After some advice from the following VCMP Dev Members, i improved the General Use Scripts greatly. In this version, there has been a totally new player status system intigrated, so that there will be no more player bugs, with teh scripts identifying what player is doing what, when, how, ect. Also, a new Admin System has been implimented in these scripts, VERY VERY secure, and im sure there will be no match with this admin system. The admin system has been checked, checked and checked again for any flaws, any way where a person can get admin when he is not supposed to is fully stopped. Even if the scripts disconnect, and connect again, it will still check the current admin list, and if the ips dont match, that person will not gain admin and will have to login. As of that point, there also has been put in a automatic login if you have the same ip address as the last time you logged into administrator. Other than that, there are tons of new features in this version of the gus scripts, for example the secret package. Ill leave it at that, you will have to try the scripts to get all the functionaliy of them.
*Please Note, I have tested and tested these scripts for bugs, only current bugs might be with the secret package system. Scripts can handle up to 50 players max (From what i tested). Never got over 50.
*These scripts have been wrote fully by me, but i still leave Vrocker's name in there, because without him, i wouldnt of made these scripts :)
- Instructions (New, Easier) - 1) Extract all files to a seperate folder
2) From where you extracted thoes files, open up vcmp.ini with wordpad / notepad and change the details in there to your server details. (ip, client port, rcon port, adminpass)
3) In that same folder, open up mirc.exe
4) If scripts do not automaticly load, type "/load -rs vcmp.mrc" without ""
5) After five seconds, the dialog should open up and scripts should AUTOMATICLY connect to the details you put in vcmp.ini
6) Go in the server, type "!set admin" without "" and on that nick you will have admin! You can only use this command once, remember
7) Your done.. Have fun and enjoy the scripts. Post any problems and feedback in here!
*Please remember you can edit these scripts all you want, but please leave my name in there
- Screen Shots -(http://www.mta-xe.com/gus/vcmp/dialog.jpg)
New Simple Dialog to Disconnect, Clear the mIRC Screen or to Connect Again. Fully tested, working prefectly.
Same pic as the previous version because this hasnt been changed
Everything is now echoed in the mirc window using various colours to distinguish what that text means. Now you can see what is happening in your server!
Same pic as the previous version because this hasnt been changed
- Commands -All Users Commands -
!info - Displays Script information
!date - Displays the current date information
!commands - List the commands based on the players level that that player can use
*NEW*!admincommands - Lists you the current commands admins can use
!report <name> <reason> - Want to report a cheater? Well, cant say i check this regularly, but i do on sometimes.
!heal - Buy 100HP off the scripts, will cost you some money though
!superheal - Buy 200HP and 200Armour off the scripts, will cost you way more money than "!heal"
!id <name> - Display the ID of that player in the server
!hp <name> - Display the armour and hp of a player in the server
!armour <name> - Display the armour and hp of a player in the server
!cash <name> - Display the amount of cash of a player in the server
!give <name> <amount> - Used for giving a player a certain amount of cash
!bank+ <amount> - Deposit cash in your bank
!bank- <amount> - Take out cash from your bank
!stats <player> - Display the stats of a player in teh server
!bug <text> - See a bug? Report it using this command
!loc <name> - Display the players current location via name and axis (x, y, z)
!speed <name> - Display the speed of a current player in the server
!goto <name> - Take your self to another player
!saveloc <name> - Save your custom location into the scripts to go to it in the future using the "!gotoloc" command
!count - Start a countdown, very usefull for races
!server - Display server information neatly and organized
!admin - Display the currnet administrators in the server
!rules - Display the current rules for the server
!host - Display the server hoster
!level <name> - Display the current administration level that player has
!computer - Display the current computer information of the computer hosting the scripts
!cmdlevel <command> - Display the admin level needed for a command
