Production of the sever and site, CLOSED.
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dont double post. just be patient until you get an answer
looooool i thought Miami-Dade Racing
btw oh c'mon, Role Play? thats the most bullshit gamemode ever imo
Quote from: creepers on January 21, 2010, 09:41:53 AM
btw oh c'mon, Role Play? thats the most bullshit gamemode ever imo
What I hate most about those role plays (judging by sa-mp) is that they always forbid "deathmatching". Seriously, how "role playish" is it when I can't do what I want with even my gun?!
Hey duck remember me (Scimitar RPG) :P I thought you left vcmp ages ago.
From my experience in making RPG scripts I suggest getting New VC-MP Mirc Admin instead of GUS.
GUS maybe be easy to script, but it has LOTS of bugs. If your script gets more complex it will surely lag. Some of GUS defects are slow pickup detection, slow enter car detection, leave car signal triggers 2 times, no team kill detection, some skin colors are not detected at kill signal, very low documentation about command features and a stone age DLL. But New VC-MP Mirc Admin script has almost no commands so you'll have to make them on your own, or reconvert them from other scripts.
New VC-MP Mirc Admin
I also released a few basic RPG commands you can use.
Good Luck ;)
2 Skirmant: Now just think: why would someone want to make a global RPG script in mrc so that nobody can play it once 0.4 (which is pawn-only) is out? Seriously, use your logic.
Quote from: Boss on January 21, 2010, 05:20:53 PM
2 Skirmant: Now just think: why would someone want to make a global RPG script in mrc so that nobody can play it once 0.4 (which is pawn-only) is out? Seriously, use your logic.
Hm... I never heard about that. Are you 100% sure?
Quote from: Skirmant on January 22, 2010, 01:32:27 PM
Quote from: Boss on January 21, 2010, 05:20:53 PM
2 Skirmant: Now just think: why would someone want to make a global RPG script in mrc so that nobody can play it once 0.4 (which is pawn-only) is out? Seriously, use your logic.
Hm... I never heard about that. Are you 100% sure?
lol look around the forums, can't you see the word "pawno" around here?
Quotelol look around the forums, can't you see the word "pawno" around here?
I know that pawno was released, but only saw it as a add-on to VCMP for attracting more scripters from SAMP. I think you understood me wrong :p
Quote from: Skirmant on January 23, 2010, 08:26:17 AM
Quotelol look around the forums, can't you see the word "pawno" around here?
I know that pawno was released, but only saw it as a add-on to VCMP for attracting more scripters from SAMP. I think you understood me wrong :p
3zr2 servers use the script. most servers are 3zr2 sooooo irc is useless for now...
Quote from: Boss on January 21, 2010, 10:01:48 AM
Quote from: creepers on January 21, 2010, 09:41:53 AM
btw oh c'mon, Role Play? thats the most bullshit gamemode ever imo
What I hate most about those role plays (judging by sa-mp) is that they always forbid "deathmatching". Seriously, how "role playish" is it when I can't do what I want with even my gun?!
Haha, I join those server and say I'm a murderer and kill everyone, you even get banned for roleplaying a murderer. LOL
Quote from: Gulk on January 23, 2010, 10:20:18 AM
Quote from: Boss on January 21, 2010, 10:01:48 AM
Quote from: creepers on January 21, 2010, 09:41:53 AM
btw oh c'mon, Role Play? thats the most bullshit gamemode ever imo
What I hate most about those role plays (judging by sa-mp) is that they always forbid "deathmatching". Seriously, how "role playish" is it when I can't do what I want with even my gun?!
Haha, I join those server and say I'm a murderer and kill everyone, you even get banned for roleplaying a murderer. LOL
LMAO thats what i do to on *cough* argonath
or i say im an escaped mental patient xD
Sorry i haven't been active for a bit. Been testing.
If your RPG sever is still up I'll close this and join you guys.
You guys must understand that if you stop trying to kill everyone in sight and just RP you'll get much more out of the sever than just Killing everyone in sight. The sever I hope will offer much for everyone.
Thanks for the script's you guys have offered I still need a host and i am still learning much as I can about scripting. If anyone can host let me know.
Also, For those of you who are looking forward to Really Role Playing I am accepting Gang Application to script your gang / gangs into the sever.
Mr Duck
Whats going on with the RPG sever.
- Looking for Admins
- Creating a rule List.
Learning how to script / Looking for scripter's
Looking for a 24/7 Host.
