycar and !sellcar script? ;)
--- End quote ---
hey mattz nice suggestions plz tommis add buycar sellcar etc ;)
Alright, and what will happen when someone else gets into a car that they do not own? (Owned by someone else).
I am thinking that person will have to pay something, but hmm. I would like to hear what you would have to say.
Commands Buycar Sellcar Car Cardive Etc 100% Work ;)
--- Code: --- elseif ($2 == !car) || ($2 == !pmcar) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!car,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (%a == -1) vcmp.msg %id Absent ID/Name
elseif ($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id) == 0) vcmp.msg %id $ car is currently on foot!
else vcmp.msg %id Vehicle - Name: $+($chr(91),$vcmp.carname($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)),$chr(93)) ID: $+($chr(91),$vcmp.vehicle(%a,id),$chr(93)) Price: $+($chr(91),$vcmp.vehiclecost($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)),$chr(93)) Owner: $+($chr(91),$vcmp.carowner($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)),$chr(93))
elseif ($2 == !buycar) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!buycar,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (Sunshine Autos !isin $vcmp.area(%b)) vcmp.msg %id To Buy A Car Deves Be Sunshine In Cars!!
elseif ($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id) == 0) vcmp.msg %id
elseif ($vcmp.carowner($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)) != Sunshine Autos) vcmp.msg %id This vehicle is owned by $vcmp.carowner($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id))
elseif ($vcmp.vehiclecost($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)) > $ vcmp.msg %id You need atleast $ $+ $vcmp.vehiclecost($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id))
else { %b $vcmp.vehiclecost($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id))
!writeini -n OWNERS $vcmp.vehicle(%a,id) $
vcmp.msg %id You have just bought $+($chr(91),$vcmp.carname($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)),$chr(93)) ID: $+($chr(91),$vcmp.vehicle(%a,id),$chr(93)) Price: $+($chr(91),$vcmp.vehiclecost($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)),$chr(93))
elseif ($2 == !sellcar) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!sellcar,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (Sunshine Autos !isin $vcmp.area(%b)) vcmp.msg %id To Sell A Must Be In Order To Sunshine Or Make One Admin The Leasehold Landlord
elseif ($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id) == 0) vcmp.msg %id You Have No Car No!
elseif ($vcmp.carowner($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)) != %name) vcmp.msg %id You Can not Buy This Car Has Owner
else {
!writeini -n OWNERS $vcmp.vehicle(%a,id) Sunshine Autos %b $calc($vcmp.vehiclecost($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)) * 0.55)
vcmp.msg %id You have sold your vehicle with price $ $+ $calc($vcmp.vehiclecost($vcmp.vehicle(%a,id)) * 0.55)
elseif ($2 == !getcar) || ($2 == !pmgetcar) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!getcar,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <car id>
elseif ($3 !isnum) vcmp.msg %id Error - Invalid Vehicle ID, $2 <car id>
elseif ($vcmp.carowner($3) != %name) vcmp.msg %id Your not the owner of this car!
else {
vcmp.setvehicleloc $3 $hget(vcmp,%id $+ .xyz)
.timer -m 1 400 vcmp.setvehicle %id $3
elseif ($2 == !cardive) || ($2 == !pmgetcar) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(cardivegetcar,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Missing Information, $2 <car id>
elseif ($3 !isnum) vcmp.msg %id Invalid Vehicle ID, $2 <car id>
elseif ($vcmp.carowner($3) != %name) vcmp.msg %id You are not the owner of this car, go and buy one!
else {
vcmp.msg %id
vcmp.setvehicleloc $3 $hget(vcmp,%id $+ .x) $hget(vcmp,%id $+ .y) $calc($hget(vcmp,%id $+ .z) + 700)
.timer -m 1 400 vcmp.set 9 %id $3
elseif ($2 == !lockcar) || ($2 == !pmlockcar) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!lockcar,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <car id>
elseif ($3 !isnum) vcmp.msg %id Error - Invalid Vehicle ID, $2 <car id>
elseif ($vcmp.carowner($3) != %name) vcmp.msg %id You are not the owner of this car
else {
vcmp.lockdoors $3 4
vcmp.msg %id **Car Locked
elseif ($2 == !unlockcar) || ($2 == !pmunlockcar) {
if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!unlockcar,%id) == fail) !halt
elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <car id>
elseif ($3 !isnum) vcmp.msg %id Error - Invalid Vehicle ID, $2 <car id>
elseif ($vcmp.carowner($3) != %name) vcmp.msg %id You are not the owner of this car
else {
vcmp.lockdoors $3 0
vcmp.msg %id **Car Unlocked }
--- End code ---
tommi you server is cool more commands add buycar car sellcar etc.. :)
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