!car <name> - Vehicle Information on that Player (Not FULLY Completed)
!distince <name> - Distince in Meters from you to the player specified
!speed <name> - Speed in KMPH of the player given
Level 2 Commands -
!getip <name> - Get the ip of a player that is not currently in the server
Level 3 Commands -
!alias - See all of the names that user has used on that ip
!subalias - See all of the names on that users subnet (***.***.x.x)
Level 4 Commands -
!ip <name> - Display the ip of that current player
!warn <name> - Give 1 warning to a player
!unwarn <name> - Unwarn a player
!subnet <name> - Displays that players subnet
!addcmd <!command> <text> - Add your own CUSTOM command :)
!remcmd <!command> - Remove a custom command that was added using !addcmd
Level 5 Commands -
!kick <player> - Kick a player from the server
Level 8 Commands -
!get <name> - Get a player from the server and bring him to you
Level 10 Commands -
!settime <time> - Change the current time in the server
!setweather <weather id> - Change the current weather in the server
!spawn <vehicle id> - Spawn that vehicle infront of you, i believe this uses the config.ini id's
!say <text> - Say something in admin
!addwep <weapon id> <name> - Add weapon to use in !wep <name> that is not already there, for example minigun :P
!set <option1> <option2> - Set Spawn On/Off, and Much more, Used for many features
!ban <name> - Ban a player from that server
!unban <ip> - Unban that ip from the server
!setwep <name> <weaponid> <ammo> - Set a weapon of a desired player to weaponid and the amount of ammo
!setcontrols <name> <on/off> - Set the controls of the desired player on or off
!sethp <name> <amount> - Set the hp of a player to a value you desire
!setarmour <name> <amount> - Set the armour of a player to a value you desire
!setlevel <name> <level> - Give a player a new administration level
!unfreeze <name> - UNFreeze a current player, so that he or she can move
!freeze <name> - Freeze a current player, so that he or she cannot move
!clear - Clear my mirc screen, only a command i would use though, dont see how it could be helpfull to the admins
!follow <name> - Follow a person, really funny. Bring stocking to a whole new level
!setcmd <command> <level> - Change the admin level needed for ANY command
!setpickup <pickup id> - Add a pickup into the game, hardcoded into the scripts too, so that when the scripts start, that pickup will be automaticly added too
*NEW!pass <name> - Returns the player's password to login
- Download Information -Version 9.0, Updated July 15, 2007
http://www.mta-xe.com/gus/vcmp/gus9.0.zip (http://www.mta-xe.com/gus/vcmp/gus9.0.zip)
- New Features List (Some) -- Tons, Fixed up the Current Commands List Above, Please Read it Fully Over, many new commands added and others edited (not just *NEW* ones are new)
- Contact Information -MSN:
[email protected]E-Mail:
[email protected]- Advert Information - Site: www.x-serverz.com (http://www.x-serverz.com)
OMG awesome work. Thanks for that. You rule man... ;)
Nice Job ;)
whit set a pickup how to define a money function?
no function bank.
Err...What? By function you mean alias? Function = PHP, Alias = mIRC, but tbh, i have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry.
sorry my english its relly bad =(
What seems to be the problem. Btw, i am working on expanding the dialog, making it more functional. ;) LOTS more in it :D
Nice work Tommis.
Just a update, im a working very hard on the GUI (or Dialog) right now. So that almost every command you do ingame, can be done from the scripts ;)
I think this would really help the, people who dont know much about windows or mirc.
How works !settime <time> ?
Or does it just not work?
And !spawn, doesn't work..
I believe !settime is not in there, for to put it, my bad. And !spawn is not a command, to change the spawn msg's on and off type !set spawn <on/off> ;D In the next version, i will be adding more functionality in the commands.
i get an error.:
There are so many errors of that
The hdel is not a error, it is just stating that there is no table to delete (When cleaning the player list and updating it again). The new version i release will be more organized.
I am going to release just a update for vcmp.mrc that has the few bugs (non major) fixed like the one just talked about above. This is just the vcmp.mrc file witch you overwrite the other one with (after closing the scripts). After that just start mirc up.
Link --> http://www.mta-xe.com/gus/vcmp/vcmp.mrc (http://www.mta-xe.com/gus/vcmp/vcmp.mrc) (Version 10.0 UPDATED)
Pics of some new stuff thats added too..
