Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP => General Discussion => Topic started by: Michael on July 12, 2010, 05:05:51 PM

Title: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Michael on July 12, 2010, 05:05:51 PM
Hello there,
I am Michael, I've been playing San Andreas Multiplayer for over 2 years and got tired of it. GTA-IV MP is still in development progress and it might fail so I am not thinking of joining it yet. I always was interested to test VC-MP as Vice City is one of the coolest games created by Rockstar, I like it even more than GTA-IV. I tried to download the multiplayer client but I receive some error message, is it closed? Thanks indeed for answer.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Jancis71 on July 12, 2010, 05:20:39 PM
VCMP isnt closed.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Force on July 12, 2010, 05:26:36 PM
VC-MP is still running yes, low player count though, sometimes peaking over 100. Think the things that put people off are the huge flaws in the 'official' scripting languages compared to the 'unofficial' scripting languages.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Klaus_Meine on July 12, 2010, 06:08:36 PM
Quote from: Force on July 12, 2010, 05:26:36 PM
Think the things that put people off are the huge flaws in the 'official' scripting languages compared to the 'unofficial' scripting languages.
I really doubt that has anything to do with low player count.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: ricardo on July 12, 2010, 06:21:02 PM
Quote from: Force on July 12, 2010, 05:26:36 PM
Think the things that put people off are the huge flaws in the 'official' scripting languages compared to the 'unofficial' scripting languages.

new players dont think of scripting capabilities at all, and they especially dont sit there comparing scripting languages of official and unofficial versions of vice city mp.

saw a chance to plug the unofficial server? you drank it all up and squeezed the can with one hand...
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: JayL on July 12, 2010, 07:06:50 PM
Quote from: Force on July 12, 2010, 05:26:36 PM
Think the things that put people off are the huge flaws in the 'official' scripting languages compared to the 'unofficial' scripting languages.

Oh please.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Force on July 12, 2010, 07:12:56 PM
I never had any intention of 'plugging' the unofficial server (since there is no point, everyone here knows it won't be supported and I don't give two shits about which server people decide to use). I was merely trying to get across the fact that due to the scripting limitations of VC-MP we are unable to create some fun and exciting game modes. Therefore they all end up being deathmatch servers, which not everyone wants to play. In my opinion the wider the variety of gamemodes that are out there increases the chance of having more players since it gives them more options than just a deathmatch server.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: JayL on July 12, 2010, 08:21:07 PM
Then your definition of fun is wrong.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: thijn on July 12, 2010, 10:19:35 PM
Quote from: JayL on July 12, 2010, 08:21:07 PM
Then your definition of fun is wrong.
Fun in the way of boring I guess, If you play in a DM server for around 4 years you get bored easily and really want to try something else. But if there isn't "something else" due to the scripting capabilities, you have 2 options. Play DM again, and do not have so many fun, or leave VC:MP and search for some other game.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: [AoD]NC on July 13, 2010, 12:06:05 AM
...or start scm* scripting like me! :p And have access to all functions possible in VC, VCMP uses probably hmm how many of them? 5%?

scm = main.scm, mission codding for single player etc.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Squida on July 13, 2010, 02:07:23 AM

YES vcmp is still alive lol
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Klaus_Meine on July 13, 2010, 09:08:53 AM
Quote from: thijn on July 12, 2010, 10:19:35 PM
you have 3 options. Play DM again, and do not have so many fun, play Argonath RPG or leave VC:MP and search for some other game.
Fixed ;D
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Charleyutton on July 13, 2010, 10:38:19 AM
Quote from: Squida on July 13, 2010, 02:07:23 AM

YES vcmp is still alive lol

Yeah, IMO it's more alive than it has been for over 2 years.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: JayL on July 13, 2010, 04:46:44 PM
Quote from: thijn on July 12, 2010, 10:19:35 PM
Quote from: JayL on July 12, 2010, 08:21:07 PM
Then your definition of fun is wrong.
Fun in the way of boring I guess, If you play in a DM server for around 4 years you get bored easily and really want to try something else. But if there isn't "something else" due to the scripting capabilities, you have 2 options. Play DM again, and do not have so many fun, or leave VC:MP and search for some other game.

