Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP => mIRC/pawn Scripting => ShowRoom (pawn) => Topic started by: heekz.shadow on February 10, 2011, 06:47:47 AM

Title: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 10, 2011, 06:47:47 AM
Add here all your greatest functions (: .
I will start:
PlayerToPoint(Float:radi, playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
   new Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz;
   new Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz;
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz);
   tempposx = (oldposx -x);
   tempposy = (oldposy -y);
   tempposz = (oldposz -z);
   if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi)))
       return 1;
   return 0;
Not made by me
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) GetPlayerName(playerid,Nick,sizeof(Nick));
else format(Nick,sizeof(Nick),"0");
return Nick;
Made by me
forward HowMuchPlayersAreInArea(Float:radi,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z);
public HowMuchPlayersAreInArea(Float:radi,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z)
new i;
new cplayers=0;
   for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
       if(PlayerToPoint(radi, i, x, y, z))
return cplayers;
Made by me:)

Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: theway on February 11, 2011, 05:02:56 AM
how can i uesd ?  What is the use

Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: aXXo on February 11, 2011, 01:30:30 PM

//Function to get a Subnet from IP

public GetSubnet(IP[])
new IP1[76],IP2[76],counter=0;
new Subnet[72];
return Subnet;

public FindPlayerIDFromString(string[])
{// for determining player id from a string  -bakasan
// fixed version by aXXo
new player = INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID;
new p = 0;
if ((strlen(string) <= 2) && (isnumeric(string) == 1)) {
if (IsPlayerConnected(strval(string))) return strval(string);
while (p < MAX_PLAYERS) { if (strfind(gPlayers[p],string,true) != -1) { player=p;break; } p++; }
if (player == INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID) {// string didnt match so check if it can be an id
if ((strlen(string) > 2) || (isnumeric(string) == 0)) { return INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID; }
player = strval(string);// string is numeric and not more than 2 digits
if (!IsPlayerConnected(player)) { return INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID; }
return player;// valid id found
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: shivambansal on February 11, 2011, 02:38:35 PM
Quote from: theway on February 11, 2011, 05:02:56 AM
how can i uesd ?  What is the use

you have your own server ???
copy these and paste in a notepad ten paste in your server' scriptsfiles
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 11, 2011, 08:59:32 PM
as example:
if(PlayerToPoint(Float:radi,playerid,Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z)) {

// smthing happens
return 1;
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 12, 2011, 07:38:50 PM
It under-understands :)) Its simple.

as example,you wanna do /c repair

this could be the code
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"repair",true) == 0)
if(PlayerToPoint(30.0,playerid,somecoords)) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Vehicle Repaired");
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You are not at Pay'n'Spray");
return 1;
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on February 13, 2011, 03:16:35 AM
aXXo How to Make A Subnet Ban CMD O_o
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on February 13, 2011, 04:36:54 AM
with the subnet function you could just make a command that adds a list of all the subnets and then compare them on player connect
This probably isnt ground breaking but here's a function for sending a message to players near another player

stock say(playerid,string[256])
    for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
        if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1) {
new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
            if (GetDistance(i,X,Y,Z) <= 10) {
return 1;
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 13, 2011, 08:32:22 AM
Subnets banning is simple,it uses DINI.

So when someone does /c sban his subnet gonna be typed on a file then he is kicked
when a player connects,his subnet is compared with the subnets listed on that file,if it returns 1,then he is kicked,and if returns 0,it is just fine !
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on February 13, 2011, 05:12:32 PM
Please Write Code Here
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 13, 2011, 07:49:36 PM
Sorry,I dont got enough time and its just a prototype.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on February 14, 2011, 02:15:27 AM
shadow can u give the code for making properties pickup by typing !addprop my gups have this cmd but dont work so i deleted it can u give me the code plse 
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 14, 2011, 11:49:00 AM
What dont works more exactly?
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on February 14, 2011, 02:05:40 PM
O.o Just giveme Subnet ban ::)
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 14, 2011, 04:46:04 PM
Do someone minded at taking scripts from sa-mp and converting into vcmp ?  ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on February 14, 2011, 04:54:26 PM
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 14, 2011, 04:46:04 PM
Do someone minded at taking scripts from sa-mp and converting into vcmp ?  ::) ::) ::) ::)