Allowing Pre Sever Gang and Police Apps. {Get Creative with creating a APP their is no Format as of now]
Quote3zr2 servers use the script. most servers are 3zr2 sooooo irc is useless for now...
Why is IRC useless? Not all servers use pawn scripts. In fact a small number of servers use pawn.
Quote from: Skirmant on January 23, 2010, 08:37:35 PM
Quote3zr2 servers use the script. most servers are 3zr2 sooooo irc is useless for now...
Why is IRC useless? Not all servers use pawn scripts. In fact a small number of servers use pawn.
*facepalm* how many times do i have to tell you
most servers are 3zr2.
3zr2 servers use PAWNO
Quote from: Skirmant on January 23, 2010, 08:37:35 PM
Why is IRC useless? Not all servers use pawn scripts. In fact a small number of servers use pawn.
In fact, there is a small number of ALL servers. lol
Anyway, as I have already mentioned, once VC-MP's pawn gets plugins support, its functionality will be endlessly superior to that of mrc scripts. So switching to it is a kind of a rational step towards MP's improvement.
We are accepting Gang App's from all offic Clans of VCMP. Post with a Spawn Location Two Spawn car locations and two guns you would like to spawn with.
This is all free no donations are need but we accept them. :>>
3 Gang slots are open for free.
Reply with the following Information,
Gang / Clan Name
Story / Gang BIo
HQ and why
Spawn cars and Why
HQ Location ((a F8 Or the /s Location))
Spawn Car locations ((Same as HQ location)) With colorcodes Example "Sabor 37 5"
All Spawn car color ID's like Yellow and white or Black will be made Pink.
3 Question test your members will know the answers too. Or a Gang Password/
Why do i need to make a test?
To avoid people joining your Gang that you do not want to join upon spawning in your gang they will be sent to a location where they can not escape they must answer the questions correctly or enter the gang Password to spawn at your HQ>
Quote from: creepers on January 24, 2010, 12:21:55 AM
*facepalm* how many times do i have to tell you most servers are 3zr2. 3zr2 servers use PAWNO
Actually not all r2 servers use pawn (pawno is the IDE, not the language ;)) A lot of servers still use mirc, very few use pawn atm. from the people i've spoke to, they're not going to switch either.
Also out of the 6 servers i host on, none of them are pawn.
Quote from: Boss on January 24, 2010, 12:54:15 AM
Anyway, as I have already mentioned, once VC-MP's pawn gets plugins support, its functionality will be endlessly superior to that of mrc scripts. So switching to it is a kind of a rational step towards MP's improvement.
Plugin support would aid in switching people to pawn yes, but you have to accept that a few people are unwilling to switch because either
a) they cant be arsed to learn pawn
b) There will always be features missing from pawn that people can do in mirc with ease
c) converting scripts takes time, and who wants to spend a day or so converting a script which has worked fine for 2 years
d) some people (like me) dont actually like pawn, and disagree with having to jump through hoops to do simple things. Script languages should be simple.
Quote from: VRocker on January 29, 2010, 12:50:50 PM
a) they cant be arsed to learn pawn
You're using "learn" and "pawn" in one sentence? lol. Pawn is a heaven compared to mrc's syntax.
Quote from: VRocker on January 29, 2010, 12:50:50 PM
b) There will always be features missing from pawn that people can do in mirc with ease
A VERY doubtful statement, especially since no more mrc functions are going to be implemented.
Quote from: VRocker on January 29, 2010, 12:50:50 PM
c) converting scripts takes time, and who wants to spend a day or so converting a script which has worked fine for 2 years
Enough time is given. And people who cba... meh, they always exist. Plus, you're saying "spend a day" like they'll have to do it every week lol.
Quote from: VRocker on January 29, 2010, 12:50:50 PM
d) some people (like me) dont actually like pawn, and disagree with having to jump through hoops to do simple things. Script languages should be simple.
If Pawn is not simple, what is? Out of the languages I use most (C#, php, Action Script 2.0 and pawn), I find pawn the easiest one (even easier than AS 2.0 lmao). It may require to do some extra stuff compared to the languages which have lots of server-side build-in functions, but still it IS simple (and clearly simpler than mrc).
If Pawn is not simple, what is? Out of the languages I use most (C#, php, Action Script 2.0 and pawn), I find pawn the easiest one (even easier than AS 2.0 lmao). It may require to do some extra stuff compared to the languages which have lots of server-side build-in functions, but still it IS simple (and clearly simpler than mrc).
Well I don't know much about how superior the "easy" pawn side is, but I'll stick with mirc. Reconverting my script would be way too much of a mess.