Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP => mIRC/pawn Scripting => Topic started by: olvin122 on December 25, 2009, 06:17:52 PM

Title: Rcon DLL Documentation
Post by: olvin122 on December 25, 2009, 06:17:52 PM
Hello, I see VC:MP R2 has been released. Thanks to the developers for this.

Do we have any documentation for any new scripting callbacks that are in the new rcon irc dll released today.
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: VRocker on December 26, 2009, 12:13:15 AM
There are no 'Callbacks' as such. The dll is exactly the same as the one used in GUS and SanSan. The only changes are to the internal netcode to make it communicate.

The big changes however are in the server, which parses the commands sent by the rcon. I have made a quick list of them for people to parse until i get my dll completed. I will be creating one of my multi dlls when i get time. I currently have an experimental one which connects and performs the basic functions like say etc.

Heres the list anyway:

Packets to send to the server: (Figure out the params and post if you like)


Packets the server sends to the rcon:

[join] ID Nick IP Port
[part] %u %s %u
[gettimerate] %u
[getweather] %u
[getmin] %u
[gethr] %u
[adminmsg] %s
[adminchat] %s
[set] %s
[spickupplayer] %s
[spawnpickup] %s
[deletepickup] %s
[newpickup] %u %s
[getloc] %u %f %f %f
[getplayercar] %u 255
[getplayercar] %u %u %u
[getplayercar] %u %u %u %u %u %.0f
[getmoney] %u %u
[getarmour] %u %u
[gethp] %u %u
[password] Password set to: %s
[perfecthandling] %u
[disabledriveby] %u
[gravity] %d
[gamespeed] %d
[framelimiter] %u
[setspikes] %u %u
[setwepdamage] %u %u
[jumpswitch] %u
[fastswitch] %u
[syncframelimiter] %u
[taxiboostjump] %u
[flyingcars] %u
[driveonwater] %u
[waterlevel] %.4f
[setscore] %u %d
[score] %u %d
[ping] %u %d
[playercount] %d %u
[player] %u %s %s %d %u %u %f %f %f %u %u %.0f %u %d %d %u %u %u %u %u %.1f
[death] %s(%u) died %u
[teamkill] %s(%u) team-killed %s(%u) %u %u %.1f
[kill] %s(%u) killed %s(%u) %u %u %.1f
[chat] %s: %s
[me] %s %s
[msg] %s: %s
[spawn] %s %u %u
[enter] %s %u %u %u
[exit] %s
[tc] %u %s: %s
[command] %u %s
[pickup] %u %u %u

If your unfamiliar with the %u etc. %u is a whole number over 0. %s is a string. %f is a float (and any %.4f just means its a floatingpoint to 4 decimal places)