That's easy  ;D
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on February 15, 2011, 12:21:56 AM
Ya but it will take out some of the functionality
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on February 15, 2011, 12:18:28 PM
Quote from: Robd on February 15, 2011, 12:21:56 AM
Ya but it will take out some of the functionality

Not Really, because im pro at it  :D
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: FREESTLYE_WILSON on February 15, 2011, 02:46:38 PM
Quote from: yazeen on February 14, 2011, 02:15:27 AM
shadow can u give the code for making properties pickup by typing !addprop my gups have this cmd but dont work so i deleted it can u give me the code plse 
addprop wont work on gups and fbs use gus i didnt use gus xD
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
Wilson,I didn't understood a word.  ???  ???  ???

Theoreticlly,the best way to make VC:MP Scripts what you couldn't find,and you are a beginner,is downloading SA:MP Scripts and studying'em.

BTW I will list,when I will reach my home,my Ping-Limiter. :D

Aldo,trust me,a guy who can't make a !cop or !wanted command and who don't knows about random use......

QuoteIm a pro at it

heekz.shadow cheers Aldo.
heekz.shadow advises FREESTYLE_WILSON to improve his english.
heekz.shadow advises some players of VC:MP to use Past Tense Verbs when they are needed.
heekz.shadow hides.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:35:53 PM
Quote from: yazeen on February 14, 2011, 02:15:27 AM
shadow can u give the code for making properties pickup by typing !addprop my gups have this cmd but dont work so i deleted it can u give me the code plse 

You could just read FAMP or and see that AddStaticPickup is usable just in OnGameModeInit ( I hope that I can say yet )
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on February 15, 2011, 04:02:58 PM
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on February 15, 2011, 04:17:01 PM
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
QuoteIm a pro at it

Yes, I fail but I converted SA:MP style property,car,bizz systems to VC:MP  ;)
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 05:29:55 PM
QuoteI converted bizz

Aldo, every freestyle and lots of peoples saw you lying.I saw your server.What you Don't exists....
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on February 15, 2011, 05:50:43 PM
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 05:29:55 PM
QuoteI converted bizz

Aldo, every freestyle and lots of peoples saw you lying.I saw your server.What you Don't exists....
Why would I post my scripts such as my Clan Protection?

Why would I put RP scripts on a DM server? lol

>implying I don't have a file on my pc with scripts in it

>implying your english is pro

Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on February 17, 2011, 03:11:09 AM
how long have these "Scripting masterminds" been fighting, how about some 'Usefule Functions' in this topic.
I have idea settle your argument, whoever gives awesomess functions wins...
wins wat? idk, definetly not bragging rights because u too are bad enough already


public SetPlayerWanted(playerid, amount)
new Wanted;
PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted] = amount;
Wanted = PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted];
GameTextForPlayerBottom(playerid, WantedBar(Wanted));

You will have to define some of the player info, but u can use all that data pretty well in an RPG script
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Boss on February 17, 2011, 09:29:17 AM
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
heekz.shadow advises FREESTYLE_WILSON to improve his english.
heekz.shadow advises some players of VC:MP to use Past Tense Verbs when they are needed.

Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
I didn't understood a word.


I also advise those who request code to stop making modes asap. If you can't make a simple function all by yourself, you obviously won't be able to make a mode attractive enough for people to play it (especially considering 80 out of 100 vc-mp players are only playing at XE). If you want a good new mode - pay someone to do it, otherwise you're wasting your time.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Charleyutton on February 17, 2011, 11:01:17 AM
Everyone has to start somewhere Boss, the best way of learning is observing and trying.

Some people learn slower than others, for a variety of reasons, so don't be so put-downing.

