It Mod Like samp Rumble
I create it for Trainig and Clan Wars for my clan [FeV]
It Have 3 arenas and 1 base , i so lazy to create other arenas and bases D:
I Add DisplayHits System in the Mode :D
But it working sometimes only...
/c text [green/pink] [text]
/c pack [Python/Shotgun/MP5/Ruger/SniperRifle/Grenade] [Python/Shotgun/MP5/Ruger/SniperRifle/Grenade]
/c arena [arenaid]
/c base [baseid]
/c view [a/b] [id] [spawn]
/c sarena [arenaid]
/c sbase [baseid]
/c swap (not working :( (SetPlayerSkin Bug) )
/c aswap [playerid] (not working :( (SetPlayerSkin Bug) )
/c switch (not working :( (SetPlayerSkin Bug) )
/c team
/c end
Arena 0: Ammo-fight
Arena 1: Fire-Station
Arena 2: SkyScraperTDM
Arena 3: Golf-Lake
Base 0: CopsStation
#define DEFENDER_SKIN - Defender Skin
#define ATACKER_SKIN - Atacker Skin
#define COLOR_MAIN - Main Color For All Messages
#define DefaultTextBottom - Main Game Text In Lobby
#define MAX_ARENAS - Max Alowed Arenas
#define MAX_BASES Max Alowed Bases
new Float:MainSpawn[20][3] - Main Lobby spawns
SoldFiles Link (
I want to see your arenas and bases for this mode :)
Sory For My Bad English
Please Rate And Comment this
gl with your A/D mode
is there an IP to see it?
it looks like a very basic version of TLN's script :D
this is amazing!! thanks for you input YmOn.
good work!
ahh nice
is there a server running this? :P
SetPlayerSkin Bug what bug??
thnks all ;)
Function SetPlayerSkin doesnt change player skin...
When I making this gm, i see TLN Bunker A/D , in it i get command /c view ;)
Server With This GameMode coming soon ;)
for me everything worked ???
Server Started IP
Quote from: Jancis71 on July 21, 2010, 10:16:08 AM
for me everything worked ???
agreed, everything works for me too, reminds me of Psycho Empire's attack/defend script but in a better language. brilliant job YmOn, a good contribution.
I have a very basic Squirrel A/D Script. I don't switch the player skins when I do /c swap, I'm just calling variables at the beggining of the script so it'd be like:
(Their team color 1) <- Attackers
(Their team color 2) <- Defenders
After swapping the teams it would look like:
(Their team color 1) <- Defenders
(Their team color 2) <- Attackers
Hope this helps :)
ye on our original mode, we call attackers 'team a' and defenders 'team b'
with /c swap, 'team a' is switched to defender and 'team b' switch to attacker.
It doesn't switch skins etc, only where team teleports to (either the defending zone or attacking zone)
This script is mostly a copy of 90NINE's "aad rumble" from samp who you forgot to credit, instead adding your clan advertisements and, please note, crediting yourself for array lists lol. Needless to say that this copy has endless mistakes since aad rumble itself had a huge amount of useless/unoptimized/stupid parts. That script is VERY old, ~2007, A/D evolved for 3 years. As a proof to my words, here's a link to original one, you need to be blinded not to see that a lot of stuff was just copy pasted
This looks like a true garbage, i could go for months finding mistakes/useless stuff in this one, i.e.
all these spawns for each base you load are useless, you can actually use only 1 instead of 18, try to think how, it's easy. Same goes for "main spawn".
a random look into the code and...
new idx,cmd[256],tmp[256];
cmd = strtok(cmdtext,idx);
tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
A string of 256 can be inside a string of 256? It's clearly less. And that's not the only thing. You can't type more than 64 chars in vcmp's chat, what for you use 192 more cells? This is just memory spam due to ignorance and a rush to have a copy pasted "working at leats any way" part.
Also, i think i've been talkin about this one in here somewhere already. These MAX_PLAYERS everywhere, what if i have a 20 slots server while vcmp's max is 100. What for _all_ your loops work 80 times more than needed then?
btw, lol, what's that for?
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
maybe at least comment stuff you don't use?
that "pack" command is a very good example of indian code, even tru you're russian, too bad you never thought about how you can find values in your array and why they have to be in some special order. Scripting is made to simplify things, not to write "if "a", if "b", etc", that just shows your logic level
anyway, i guess everyone gets my opinion already...
it seems to me that your rather emotional and dont want people contributing to vcmp, could the contribution of its downfall be partly down to emotional posts like the one above....
a way to alleviate your emotion would be to get laid, but as your spending time posting waffle i doubt that will happen for you.
never mind, it might happen one day for you.
in the mean time, while you have no life and no woman to occupy your time, do try to stop posting waffle <enter your real name here>
He wasn't emotional, he explained everything in a calm, professional manner. Using someones work and re-releasing it as your own, is a copyright infringement and is appreciated nowhere. Crediting himself for an array is plain weird, since he only renamed the vehicles in it, arrays themselves are VERY old. I've used 90NINE's A/D Rumble myself and I can say that it crashed very often, at least in SA:MP, so if this is INDEED a copy of 90NINE's mode, expect it to crash a lot. I'm not saying Ym0n actually DID copy it, I'm just saying that it has a lot of similarities and credit should be given where due.
it first has to be copyright protected for the agreement to be breached.
due to the fact vcmp itself is not copyright protected i cannot see why anyone would pay and indeed keep up the renewal of an agreement for a vcmp script.
if a copyright licence was not obtained prior to a live launch, it would almost be impossible to establish who the original creator was in a court of law if both sides claim ownership, and most likely be thrown out immediately. a substantial cost will still be incurred for the person making the complaint.
to ensure a piece of work has/not been copyrighted there are online registers with full details of the licence the owner has purchased.
As of January 1, 1978, under U.S. copyright law, a work is automatically protected by copyright when it is created.
What makes you think that VC:MP is not copyright protected? Even the open-sourced 0.1c is copyrighted by GPL (General Public License).
Quote from: Ettans on July 22, 2010, 11:11:44 AM
As of January 1, 1978, under U.S. copyright law, a work is automatically protected by copyright when it is created.
What makes you think that VC:MP is not copyright protected? Even the open-sourced 0.1c is copyrighted by GPL (General Public License).
i'll do some research into the General Public License soon, but from some brief reading about it, its not covered by the same laws as copyright, it holds copyleft rights.
i had a moment to glance at this
Quote from: Wikipedia
"The text of the GPL is itself copyrighted, and the copyright is held by the Free Software Foundation. However, the FSF does not hold the copyright for a work released under the GPL"
Quote from: Wikipedia
"Only the individual copyright holders have the authority to sue when a license violation takes place."
to put it simply, VC:MP is not protected by any copyright laws and no action can be taken.
We don't know that, we only know the license used for the open-sourced 0.1c, but not about any newer versions.
Quote from: Ettans on July 23, 2010, 01:05:34 AM
We don't know that, we only know the license used for the open-sourced 0.1c, but not about any newer versions.
we do indeed know that it is not protected by copyright laws.
like i have already mentioned, for legal purposes it must be avilable to the public.
Nice :)
Mirror: (
Thanks for mirrow ;D