Would be great if someone could document the actual values. I would but Christmas day has just ended and i've had a bit too much to drink... lol
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: Falcon on December 26, 2009, 03:44:36 AM
kick <id> (explains itself)
ban <id> (explains itself)
banip <ip> (explains itself)
unban <ip> (explains itself)
password <newpassword> (sets password)
maxplayers <newmaxplayers> (sets max player limit)
gethp <id> (outputs players health to [gethp] <id> <health>)
getarmour <id> (outputs players armour to [getarmour] <id> <armour>)
getmoney <id> (outputs players money to [getmoney] <id> <money>)
getloc <id> (outputs players health to [getloc] <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
gethr (outputs current hr to [gethr] <currenthour>)
getmin (outputs current minute to [getmin] <currentminute>)
getweather (outputs current weather to [getweather] <currentweathervalve>)
getspectators (outputs current amount of people in spectator mode to [getspectators] <amount>)
adminchat <text> (Display text in server)
adminmsg <id> <text> (Sends text to id only)
sethr <newhour> (explains itself)
setmin <newminute> (explains itself)
setweather <valve> (Changes weather to new valve)
settimerate <rate> (changes rate time counts)
set 1 <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> <interourid> (sets players position and interour)
set 2 <carid> <health> (sets vehicle health)
set 3 <carid> <status> (sets car door status etc 4 = locked)
set 4 <id> <money> (sets players money)
set 5 <id> <weaponid> (sets players weapons .. note 0 will remove all weapons)
set 6 <id> <state> (sets players control state)
set 7 <id> (removes marker from player)
set 8 <carid> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (sets car location)
set 9 <id> <carid> (put player into car)
set 10 <id> <health> (sets player health)
set 11 <id> <colour> (show player marker and change colour)
set 12 <id> <armour> (set players armour)
set 13 <playerid> <text> (display text centre .. note this uses std gxt)
set 14 <playerid> (set text bottom for player)
set 15 <playerid> <level>  (set wanted level)
set 16 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (Create Icon Marker With Sphere)
set 17 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (Create IconMarker WithOut Sphere)
set 18 <carid> (kils car engine)
set 19 <carid> <bool> (inflate/deflate tyres)
set 20 <card> (set car to respawn)
set 21 <playerid> <visuals> <handling> (boozer setting)
set 22 <playerid> <bool> (disable/enable driveby Ability)
set 23 <playerid> <bool> (toggle widescreen)
set 24 <playerid> <bool> (toggle green scanlines)
set 25 <playerid> <bool> (toggle white scanlines)
set 26 <carid> <rotation> (set vehicle rotation float)
set 27 <playerid> <bool> (reset game settings)
set 28 <playerid> <skin> (set players skin)
set 29 <bool> (enable/disable stuntbike mod)
set 30 <bool> <enable/diable shoot in air mod)
newpickup <type> <pos.x> <pos.x> <pos.y> (creates pickup at position and outputs too [newpickup] <pickupid> <type> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
deletepickup <pickupid> (explains itself)
spawnpickup <pickupid> (respawns pickup)
spickupplayer <playerid> <pickupid> (spawns pickup for player only)
do <playerid> <anim> (set players animation)
perfecthandling <bool> (enable/disable Perfect Handling cheat)
disabledriveby <playerid> <bool> (disable/enable driveby Ability)
gravity <byte> (set global gravity)
gamespeed <byte> (set global gamespeed)
framelimiter <bool> (set global framelimter)
setspikes <playerid> <bool> (enable/disable spikes)
setwepdamage <wepid> <damage> (set weapon damage)
jumpswitch <bool> (enable/disable jump switch glitch)
fastswitch <bool> (enable/disable fastswitch glitch)
syncframelimiter <bool> (enable/disable framelinter sync)
taxiboostjump <bool> (enable/disable taxiboost cheat)
flyingcars <bool> (enable/diable taxiboost cheat)
driveonwater <bool> (enable/disable drive on water cheat)
setwaterlevel <level> (set global water level)
getweather returns(([getweather] byte)
players returns (this info in order - id,playername,ip,port,playerhealth,playerarmour,coord-x,coord-y,coord-y,carid,currentweapon,currentcarhp,players,currentmoney)
ping <player> returns([ping] playerid ping)
getplayercar returns ([getplayercar] playerid vehicleid State VehicleModel CarHealth)
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: Kill3R on December 26, 2009, 03:49:54 AM
tyvm Falcon  ;)
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: thijn on December 26, 2009, 09:29:51 AM
Cool thanks Falcon
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: Javi on December 26, 2009, 10:40:28 AM
Heh thanks for the lists  :D
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 11:13:09 AM
setspikes <playerid> <bool> (enable/disable spikes)
Whats this?
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: olvin122 on December 26, 2009, 11:20:56 AM

get/set vehicle rotation angle ?
stunting would have been a good scrpt idea....

set team status by script ?
for lms when friendly-fire is switched off.

i'll list more, i have just woke up to see this disappointing list
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: StriKe on December 26, 2009, 11:40:59 AM
Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 11:13:09 AM
setspikes <playerid> <bool> (enable/disable spikes)
Whats this?

Spikes which can used to Deflate tyres of a vehicle.
You would seen it in singeplayer where cops uses it.
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 11:43:17 AM
Am k, thought this is it, but why enable/disable it for a player? Its working like a wep but with unlimited ammo?