I would have thought the last job of a beta tester would be to discourage activity in this board.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on February 17, 2011, 12:31:44 PM
Quote from: Robd on February 17, 2011, 03:11:09 AM
how long have these "Scripting masterminds" been fighting, how about some 'Usefule Functions' in this topic.
I have idea settle your argument, whoever gives awesomess functions wins...

That's pointless and I rather help people with scripting so they can learn

Quote from: Boss on February 17, 2011, 09:29:17 AM
I also advise those who request code to stop making modes asap. If you can't make a simple function all by yourself, you obviously won't be able to make a mode attractive enough for people to play it (especially considering 80 out of 100 vc-mp players are only playing at XE). If you want a good new mode - pay someone to do it, otherwise you're wasting your time.

Like Charleyutton said people have to start somewhere but Boss has a point, why make a gamemode  if you cant make a basic function?
I started at the bottom like these guys but I had a background in scripting (SA:MP) but now anyways back on topic.

PS if heekz still wants to shit on me use my PM so you don't embarrass yourself on these forums.

Quote from: Robd on February 17, 2011, 03:11:09 AM
public SetPlayerWanted(playerid, amount)
new Wanted;
PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted] = amount;
Wanted = PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted];
GameTextForPlayerBottom(playerid, WantedBar(Wanted));

You will have to define some of the player info, but u can use all that data pretty well in an RPG script

error 017: undefined symbol "WantedBar"

Might wanna fix that  :D

Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on February 18, 2011, 01:32:56 AM
lol ya, thats an array i forgot to include
here ya go.
public WantedBar(Float:data)
new x[256];
if (data == 0) x = "~b~>>>>>>";
else if (data == 1) x = "~b~>>>>>~w~>";
else if (data == 2) x = "~b~>>>>~w~>>";
else if (data == 3) x = "~b~>>>~w~>>>";
else if (data == 4) x = "~b~>>~w~>>>>";
else if (data == 5) x = "~b~>~w~>>>>>";
else if (data == 6) x = "~w~>>>>>>";
return x;
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on February 18, 2011, 04:37:38 AM
Quote from: Robd on February 18, 2011, 01:32:56 AM
lol ya, thats an array i forgot to include
here ya go.
public WantedBar(Float:data)
new x[256];
if (data == 0) x = "~b~>>>>>>";
else if (data == 1) x = "~b~>>>>>~w~>";
else if (data == 2) x = "~b~>>>>~w~>>";
else if (data == 3) x = "~b~>>>~w~>>>";
else if (data == 4) x = "~b~>>~w~>>>>";
else if (data == 5) x = "~b~>~w~>>>>>";
else if (data == 6) x = "~w~>>>>>>";
return x;

public WantedBar(Float:data)
new x[128];
if (data == 0) x = "~b~>>>>>>";
else if (data == 1) x = "~b~>>>>>~w~>";
else if (data == 2) x = "~b~>>>>~w~>>";
else if (data == 3) x = "~b~>>>~w~>>>";
else if (data == 4) x = "~b~>>~w~>>>>";
else if (data == 5) x = "~b~>~w~>>>>>";
else if (data == 6) x = "~w~>>>>>>";
return x;

Uses less memory  :D
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on February 23, 2011, 11:38:54 PM
public log(text[256])
ServerInfo[0][line] = ServerInfo[0][line] +1;
new szMsg[256];

and add this to OnGameModeInit
ServerInfo[0][line] = dini_Int("/chat.ini", "line");
This is good if you want to see what's happening in your server, make sure to add chat.ini in your script files folder
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on February 24, 2011, 11:31:54 AM
Hp Auto Ban system xD

