Hi all, other script for FBS :)
elseif (fix == $3) {
if ($vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) != 0) {
var %a = 0
var %b = $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2),%c = $vcmp.location($1, $2),%d = $vcmp.location($1, $2).x $vcmp.location($1, $2).y $calc($vcmp.location($1, $2).z - 1.12)
vcmp.setlocation $1 $2 %c %a
vcmp.setvehicleloc $1 %b 1 1 1
vcmp.setvehiclehealth $1 %b 1000
vcmp.msg $2 Please wait while your car is fixed......
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.setvehicleloc $1 %b %d
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.setvehicle $1 %b
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.msg $1 $2 Thank you for your patience, Your car has been fixed
else vcmp.msg $2 You can only fix Cars, Not yourself.
In normal english:
elseif (fix == $3) {
if ($vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) != 0) {
var %a = 0
var %b = $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2),%c = $vcmp.location($1, $2),%d = $vcmp.location($1, $2).x $vcmp.location($1, $2).y $calc($vcmp.location($1, $2).z - 1.12)
vcmp.setlocation $1 $2 %c %a
vcmp.setvehicleloc %b 1 1 1
vcmp.setvehiclehealth %b 1000
vcmp.msg $2 Please wait while your car is fixed......
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.setvehicleloc %b %d
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.setvehicle $1 $2 %b
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.msg $1 $2 Thank you for your patience, Your car has been fixed
else vcmp.msg $2 You can only fix Cars, Not yourself.
EDIT: I think this code doesn't work because you do not specify the server ID in the setvehicleloc & health
oooo, thanks thinj
Scripts Errors. :P
Script Good:
elseif (fix == $3) {
if ($vcmp.vehicle($1, $2) != 0) {
var %a = 0
var %b = $vcmp.vehicle($1, $2),%c = $vcmp.location($1, $2),%d = $vcmp.location($1, $2).x $vcmp.location($1, $2).y $calc($vcmp.location($1, $2).z - 1.12)
vcmp.setlocation $1 $2 %c %a
vcmp.setvehicleloc $1 %b 1 1 1
vcmp.setvehiclehealth $1 %b 1000
vcmp.msg $2 Please wait while your car is fixed......
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.setvehicleloc $1 %b %d
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.setvehicle $1 %b
!.timer 1 7 /vcmp.msg $1 $2 Thank you for your patience, Your car has been fixed
else vcmp.msg $2 You can only fix Cars, Not yourself.
Thank you! Worked fine ;)