These pics are very broad on the new items added, please download and try the scripts to see.
ok thx
Edit:: that link is broken, or i just cant download it. :-\
Link works fine here, its our site. Ill see if i can upload it to another webserver. Alright, done. ( (Download Link)
great ;D the link works.
um.. hav u tested this?? :-\
i dont like it. all i could do, was talk to the server. when i connect as player, theres no welcome to server or anything.. :'(
is it me?
I have tested it before i modified it to release it, but very interesting, i will test it now.
How can you do /chat <message> ?
There comes this text:
Unable to resolve local host
Never had that problem. But in my next release i will be testing all of that. This was just a progress update for you guys to use.
Tommis, the link apparently doesn't work.
Scroll down, and you will see i posted a second link :P
tommis.. i need the RAR file.. cause u only gave the mrc file... not the entire thing
i mean .ini file... :P
I'm having a problem here on my server status:
I am connected to the server, action, and data tabs in the mIRC window. Is "vcmp.chat" another .mrc file? ???
Quote from: Tommis on July 24, 2007, 12:04:46 AM
I believe !settime is not in there, for to put it, my bad. And !spawn is not a command, to change the spawn msg's on and off type !set spawn <on/off> ;D In the next version, i will be adding more functionality in the commands.
Just make !sethr and !setmin
and its a command -.-' its !spawn <car ID>
Looks like you have edited your vcmp.mrc file if you getting that "vcmp.chat not connected to server" error. And also, like i said before, that release of just the mrc is just a status update. Just if you want, after making a backup of your original one, try it out. (Just replace your vcmp.mrc with teh new one you just downloaded.
umm... i wanna have some Admin commands Private .. like /goto as im making a RPG Mode for Argonath RPG... how do i do it.. if ui just have
elseif ($2 == goto) will it be /goto or /c goto?
Does this work in LC:MP ?
Quote from: GTA-Roloboy on August 20, 2007, 01:53:16 PM
Does this work in LC:MP ?
unfortunately, version 9 probably won't work. you would need the General Use Scripts Version 7.0 for 0.3x for LC:MP. 8)
is possible start the script using mirc from other computer?
bye sorry for my english
I think it is. Just put your server info (address, admin password...) in to the vcmp.ini in mIRC folder.
sorry for not especificate.
the script run in 123.324.21.21
and the script disconnect.
and my use example /start gus
and the script connect.
Ok, sorry i misunderstood you.
If the GUS script is running on another pc, i dont think it is possible to connect/disconnect the script remotely, at least not in this version. When you use command /load (blah) to start the script, mIRC loads the script from that pc. It may be possible to make a remote disconnect command, but a connect would be harder or even impossible to do.
Ok Thanks ;D
NICE work Tommis your doing a pretty good job with those commands they are realy nice thank you so much, and i was just wondering that if you can like add commands to buy cars so evryone can own his own car and type !getcar <id> and get the car just like LW server and amins can set money for all the players and that stuff.
thanks again the commands are realy awesome :)
ey yo death the getcar is actually spawn ya know :P
Pluisije what i mean is that evryone owns his own car and when u go inside the car and type !ar it tells u car health loc and car owner and when u need ur car u just type !getcar <id> and u get it spawning is bad because if u put a level players keep spawning too much cars and it makes game laggy sometimes they just spawn for fun ;D
ow sow its about to have ya own ride with own name on it where ya can spawn @ the loc where you are...(its owner ok)
Yup thats what i mean if some1 realeses that it will be awesome but i dont think it will be realesed because that makes a server unique :)
[Ka]H.M.Murdock and [Ka]Juppi code it in thers servers
lol, good luck finishing whatever ur doing :)
i can setup admin
hey i do all of this its write connect and nothing change
i has the script gus 10
give it a new script for gus?
Quote from: jason on July 18, 2008, 11:04:06 PM
i has the script gus 10
give it a new script for gus?
hey os cool new script gus 10 my script is code by rulk buycar buyprop lms is COOL :o
Like I have said in another topic, these scripts are being redone from scratch. I am focusing on the following;
- Player to Script Sync
- mIRC Stableness
- LEAST Amount of Crashing Ingame Due to Scripts
- CPU Useage of the Scripts / Game Server
- Organization
- Simplicity to Read and Understand
I might be releasing these, as for right now I am not sure. Keep reading in the "XE Servers" section on these forums for more updates.