Ok i get it. /spike
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: olvin122 on December 26, 2009, 12:00:07 PM
set 26 <carid> <rotation> (set vehicle rotation float)

my bad, this should set the rotation, how  do we get the current rotation angle ?
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: olvin122 on December 26, 2009, 12:08:05 PM
set 28 <playerid> <skin> (set players skin)

can we get a players skinname as well as set it ?

also, is the parameter "<skin>" the SkinName or SkinID? (if its SkinName, how do we know the names, any documentation ?)
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: StriKe on December 26, 2009, 12:12:16 PM
Skin ID
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: olvin122 on December 26, 2009, 12:17:37 PM
nice rapid response StriKe, thanks.

is there, or whats the rcon command to output the current SkinName and/or SkinID of a player ?

the same question applys to the vehicle rotation angle,

whats the rcon command to output a vehicles current rotation angle?

eg: GetVehicleRotation
and SetVehicleRotation

thanks for your help, i appreciate it.


does the rcon command "getplayercar " work for passenger ?
eg: IsPlayerPassenger

Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 06:55:00 PM
I have tested some of these new things ^
Quoteset 29 <bool> (enable/disable stuntbike mod)
set 30 <bool> <enable/diable shoot in air mod)
Wont work without player id ::).

And here a bug. After disabling drive by, i havent got uzi, but i could shoot. :looked funny:

Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: thijn on December 26, 2009, 07:55:20 PM
yes thats right NC,

I have found the following bugs:

set 28 <playerid> <skin> (set players skin)

Doesn't work, It flashes for a second but returns to the original skin.

set 14 <playerid> (set text bottom for player)

should be

set 14 <playerid> <text> (set text bottom for player)

password <newpassword> (sets password)
maxplayers <newmaxplayers> (sets max player limit)
set 20 <card> (set car to respawn)

does nothing for me

set 29 <bool> (enable/disable stuntbike mod)
set 30 <bool> <enable/diable shoot in air mod)

should be

set 29 <PlayerID> <bool> (enable/disable stuntbike mod)
set 30 <PlayerID> <bool> <enable/diable shoot in air mod)

and for the info:
with a bool they mean: 1=on 2=off
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 08:41:28 PM
1 and 2?
I thought 1 and 0 :p.
Anyway i tried /password too but afaik in a similar topic but about 0.3z r1 :D there was /password too but it didnt worked too v_v. Maybe this works only in scripting somehow?

Ah and this isnt a bug, but maybe devs could fix it :). If i type wanted lvl 1, i ve got 1. But like in SP, after few secs, the wanted level is changed to 0 :(. I have an idea how to use the Wanted stuff on my server. It should be like, if player starts playing he got 0 wanted, if he do something then 1, if something more then 2 etc always +1, but for now, a player could have wanted: 0, 1, then again back to 0, with no chance to get more :(, hope u know what i mean ;p.
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: aXXo on December 27, 2009, 07:02:13 AM
Quote from: thijn on December 26, 2009, 07:55:20 PM
yes thats right NC,

I have found the following bugs:

set 28 <playerid> <skin> (set players skin)

Doesn't work, It flashes for a second but returns to the original skin.
Skin is working perfect for me :S.

but none of these are working for me:
that is, any command after the /set commands aint working:
newpickup <type> <pos.x> <pos.x> <pos.y> (creates pickup at position and outputs too [newpickup] <pickupid> <type> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
deletepickup <pickupid> (explains itself)
spawnpickup <pickupid> (respawns pickup)
spickupplayer <playerid> <pickupid> (spawns pickup for player only)
do <playerid> <anim> (set players animation)
perfecthandling <bool> (enable/disable Perfect Handling cheat)
disabledriveby <playerid> <bool> (disable/enable driveby Ability)
gravity <byte> (set global gravity)
gamespeed <byte> (set global gamespeed)
framelimiter <bool> (set global framelimter)
setspikes <playerid> <bool> (enable/disable spikes)
setwepdamage <wepid> <damage> (set weapon damage)
jumpswitch <bool> (enable/disable jump switch glitch)
fastswitch <bool> (enable/disable fastswitch glitch)
syncframelimiter <bool> (enable/disable framelinter sync)
taxiboostjump <bool> (enable/disable taxiboost cheat)
flyingcars <bool> (enable/diable taxiboost cheat)
driveonwater <bool> (enable/disable drive on water cheat)
setwaterlevel <level> (set global water level)
getweather returns(([getweather] byte)
players returns (this info in order - id,playername,ip,port,playerhealth,playerarmour,coord-x,coord-y,coord-y,carid,currentweapon,currentcarhp,players,currentmoney)
ping <player> returns([ping] playerid ping)
getplayercar returns ([getplayercar] playerid vehicleid State VehicleModel CarHealth)

