Hello guys,
When i join server, and press T to type, nothing happened, nothing shows, whats the problem ?
Cya ;D
Try ` to chat.
Doesn't work :-[
Any help ;D
Have you tried re-installing the VC:MP client?
Can you give me a direct link please ?
http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=16 (http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=16)
When i tried to install it :-
If you can't type, your keyboard layout is probably not English. Switch to English one with Ctrl+Shift or Shift+Alt.
Quote from: Boss on March 06, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
If you can't type, your keyboard layout is probably not English. Switch to English one with Ctrl+Shift or Shift+Alt.
Finally !!! ;D
Thanks dude, its works :D
Take this one :-*
Em i dont understand 1 simple thing...
If Rami couldnt type T in game [keyboard layout] so how could he type T here on forums ;o?
Loool, ;D
I said i nothing shows when i press T in-game, and i don't mean that i can't type this letter ;).