Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP => Support => Topic started by: Rami on November 26, 2009, 05:24:01 PM

Title: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 26, 2009, 05:24:01 PM
Hey guys, wasup

I'm playing VC:MP since 3 months, and im so excited to do my own server, i asked some players, and they told me its for free (anyone can make VC:MP server), so i really need an explanation how i can make my own VC:MP server 8), i checked out the internet (google, yahoo, msn ..etc) but there is not good result, but on youtube, gave me a video explain how to do a server, but a local one, not internet .

If someone wanna to help me, or can help, please post an explanation and please i need it with links, i mean don't tell me u'll find it here or there  ;D .

sorry for my bad english  :-\
Thx alot, Rami
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Javi on November 26, 2009, 07:50:31 PM
Download the new announce. Forward 5192 UCP & TDP and 5315  :)
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 27, 2009, 02:08:41 AM
Ooh, so i have to open a port with the values that u gave it to me, then the server ip will be same my PC. ip, following (:xxxx) xxxx = port value ?
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: MrAcmering on November 27, 2009, 12:59:17 PM
how to do a internet server


-the server and announce fixed (

1.(only if you have a router)go in your router and foward ports 5192 and 5315 protocol UDP
2.turn off windows firewall
3.go in your antivirus options and foward ports 5192 and 5315 protocol UDP the server
5.put your local ip in favorites
               ALL DONE!

NOTE:(only for who have a router)how to go in your router your prompt.

( the prompt, type: ipconfig
you have this, where:
-IP Address is your local ip
-default gateway is your router ip


3.put your gateway in your internet browser addresses bar

Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 28, 2009, 07:12:42 AM
Thank you, really thanks  :-*, cuz thats what i was exactly looking for 8), i really don't know how i can thank you for thats explanation  :D, u r the best, belive me  ;D

EDIT:How i can select cars spawn locations, and like this stuff? and how i can make my server a (RPG, Gangwar, FFA) server, like that,  :-\
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Javi on November 28, 2009, 10:55:28 AM
Use the build mode. Choose scripts, GUS, FBS, WSV, PsySQLite, Falcon's RPG,...
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 28, 2009, 12:05:13 PM
Do not be surprised, but i don't know how i can use Build Mode, please tell me how i can use it ?
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Javi on November 28, 2009, 12:26:58 PM
Well, 0.3z's buildmode is not working, so get 0.3x and join, then do /build.
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 28, 2009, 04:33:01 PM
"/build" command, doesn't work with 0.3x  ???

EDIT : u didin't answered me about, how to make my server a (RPG, Deathmatch, FFA, Gangwar, ...etc)  ::)
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Javi on November 28, 2009, 05:23:09 PM
I said, put some scripts: GUS, WSV, FBS, PsySQLite, Falcon's RPG Scripts,...
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: MrAcmering on November 28, 2009, 08:57:34 PM
well, here the scripts:

GUS: (
FBS: (
WSV: (
RPG: (
sansan: (
PsySQLite: (

in 0.3x, select a server, then click right button on the mouse and select: Build Mode.

Then, in build, type /vehicle <id> for cars, /skin <id> for skins and /pickup <id> for pickups

Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 28, 2009, 10:11:09 PM
Thx, but RPG link doesn't work, can u upload it for me please  ;D
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: MrAcmering on November 29, 2009, 09:06:28 AM
sorry, i have not it.
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 29, 2009, 11:26:54 AM
 :'(, ok do u know any another link for it ? because im gonna make my server type, RPG  :(
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Javi on November 29, 2009, 01:03:57 PM (
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Rami on November 29, 2009, 02:47:26 PM
Thx Froze  ;D, im gonna to try it  ::), i hope its working  :-\

After opening the file: its have only 2 files, like that, how i can run it to my server  :-\ ?
Can u please explain for me, where i can put my password, my port & my ip, and how i can use it, to run the RPG script to my server, (the file like that) :-


My Regards, Rami
Title: Re: how i can make server, can all people around the world, join it ?
Post by: Usaji on January 02, 2010, 07:01:00 PM
Hey Rami,

First of all you'll need a program called mIRC,
Download it from here:

After Downloading, Install it, Then Extract or copy those 2 files( vcmp.rpg ) into mirc directory then open mirc you'll get a white screen, type down //load -rs vcmp.rpg.mrc and every thing will work automatically