It says "I dont know this command".
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: StriKe on December 27, 2009, 08:22:33 AM
Quote from: aXXo on December 27, 2009, 07:02:13 AM
but none of these are working for me:
that is, any command after the /set commands aint working:
newpickup <type> <pos.x> <pos.x> <pos.y> (creates pickup at position and outputs too [newpickup] <pickupid> <type> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
deletepickup <pickupid> (explains itself)
spawnpickup <pickupid> (respawns pickup)
spickupplayer <playerid> <pickupid> (spawns pickup for player only)
do <playerid> <anim> (set players animation)
perfecthandling <bool> (enable/disable Perfect Handling cheat)
disabledriveby <playerid> <bool> (disable/enable driveby Ability)
gravity <byte> (set global gravity)
gamespeed <byte> (set global gamespeed)
framelimiter <bool> (set global framelimter)
setspikes <playerid> <bool> (enable/disable spikes)
setwepdamage <wepid> <damage> (set weapon damage)
jumpswitch <bool> (enable/disable jump switch glitch)
fastswitch <bool> (enable/disable fastswitch glitch)
syncframelimiter <bool> (enable/disable framelinter sync)
taxiboostjump <bool> (enable/disable taxiboost cheat)
flyingcars <bool> (enable/diable taxiboost cheat)
driveonwater <bool> (enable/disable drive on water cheat)
setwaterlevel <level> (set global water level)
getweather returns(([getweather] byte)
players returns (this info in order - id,playername,ip,port,playerhealth,playerarmour,coord-x,coord-y,coord-y,carid,currentweapon,currentcarhp,players,currentmoney)
ping <player> returns([ping] playerid ping)
getplayercar returns ([getplayercar] playerid vehicleid State VehicleModel CarHealth)

It says "I dont know this command".

You need to script it to get it working :c
and remove ";" to enable this settings

;SyncFrameLimiter = true
;FrameLimiterOn = true
;DriveOnWater = false
;TaxiBoostJump = false
;Gravity = 100
;GameSpeed = 100
;FastSwitch = true
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: [AoD]NC on December 27, 2009, 11:40:39 AM
Changing skin is working for me too, maybe thijn u are trying to change to a special skin?
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: thijn on December 27, 2009, 12:21:47 PM
Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 08:41:28 PM
1 and 2?
I thought 1 and 0 :p.
yeah typo sry

Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 27, 2009, 11:40:39 AM
Changing skin is working for me too, maybe thijn u are trying to change to a special skin?
Im just trying to change from Tommy to Cop, i will check it though
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: ricardo on December 27, 2009, 12:53:11 PM

"Decided to recreate the VC-MP mIRC dll due to the hacky method that had to be used to retrieve data from the server and keep it connected.

The dll handles all the network connections, incoming data etc and parse the data. so no more if ($1 == [join]) "

Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: [AoD]NC on December 27, 2009, 08:34:52 PM
VR said "so no more". This if $1 join is in sansan v_v. This new dll uses instead signals like player join etc, so everything is fine >>>.

Maybe we are using it because devs thing that its not "hacky"?
Title: Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
Post by: Darkness on December 27, 2009, 09:41:43 PM
i have problems to build a server :S
can any help ?
Title: Re: Rcon DLL Documentation
Post by: asad3man on April 24, 2011, 08:31:42 AM
How to use these commands Flacon Tell me Briefly