Tutorial By Forge(ME)1ºDownload the dll VRocker, Link: http://life-urban.co.cc/04/vcmp.dll
Already open the FBS, and search this alias FBS.Load {
and add this, PsySQLite make -f vcmp.db
alias FBS.Load {
PsySQLite make -f vcmp.db
if (!%serverip) $FBS.EnterDetails(serverip, the IP of the server)
if (!%rconport) $FBS.EnterDetails(rconport, the RCON Port of the server)
if (!%pass) $FBS.EnterDetails(pass, the RCON Pass for the server)
if (!%echochan) $FBS.EnterDetails(echochan, the servers echo channel e.g. #echochannel)
if (!%servername) $FBS.EnterDetails(servername, the servers name e.g. Test Server)
if (!%limit) $FBS.EnterDetails(limit, the servers players limit, e.g. 16)
if (!%botname) $FBS.EnterDetails(botname, the bot's name e.g. FBS-Bot (No spaces allowed))
if ($?!="Would you like to proceed to the echo channel? $crlf $+ I hope you Enjoy FBS v0.3 $+ ") $FBS.LoadChan
Already below it add this:Quote
alias PsySQLite {
var %flag = $remove($2,-), %makefile = $3
if ($1 == make) && (%flag == f) {
set %db.path $+($mircdir,PsySQLite\databases\)
set %db $sqlite_open( $+(%db.path,%makefile) )
if ( !%db ) { echo 4 -s Error: %sqlite_errstr | !return }
sqlite_exec %db CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS main (owner UNIQUE)
sqlite_exec %db CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS accounts (nick UNIQUE, password, level, lin, ip, lastactive)
sqlite_exec %db CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ips (nick UNIQUE, ip)
sqlite_exec %db CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stats (nick UNIQUE, status, kills, deaths, spree, cash, bank)
sqlite_exec %db CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vehicles (VehicleID UNIQUE, VehicleModel, IsPassenger, Checksum)
sqlite_exec %db CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS classes (SkinID UNIQUE, SkinName, IsActive, Users, Checksum)
Part 1 list.
In You Script ADD folder that is inside the rar,
Link Rar: http://www.mediafire.com/?nfmzqngdnyj
then unpacked it and should look like the steering.
C:\Documents and Settings\Forge\Escritorio\You Script\PsySQLiteIn Status in the mirc type:
/load -rs PsySQLite\addons\PsyLms.mrc
/load -rs PsySQLite\library\msqlite.mrc
~Edited~~The Fin~
Quote from: thijn on December 28, 2009, 11:05:36 AM
I don't see what you want to do?
Loading both PsySqlite and FBS at the same time in one server?
He wants to load PsySQLite's LastManStanding in FBS
no is a tutorial on how to do that.
Nota: The FBS Default + the psylms of Rulk.
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?nzhzzttgtot
Tutorial For adding Psy's LMS into FBS . i guess