Author Topic: Need help on Login cmd  (Read 3566 times)

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Offline The_Lucifer

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Need help on Login cmd
« on: May 19, 2014, 05:46:09 am »
Well, as the title says, I have a BIG problem with my login command, Sometimes it says that the password is wrong when its Correct, well, heres the CMD:

[pawn]else if ( strcmp( cmd, "conectar", true ) == 0 )
      tmp = strtok( cmdtext, idx );
       if ( !strlen( tmp ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Usa /c Conectar (Clave)" );
       if ( IsRegistered( playerid ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error: No Estas Registrado En El Server, Usa /c registrar" );
       if ( IsLoggedIn( playerid ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error: Ya Estas Logueado!" );

       new pass_confirm[ 256 ];
       pass_confirm = dini_Get( file, "Password" );

       if ( strcmp( encrypt( tmp ), pass_confirm, true ) == 0 )
          format( file, sizeof( file ), USERS_FILE, gPlayers[ playerid ] );
         new level, stats, nogoto, noloc, cash, szMsg[ 128 ], IP[ 24 ];
         level = dini_Int( file, "Level" );
         stats = dini_Int( file, "Stats" );
         nogoto = dini_Int( file, "NoGoto" );
         noloc = dini_Int( file, "NoLoc" );
         cash = dini_Int( file, "Cash" );

         GetPlayerIp( playerid, IP, 24 );

         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Logged ] = 1;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] = level;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Stats ] = stats;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ NoGoto ] = nogoto;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ NoLoc ] = noloc;

         UpDateFile( USERS_FILE, gPlayers[ playerid ], "Login", "1" );
         UpDateFile( USERS_FILE, gPlayers[ playerid ], "Ip", IP );

           SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW,">> %s Se a conectado correctamente.", gPlayers[playerid] );
         MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Te as conectado correctamente." );
         format( szMsg, 128, "Tu IP:[ %s ]", IP );
         SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, szMsg );
         format( szMsg, sizeof( szMsg ), "Nick:[ %s ] Nivel:[ %d ] Estado:[ %s ]", gPlayers[ playerid ], level, StatusTag( level ) );
         MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, szMsg );
         SetPlayerMoney( playerid, cash );
          PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FalseLogins ]++;
          if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FalseLogins ] >= LOGIN_ATTEMPTS )
              format(str, sizeof( str ), ">> %s a sido kickeado por [ Fallo Conectarse ]", gPlayers[ playerid ] );
              SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, str );
              PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FalseLogins ] = 0;
              Kick( playerid );
                SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW,">> %s a introducido la clave incorrecta.", gPlayers[playerid] );
             MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_RED, " Error: Clave Incorrecta." );
             GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~o~Clave incorrecta.");
       return 1;
Theres other bug, the auto-login bug, when you have the same IP, it dosent login, you have to use the /c conectar CMD to login
[pawn]format( file, sizeof( file ), USERS_FILE, gPlayers[ playerid ] );
   loggedin = dini_Int( file, "Login" ), lluip = dini_Get( file, "Ip" );

   if ( dini_Exists( file ) )
       if ( loggedin == 1 && CompariseIp( playerid ) == 1 )
         new level, stats, nogoto, noloc, cash, szMsg[ 128 ];
         level = dini_Int( file, "Level" );
         stats = dini_Int( file, "Stats" );
         nogoto = dini_Int( file, "NoGoto" );
         noloc = dini_Int( file, "NoLoc" );
         cash = dini_Int( file, "Cash" );
         GetPlayerIp( playerid, IP, 24 );

