at the top of your gamemode:
new funct;
to OnGameModeInit
[pawn]public OnGameModeInit()
SetTimer("mymessages", 60000, 1);
return 1;
add this public func
[pawn]public mymessages()
if(funct == 0){ SendClientMessageToAll(0x04A36BFF, "TIP: tip 1 here"); funct++;}
if(funct == 1){ SendClientMessageToAll(0x04A36BFF, "TIP: tip 2 here"); funct++;}
if(funct == 2){ SendClientMessageToAll(0x04A36BFF, "TIP: tip 3 here"); funct++;}
if(funct == 3){ SendClientMessageToAll(0x04A36BFF, "TIP: tip 4 here"); funct++;}
if(funct == 4){ SendClientMessageToAll(0x04A36BFF, "TIP: tip 5 here"); funct++;}
if(funct == 5){ SendClientMessageToAll(0x04A36BFF, "TIP: tip 6 here"); funct = 0;}
you need pawno to compile it
replace tip - here with your tip
if it doesnt work tell me
it gives one tip every minute
replace TIP: with HINT: to give a hint