Name: j.king
Age: 15
Time Playing VCMP: 6 months
Average Hourly Play: 8+
Average Days Play: I mostly play in the weekends, and a good amount in the weekdays
Country: U.K
Timezone: GMT 7.00am to abut 9.00pm is when im most active
Why: Most of my friends are admins in Xe, and suggested that i give it a shot, eg. [DnA]Dead, ULK.Bishop etc. (Not being cocky) But i am an admin in 10 different servers, if you'd like me to i could pm you those and the people who run it to give you a perspective on my admin talent

. And i know the diff between hacks, glitches, mods, and im not of of those people who jus like to ban, I more or less take proof before i ban, eg.logs, pics, or even witnesses. Im also an well experience MIRC user, which enables me to check up on the server.
Other: I mostly play on the lw server, so that could help ya get some info on me

I like to meet new people, and explore new depths

, Also dont let my
Post count fool ya

, Im jus not much of a scripter