You're in a DM server to show your shooting skills off and kill people. Simple as that. Not spend your time on a hundred new features.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Pussycat_Dolls on July 13, 2010, 05:45:24 PM
VC:MP is not closed, it's just kinda empty lately I guess people are tired of death matching.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: ULK.HeAD on July 13, 2010, 07:31:24 PM
Quote from: Force on July 12, 2010, 07:12:56 PM
Therefore they all end up being deathmatch servers, which not everyone wants to play. In my opinion the wider the variety of gamemodes that are out there increases the chance of having more players since it gives them more options than just a deathmatch server.

while you are right about more variety being good for VCMP, I guess you're sortof touching on what I'm about to say... developers can add scripting features all they want for VC, SA does other types of gameplay better than VC, and it probably always will.
at the end of the day, SA just has way more to offer in the way of gameplay variety like free roaming or RP, while VC offers better core control functions for deathmatch styles of gameplay.
you can spend years trying to turn VC into a half-assed collection of wanna-be SA game modes and always come up short, or you can focus on it's stronger points: fast-paced combat via more robust core controls and a smaller map where it is sometimes easier to make use of everything and everyone in play..

from my end over at ULK and XE, the problem with VC isn't the fact its slighted for DM, it's a problem with getting players to accept it and becoming interested in DM gameplay and competition, instead of thinking VC can give SA a run for it's money in the RPG department. the root of a DM games' payoff to a player, is competion.. with that said, establishing VCMP as a fair playing field should be something all server operators or scripters or developers are concerned with. otherwise competitive DM players join and see lag, cheats, glitches or holes in scripted DM gameplay, of course VC DM is going to fail in their eyes. there is no competition on an unfair playing field.
in all my dealings with trying to get gang activity stirred up within VCMP, the main obstacle has been getting players to realize VC offers solid competition, and they cite weak scripts, servers that do not account for bugs or glitches or gameplay balance issues in their reasoning against VC. they generally laugh at the notion of anyone considering VC an actual grounds for competition, due to the lack of comprehensive DM scripting. on the other side of this coin, zegro and edhex scripted a deathmatch-style game mode for VC, attack/defend, and it's being used by gangs constantly since... gangs that sat idle doing nothing for nearly 2 years beforehand. its is a direct example of how comprehensive scripting towards fair and competitive DM gameplay within VCMP has immediately paid off with increased community activity.

besides all that, the most immediate and concrete obstacle to VCMP moving forward that I can point to right this second, is the amount of vehicles spawned or in-play... the limited amounts really curb what we're able to do in the way of fostering in more GTA gameplay variety into VCMP. without tons of cars or pickups or markers all over the place, the natural dynamic will always have to be slanted towards DM within VC as the most competitive option.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: [AoD]NC on July 13, 2010, 11:37:01 PM
I read only the half post :D... but however I would like to say something too.

If i understand it properly, you mean that only DM is good for VCMP? Well but running into others and shooting them with a stubby in face can be good but for how long? Of course someone can play it longer or shorter, but finally a player will get bored with this.

About other gamemodes:
races: vehicle sync... + no checkpoints (but implenting checkpoints for VCMP can take some time, just because when you want a checkpoint in single player, first you need to create them, second you need to check if a player passed it and third delete it :p)
role play: personally I hate role plays, but there was one time a SAMP record, 500 (max!) ppl at one time playing at a rp server. I was playing one time on a MTA roleplay and there were much command, but also a GUI interface, which is definitely better then "type command"...
attack base etc: VCs weapons, can't walk while camping makes the game worse imo

So yes you can be right that only DM is good now... However as I said before, it will get sooner or later boring. But the DM can be still improved by VCMP devs. For example adding a turret mode (you are on a car/object and can aim -> single player ammunation shooting range). It could be something funny when one player is driving a car and the 2nd is shooting. When in turret mode, he can't fall from the car, simple! If there would be new features like this, I am sure that more players would play it :).

Good night.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Klaus_Meine on July 14, 2010, 12:20:46 AM
Being able to fire an M60 from a helicopter while your mate flys would be epic
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Ettans on July 14, 2010, 10:04:51 AM
I'm sure there will be more active players once the PAWN server is fully integrated, as it'll open up a whole lot of new scripting possibilities. I guess only time will show. :)
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: thijn on July 14, 2010, 12:17:43 PM
Quote from: Ettans on July 14, 2010, 10:04:51 AM
I'm sure there will be more active players once the PAWN server is fully integrated, as it'll open up a whole lot of new scripting possibilities. I guess only time will show. :)
Don't think its because of pawn, but because the server can do a lot more.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: OutlawZ on July 14, 2010, 01:46:24 PM
Quote from: Michael on July 12, 2010, 05:05:51 PM
Hello there,
I am Michael, I've been playing San Andreas Multiplayer for over 2 years and got tired of it. GTA-IV MP is still in development progress and it might fail so I am not thinking of joining it yet. I always was interested to test VC-MP as Vice City is one of the coolest games created by Rockstar, I like it even more than GTA-IV. I tried to download the multiplayer client but I receive some error message, is it closed? Thanks indeed for answer.