Although I've never posted this,
GUS is awesome. There are many functions and different basic features that are evident in the script and I have been able to learn loads from it.
Thanks Tommis! :D
GUS rocks! a big inspiration to all scripters, including me ;D
keep up the great work Tommis! ._.
Quote from: bakasan on August 06, 2008, 03:25:50 AM
GUS rocks! a big inspiration to all scripters, including me ;D
keep up the great work Tommis! ._.
hahahah lol, bakasan script tommis is cool system Vrock
Look sorry been so no0b but im new and I have got some Questions... :D
:-[ What's the Client port and Rcon port? ??? ???
And when i open mIRC its says to register... we must register online? And when click continue it says Connection failed, I try,try,try and dont connect...
Im sorry if my questions are stupid... But im doing a server and i need help in scripts...
Quote from: Knucis on August 09, 2008, 03:33:29 PM
:-[ What's the Client port and Rcon port? ??? ???
Port for client is 5192 and for the rcon it's 5190 i think.
Quote from: Tanner on August 13, 2008, 02:32:06 PM
Quote from: Knucis on August 09, 2008, 03:33:29 PM
:-[ What's the Client port and Rcon port? ??? ???
Port for client is 5192 and for the rcon it's 5190 i think.
the rcon is 5315 ;)
Thanks Tommis :)
when you gibe a link to gus 10
i love gus! ;D
GUS 10.0: http://www.vc-mp.pl/downloads.php?cat_id=7&download_id=15
k ty
its html file//
It's zip file...
*Jkownz Takes big chunk out of script
Lol good Job
what does !do do?
Spike | Radio Life | Founder
Tommis u r great scripter well done and excellent work :P ::)
I'm having problems, sometimes when someone joins the server I get this:
/writeini: insufficient parameters (line 720, vcmp.mrc)
31 has joined the Game.
* /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 720, vcmp.mrc)
ADMIN-PM Dragon059 --> Entered Vehicle - ID: 103, Damage: 0, Location: Airport (Escobar-International)
ADMIN-PM Dragon059 --> Entered Vehicle - ID: 103, Damage: 0, Location: Airport (Escobar-International)
ADMIN-PM Dragon059 --> Entered Vehicle - ID: 103, Damage: 0, Location: Airport (Escobar-International)
ADMIN-PM Dragon059 --> Entered Vehicle - ID: 103, Damage: 0, Location: Airport (Escobar-International)
ADMIN-PM Dragon059 --> Entered Vehicle - ID: 103, Damage: 0, Location: Airport (Escobar-International)
ADMIN-PM Dragon059 --> Entered Vehicle - ID: 103, Damage: 0, Location: Airport (Escobar-International)
ADMIN-PM Dragon059 --> Entered Vehicle - ID: 103, Damage: 0, Location: Airport (Escobar-International)
ADMIN-PM Unknown --> Welcome 1 to the Server!
ADMIN-PM Unknown --> Welcome 1 to the Server!
ADMIN-PM Unknown --> Type "!commands" for a list of commands!
ADMIN-PM Unknown --> Type "!commands" for a list of commands!
ADMIN-PM Unknown --> Register this Nick-Name Today! Type: /c register <password>
ADMIN-PM Unknown --> Register this Nick-Name Today! Type: /c register <password>
spams up the server.. Anyone know the reason for it?
Line 720:
alias vcmp.add.getip !writeini -n vcmp.getip.ini NAMES $1 $vcmp.ip($1)
Quote from: Tommis on July 26, 2007, 02:19:46 PM
Link works fine here, its our site. Ill see if i can upload it to another webserver. Alright, done. ( (Download Link)
We Cant Talk to the Other Players ( From GUS to the vcmp server??) ???
What u mean ???
Quotealias vcmp.setarmour dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 16 $1-
again the error...
QuoteWhat u mean ???