         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Logged ] = 1;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] = level;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Stats ] = stats;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ NoGoto ] = nogoto;
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ NoLoc ] = noloc;
         MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Te Has Auto-Logueado!" );
         format( szMsg, sizeof( szMsg ), "Nick:[ %s ] Nivel:[ %d ] Estado:[ %s ]", gPlayers[ playerid ], level,StatusTag( level ) );
         MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, szMsg );
         SetPlayerMoney( playerid, 0 );
         SetPlayerMoney( playerid, cash );
         MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Porfavor Logueate Para Poder Usar Los Commandos." );
         MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Usa /c conectar Para Loguearse" );
         TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
         PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Logged ] = 0;
      MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Tu Nick No Esta Registrado En El Server, Registrate" );
      MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Para Proteger Tu Nick y Poder Usar Los Commandos" );
      MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Usa /c Registrar Para Registrarse" );
      GameTextForPlayer( playerid,"~p~RE~x~~y~Gis~w~TRO ~o~NE~q~SECARIO");
      PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Logged ] = 2;
      PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Stats ] = 2;

   return 1;
I have tryed and tryed to fix it but i CANT, dont know whats the problem, pls help, The GM base is Gups by the way

Offline MatheuS

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Re: Need help on Login cmd
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2014, 05:27:37 pm »
Code: [Select]
else if ( strcmp( cmd, "conectar", true ) == 0 )
tmp = strtok( cmdtext, idx );
    if ( !strlen( tmp ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Usa /c Conectar (Clave)" );
    if ( IsRegistered( playerid ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error: No Estas Registrado En El Server, Usa /c registrar" );
    if ( IsLoggedIn( playerid ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error: Ya Estas Logueado!" );

    new pass_confirm[ 256 ];
    pass_confirm = dini_Get( file, "Password" );

    if ( strcmp( encrypt( tmp ), pass_confirm, true ) == 0 )
    format( file, sizeof( file ), USERS_FILE, gPlayers[ playerid ] );
new level, stats, nogoto, noloc, cash, szMsg[ 128 ], IP[ 24 ];
level = dini_Int( file, "Level" );
stats = dini_Int( file, "Stats" );
nogoto = dini_Int( file, "NoGoto" );
noloc = dini_Int( file, "NoLoc" );
cash = dini_Int( file, "Cash" );

GetPlayerIp( playerid, IP, 24 );

PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Logged ] = 1;
PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] = level;
PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Stats ] = stats;
PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ NoGoto ] = nogoto;
PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ NoLoc ] = noloc;

UpDateFile( USERS_FILE, gPlayers[ playerid ], "Login", "1" );
UpDateFile( USERS_FILE, gPlayers[ playerid ], "Ip", IP );

        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW,">> %s Se a conectado correctamente.", gPlayers[playerid] );
MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Te as conectado correctamente." );
format( szMsg, 128, "Tu IP:[ %s ]", IP );
SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, szMsg );
format( szMsg, sizeof( szMsg ), "Nick:[ %s ] Nivel:[ %d ] Estado:[ %s ]", gPlayers[ playerid ], level, StatusTag( level ) );
MensajePM( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, szMsg );
SetPlayerMoney( playerid, cash );
    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FalseLogins ]++;
    if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FalseLogins ] >= LOGIN_ATTEMPTS )
        format(str, sizeof( str ), ">> %s a sido kickeado por [ Fallo Conectarse ]", gPlayers[ playerid ] );
        SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, str );
        PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FalseLogins ] = 0;
        Kick( playerid );
    return 1;

Pon eso O.o

Offline The_Lucifer

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Re: Need help on Login cmd
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2014, 10:43:31 pm »
Ya puse el cmd que me pasaste amigo, pero, no se si se arreglo el bug, ya que como dije anteriormente, solo pasa aveses cuando tumban el server o algo, y tambien cuando pones la clave incorrecta no pasa nada, pero no se, Si quieres puedes ir al server para que intentes conectarte sin problema, la ip es, gracias por la ayuda :P

Offline The_Lucifer

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Re: Need help on Login cmd
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2014, 11:56:55 pm »
Sabes amigo creo que si se arreglo el bug, usuarios an entrado y no me an dicho que no reconose las contraseñas, Gracias, y te puse en los creditos :D

Offline The_Lucifer

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Re: Need help on Login cmd
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 05:27:29 am »
No amigo no se arreglo paso lo mismo de nuevo :s