Stop going off topic and help this guy.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: ricardo on July 14, 2010, 06:28:02 PM
Quote from: OutlawZ on July 14, 2010, 01:46:24 PM
Stop going off topic and help this guy.

agreed, those with pessimistic views on vcmp please stop venting it out in this forum.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Windlord on July 15, 2010, 06:58:20 AM
Please people, keep your shallow thoughts to yourselves.

In an ever changing online world, vcmp is pretty much dead.
Just take a look at how many people are actually still active: a pitiful amount.
There are however a few who continuously try to keep it alive and keep the community full of excitements.
And of course they are great resources to the community.

To name a few;
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: Charleyutton on July 15, 2010, 10:50:03 AM
It's also worth noting the clan membership figures. The number of people in clans at the moment is sky high, ULK reached 50 at one point and others have been pushing through the 20s. There is also now frequent clan matches, so even though DM can be seen to get boring, it is still developing and imo competition almost never gets boring.

Saying DM gets boring in VC:MP is like a proffesional tennis player going 'oh actually yeah I'm a bit bored of this now I'm gonna go play rugby.'

Even though people are doing the same thing over and over, the competition still drives people to improve and stick with it. (Just my view anyway)
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: tomsen25 on July 28, 2010, 04:29:13 PM
I have been playing GTA3 Multiplayer for over 2 years and got tired of it.I always was interested to test VC-MP as Vice City is one of the coolest games created by Rockstar, I like it even more than GTA-IV. I tried to download the multiplayer client but I got some error and then game will stoped.
What is the solustion of it?
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: maxorator on July 29, 2010, 11:44:32 AM
Quote from: tomsen25 on July 28, 2010, 04:29:13 PM
I have been playing GTA3 Multiplayer for over 2 years and got tired of it.I always was interested to test VC-MP as Vice City is one of the coolest games created by Rockstar, I like it even more than GTA-IV. I tried to download the multiplayer client but I got some error and then game will stoped.
What is the solustion of it?
We can't really help unless you tell what error you got.
Title: Re: Is Vice City MP still alive?
Post by: ULK.HeAD on August 03, 2010, 12:47:59 AM
Quote from: Charleyutton on July 15, 2010, 10:50:03 AM
Even though people are doing the same thing over and over, the competition still drives people to improve and stick with it. (Just my view anyway)

yep, I'm just glad someone besides one of my partners or protege's is finally waking up to this reality.
pretty much ALL games are stupid and pointless, unless you derive competition from said game... there is no good reason to be playing around.

scripting isn't everything in VCMP, you can make 100 awesome servers, and it doesn't matter unless you can drive people to compete there... as without competition games are pointless. if you're going to minimalize competition in favor of cooperative sandbox RPG type play or "for the hell of it" script-features, VCMP will always be at a loss for games with higher functionality for that type of gameplay. SA simply has better graphics and controls for that type of gameplay, so VC will always be at a loss trying to compete with it... even if scripting capabilities and sync were equal.
while some servers managed to successfully include non-dm types of competition such as LW's car ownerships, they still failed to keep competition fresh, and died under inflation and stagnation. non-DM competition is very hard to balance.

competition in VCMP is growing as cutton says, and this competition is directly rooted in deathmatch gameplay styles. competition also drives the game and gives it purpose. at this point, developing VCMP's DM aspects is naturally the most productive way to take advantage of the growing competition, and using it to drive the game further.

just ask any LW's regular what keeps them playing there rather than XE, and they tell you it's the chancce to fight the stubby masters usually found at LW's and not XE. ask any XE guy why he plays there and not LW's, and he tells you it's because he feels more challenged to compete in the FFA crowd around XE.
ask any major server regular why, and they say "competition" not "escapism through online role-playing in VC cause I'm too cheap for WoW and too old for runescape"