I mean Like Typing some command in the gus like /chat and talk but it dont work
Link doesnt work :/
Quote from: MaVe on December 27, 2008, 05:01:46 PM
Link doesnt work :/
Download from here
Can anyone please send me a link for GUS 10?
The one given on page 4 is dead.
Your help would be appreciated.
i got a problem.... if i run script and run game then i can see game little laaging sometime.... but if server is only opend and mirc is closed then game runs good.... so does Mirc makes laag ?... btw CPU usagi is then 4%.... PC info: 2.00 GHz 1 GB of ram 256 MB ati pro video card.... mybe someone can help me ?
my problem when i want to connect scripts to server:
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
connecting to (my ip adres)
like 1000 times HELP plz
Use as IP
Open first the server after that the gus scripts.
Quote from: [NoN]Toiletduck on December 28, 2008, 12:33:46 PM
Can anyone please send me a link for GUS 10?
The one given on page 4 is dead.
Your help would be appreciated.
Download Here:GUS V10.0 Updated
Thanks man.
Quote from: StriKe on January 18, 2009, 10:26:34 AM
Quote from: [NoN]Toiletduck on December 28, 2008, 12:33:46 PM
Can anyone please send me a link for GUS 10?
The one given on page 4 is dead.
Your help would be appreciated.
Download Here:GUS V10.0 Updated
yes it is gus v10.0 updated but this is what i see:
VCMP general use scripts v10.0 updated loaded/started
VCMP general use scripts v10.0 updated attempting to connect.
no further reactions.. i tried to unload and load again in remote, same. PLZ HELP
Check wheather your ip and ports are correctly configured :D
Quote from: StriKe on January 18, 2009, 02:30:57 PM
Check wheather your ip and ports are correctly configured :D
this is my normal settings in .ini file :
IP: my normal IP
Rport: 5315
Cport: 5192 , and i changed it to this:
Rport: 5192
Cport: 5315 , now it says: creation of pickups....
creation of pickups complete ! , no further reactions
EDIT: after creation of pickups complete ! it says this:
clearing up player list...
/hfree no such table 'vcmp' (line 202, vcmp.mrc)
scripts still not connected to my server... help ?
/hfree no such table 'vcmp' (line 202, vcmp.mrc)
As far as I know that is not an error.
My scripts run with that.
Be a bit more specific, what happens in your server? Are there no scripts at all?
Quote from: [NoN]Toiletduck on January 19, 2009, 03:40:29 PM
/hfree no such table 'vcmp' (line 202, vcmp.mrc)
As far as I know that is not an error.
My scripts run with that.
Be a bit more specific, what happens in your server? Are there no scripts at all?
like i said. nope, they are not connected, no scripts in my server.
Open ur vcmp server dialog, check if it says RCON admin connected. If it does, The scripts are connected
Quote from: thijn on January 20, 2009, 01:40:01 PM
Open ur vcmp server dialog, check if it says RCON admin connected. If it does, The scripts are connected
.. not realy a good comment, it doesnt say that, and they never connect.
Well in your vcmp.ini file you have something like this?
and you have any firewall?It might be blocking it from connecting
Quote from: vice on January 20, 2009, 02:49:59 PM
Quote from: thijn on January 20, 2009, 01:40:01 PM
Open ur vcmp server dialog, check if it says RCON admin connected. If it does, The scripts are connected
.. not realy a good comment, it doesnt say that, and they never connect.
Well, It's a very good comment, because in this post:
Quote from: vice on January 19, 2009, 02:53:02 PM
now it says: creation of pickups....
creation of pickups complete ! , no further reactions
EDIT: after creation of pickups complete ! it says this:
clearing up player list...
/hfree no such table 'vcmp' (line 202, vcmp.mrc)
scripts still not connected to my server... help ?
It only create the pickups when it's connected, So the script has to be connected :D :P ;D
I've found the serious bug.
alias vcmp.setarmour dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 16 $1-
16 must be replaced with 12, because set 16 is the icon creation command. That's why !setarmour doesn't work and weird icons appear on the map sometimes.
