Official Servers > XE Servers (Legacy)
Server Admin
Would you like to be admin in all of the XE Servers? Please read below and post your application.
We rarely, rarely accept people to be admin, so if you get refused, please do not be amazed. We are currently looking for people who;
* Have been playing VCMP for a long time
* Are very well experienced with VCMP
* Can play for many hours daily (if not most of the day)
* Can tell the difference from hack, lag ect
* Can speak English very well
* Uses IRC often, and can be in our channels
* Are not cocky, selfish or ignorant
* Respect all others and treats them equally
* Will not abuse any powers they have
* Have knowledge of how the internet works, IP addresses, subnets ect
Remember, becoming an administrator is a privilege. If you just want to play sometimes in the server, then do not apply for admin. Becoming an admin means that you will always be on the lookout for cheats and take the appropriate actions.
If you believe you pass that test, please post your application in the following format;
--- Code: ---
Name: (ingame)
Age: (your real age)
Time Playing VCMP: (how many years you have been playing for, and if you had any breaks please mention them here)
Average Hourly Play: (how many hours do you usually play daily)
Average Days Play: (on what days do you usually play out of the week)
Country: (what country do you currently reside in)
Timezone: (in what timezone will you be playing in, and from what to what time usually in that timezone specified)
Why: (why should you be admin? be creative)
Other: (make sure you include this, tell us any other information that you would like us to know that might help you get admin, and anything that is not classified in the above can be put in here)
--- End code ---
This topic is ONLY for applications, and no chatting. After you post your application, if you are accepted I will PM you with more information and talk to you / test you. Please give us time for the PM, do not expect it immediately, I will have to talk to others first.
Name: (VK)Randysbx
Age: 15
Time Playing VCMP: 1 year then stoped and started playing again 4 months ago
Average Hourly Play: 6 hours 10 hours on weekend
Average Days Play: every day
Country: USA
Timezone: Central
Why: I Hate it when hackers hack and no admins around so they can be banned and I've never hacked in my life I dont lag and know wether to ban or kick someone.Also I Know diference between lag and hacking.
Other: I want to be admin because there have hardly been admins on so there are a lot of hackers
Name: [Ka]FoRcE
Age: 17
Time Playing VCMP: 5 to 6 months
Average Hourly Play: 6 in school weeks and in the holidays/weekend about 14 hours.
Average Days Play: All of them apart from sunday
Country: United Kingdom
Time Zone: ((GMT) Usually from 9am till 12am at the minute, then in school time, 4pm till 10pm)
Why: I think I should be admin because I am able to run my own server well, I can tell lag from hacks, I have admin on over 3 servers, and the main one being my own server (obviously). I have never made a wrong ban and I know when I should kick someone for spamming and overall my experience in being an admin is very good.
Other: I think I have covered this in the Why section, also, I want to be able to help the VC-MP community out, and starting with the XE servers would be good for me.
Name: AsWa
Age: 17
Time Playing VCMP: 2 years + 3 years of MTA
Average Hourly Play: 5 hours or more
Average Days Play: every day
Country: USA
Timezone: Eastern time
Why: Based on my experience in playing in these XE servers, I have seen how these servers run and they are good servers except the people that play mostly I have seen are hackers and always killing and annoying players which obviossley makes them leave, also there are admins,but theres only one or 2 that actually do there part and staying in the server longer.
Other: I believe that I can help out my friend [XE]Tommis and my buddy Ulk.Head with the server and catching all the hackers and mod users and considering that I have been admin in 4 different servers also have been in 4 different clans. I have much experience in catching hackers and I usually spectate and kill people who are suspisouse.
Name: [VK]XxThexOnlyxX
Age: 16
Time Playing VCMP: I have 7 months and 4 days playing VCMP in those 7 months I was banned only 1 time and was by a confusion
Average Hourly Play: I usually play VCMP 4 or 5 hours
Average Days Play: Every Day
Country: Dominican Republic
Timezone: Central
Why: I want to be admin to be able to help to the people mainly the new ones since I like much to help, likes I much to teach...
Other: I hope to be chosen by you?
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