Did you know this?
Option 1: Yes, old thing
Option 2: No :O!
Option 3: wuttttt?
There is a hidden graphic function in VC. It is known for a few years for now... But I would like to know how many of you have heard about this or tried it even out?
Just compare the 2 screens:
You see this...
But you could see that!
The only what you need is to activate a hidden option in VC... How to do that?
Polish tutorial: http://murzyn.heliohost.org/blog/index.php?itemid=51
German tutorial: http://murzyn.heliohost.org/ghetto_mod/motionblur_vc.rar
The effect is called "Trails". It makes the game colors more lively and adds blur. Just something between VCS and SA :).
Btw. notice also the weather colors. It is not set by an id like in vcmp, but by a special code (called opcode), that was used in VC only in 2 missions ;o. But it looks awesome :).
Remember to vote!
and in english???
i once had a gta-vc.exe that enables this option, but it didn't work with VCMP. not sure what version it was either. btw it's the same effect that was used in GTAIII, even blurrier.
NC if you got it to work in VCMP could you please just post your .exe, otherwise this thread has no point :(
I googled it and found out that you have to click some hidden option in display on the right, i can't find one... ???
/edit: ahh, there is a mod for it to make it work for pc version, but i can't find it :|
Quote from: OutlawZ on August 15, 2010, 10:59:50 PM
I googled it and found out that you have to click some hidden option in display on the right, i can't find one... ???
/edit: ahh, there is a mod for it to make it work for pc version, but i can't find it :|
Yeah, you need the menu editor to make it work
@Tical: Notice that I posted it in "Vice City" section, nothing to do with MP ;). However haven't tried with VCMP before. But look, I have just entered build mode (can't play MP, modded too much things while learning mod things, but it connects me to the server and says "CRC bla bla"), but it works...
The menu editor is included with the german tutorial. I don;t have much time, maybe I will write tomorrow a simple guide how to do that.
f it, here's a vcmp compatible .exe: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HQTLZ1XC
Options -> Display Settings -> Trails
(http://s005.radikal.ru/i210/1008/4f/40e2bf57e3fft.jpg) (http://s005.radikal.ru/i210/1008/4f/40e2bf57e3ff.jpg) (http://s002.radikal.ru/i198/1008/59/ab9173aa7d5at.jpg) (http://s002.radikal.ru/i198/1008/59/ab9173aa7d5a.jpg)
(http://s56.radikal.ru/i152/1008/4b/054d11e32370t.jpg) (http://s56.radikal.ru/i152/1008/4b/054d11e32370.jpg) (http://s005.radikal.ru/i212/1008/ae/2755da7f7983t.jpg) (http://s005.radikal.ru/i212/1008/ae/2755da7f7983.jpg)
too bad it makes it kinda harder to aim and most of the time you can't see names/hp, so you won't really play MP with it all the time.
not workin...
yeah, it didn't work for me :(
what about this one http://www.zshare.net/download/79476960fb63397e/
It worked ;D thanks