Quote from: Vayan on February 04, 2009, 11:33:43 AM
I've found the serious bug.
alias vcmp.setarmour dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 16 $1-
16 must be replaced with 12, because set 16 is the icon creation command. That's why !setarmour doesn't work and weird icons appear on the map sometimes.
so how u replace that? and where?
I've just changed the number in the alias and now !setarmour command works perfectlly. I've reworked nearly the whole GUS and now I'm working on the new commands and abilities. For experienced SCM scripter this is just the rest. =) When I'll buy ADSL - everybody's welcome to my Cubans vs Haitians + Cops server.
When you release GUS11 ? I can't wait! GUS is the best script ever!
Quote from: Vayan on February 06, 2009, 09:33:58 PM
I've just changed the number in the alias and now !setarmour command works perfectlly. I've reworked nearly the whole GUS and now I'm working on the new commands and abilities. For experienced SCM scripter this is just the rest. =) When I'll buy ADSL - everybody's welcome to my Cubans vs Haitians + Cops server.
lol i'm fixed the !count bug:
Go, Go, Go! then:
Go, Go, Go!
Here is my own reworked version of General Use Scripts 9.0. May contain some bugs, because I don't have much time to test it. Try !info commands, !info buycar, !info garage and !info property.
http://vayan.fatal.ru/vcmpgus9.0reworked.zip (http://vayan.fatal.ru/vcmpgus9.0reworked.zip)
Hello .. who can help mi ???
I need commands to GUS V10 , how :
!duel : fight area .
!bank : teleport to bank.
!props commands: props in the game.
!gotoc : teleport in the car , free
!forum : check the page of the forum.
!irc: Check irc of the server.
!showmoney : show the money.
!money : money in the bankand cash ..
!nogoto : other players can't teleport to you.
!buycar , !sellcar , !sharecar , !delsharecar : commands car.
!spree: show the spree.
Thank, please help my. :)
i need that command too ???
Quote from: Tommis on July 26, 2007, 02:19:46 PM
Link works fine here, its our site. Ill see if i can upload it to another webserver. Alright, done. ( (Download Link)
the page dont work for me :<
Quote from: rulk on October 21, 2009, 09:20:32 PM
Hya [UZI]Xaix
here are the appropriate links for GUS
GUS V9.0
GUS V10.0 Updated
Hope this helps
Kind Regards
Luke Rudge (rulk)
thanks man :D
Quote from: rulk on October 21, 2009, 09:20:32 PM
Hya [UZI]Xaix
here are the appropriate links for GUS
GUS V9.0
GUS V10.0 Updated
Hope this helps
Kind Regards
Luke Rudge (rulk)
tranks man.
Can someone upload this shit in mediafire or mediaupload or rapidshare?
Cuz none of your strange links works for me.
Quote from: desfire97 on September 07, 2010, 11:27:28 AM
Can someone upload this shit in mediafire or mediaupload or rapidshare?
Cuz none of your strange links works for me.
Don't use GUS. Just don't.
Make your own script from scratch with Vrocker's DLL - http://forum.vicecitymultiplayer.com/index.php?topic=386.0
Or try any of these bellow (update the DLL)
If you're still not satisfied try pawno or squirrel.
join in this link is a database with gus9 and sansan 3 and more
hey , i need a little help. i need a vcmpr2 server but without pawn just a normal one so i can add fbs mirc to it. please can any one give me a link to it thanks :)
Hi Hancock,
Actually, i guess you don't really need the "mirc version" of the R2 server, cause you can use mirc rcon dll's with the currently available, latest server, which supports pawn also.
Though the original dll by bakasan isn't working on Win Server 2008 at all, so if you wanna use it on that OS, then better use VR's dll.
man, i realy realy need the Mirc version because i cant script the pawn one
VCMP 0.3z R2 Mirc Server - Here (http://freakshare.net/files/fpk4b2rp/VCMP-0.3z-R2-Mirc-Sever.zip.html)
Thanks skirtman i realy appreciate it :D
LOOL xD sorry didnt notice skirmant
link crashed!
can someone post a link all valid links that are in this forum for the gus 10 are not functioned ;)