Quotepublic OnPlayerArmoursys(playerid)
      new MSN[256], Float:Armour; GetPlayerArmour(playerid,Armour);
       if (Armour >= 101)
      format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [Armour Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
      format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [Armour Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
               SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Error: No Armour allowed");

               new IP[256],inf[256];
      format(inf,256,"1 %s Server Armour-hax",gPlayers[playerid]);//info to archive player banned
  //     dini_Set("/Banneds/Banlist.ini",IP,inf);//send to ban list
   //    dini_Set("/Banneds/PlayerBanlist.ini",gPlayers[playerid],IP);//send to player and IP
//Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
//Plrinfo[playerid][adminfreezed] = 1;;
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
              format(MSN,256,"~y~>> ~w~Banned ~y~>> ",gPlayers[playerid];
         Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
          format(MSN,256,"Forum url");
return 1;
public OnPlayerhpsys(playerid)
new MSN[256], Float:Health; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,Health);
       if (Health >= 101)
      format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [health Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
   format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [health Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
               SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,">>pm>>  not more than 100 hp not allowed");

               new IP[256],inf[256];
      format(inf,256,"1 %s Auto-Admin-Server health-hax",gPlayers[playerid]);//info to archive player banned
       dini_Set("/Banneds/Banlist.ini",IP,inf);//send to ban list
       dini_Set("/Banneds/PlayerBanlist.ini",gPlayers[playerid],IP);//send to player and IP
Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
Plrinfo[playerid][adminfreezed] = 1;
                  Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;

format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At %s ",gPlayers[playerid],asd);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
               format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
              format(MSN,256,"~y~>> ~w~Banned ~y~>>",gPlayers[playerid]);
         Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
          format(MSN,256,"Forum url");

return 1;
public kickinginsec()
for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
       if((IsPlayerConnected(i) && Plrinfo[kicking] == 1)) Kick(i);
QuotePublic Hphax()
new playerid;
QuotePublic Armhax()
new playerid;
Add this in gamemodeinit

Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 26, 2011, 06:18:48 PM
No,theoreticly it sucks.You need to use that for(new i=0; thingy to run the first function.(playerid) needs some parameters for it to work so :D

BIG[H].... Just dont paste lots of things what are not defined in another gamemodes.The begginers won't understand a thing and they'll get lots of errors pasting that thingy!

heekz.shadow hides.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on February 27, 2011, 04:45:57 AM
[Nub]Shadow Its not for nub also other fine scripters can use it

BIG[H] Hides..
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on February 27, 2011, 05:35:37 PM
Have you ever readed my post ? :
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 26, 2011, 06:18:48 PM
No,theoreticly it sucks.You need to use that for(new i=0; thingy to run the first function.(playerid) needs some parameters for it to work so :D

BIG[H].... Just dont paste lots of things what are not defined in another gamemodes.The begginers won't understand a thing and they'll get lots of errors pasting that thingy!

heekz.shadow hides.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on March 02, 2011, 07:10:11 PM
That HP/Armour hack system fails, It only detects people who hack more then 101 while mine will detect you as a Armour hacker even if you hack 1% of Armour

For those who don't believe, From my server logs :)

(25/2/2011)[4:13:30] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:13:41] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:13:53] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:4] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:15] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:26] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:37] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:48] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:59] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:10] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:22] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:33] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:44] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:55] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:6] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:17] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:28] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:40] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:51] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:2] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:13] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:24] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:35] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:46] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:58] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:18:9] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:18:20] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:18:31] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:20:56] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:7] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:18] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:29] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:40] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:51] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:3] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:14] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:25] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:36] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:47] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:58] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:9] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:20] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:32] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:43] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:54] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:24:5] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:24:16] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:28:10] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:28:21] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[0:10:51] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[0:11:2] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[0:11:13] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:8] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:19] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:30] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:42] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:53] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:4] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:15] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:26] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:37] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:48] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:59] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:11] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:22] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:33] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:44] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:55] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:23:6] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:57:46] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:57:57] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:8] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:19] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:30] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:42] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:53] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:4] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:15] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:26] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:37] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:48] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:0:0] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:0:11] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:0:22] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:5:56] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:7] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:18] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:29] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:41] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:52] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:3] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:14] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:25] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:36] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:47] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:59] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:8:10] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:8:54] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:5] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:17] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:28] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:39] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:50] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:20] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:31] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:42] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:53] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:4] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:15] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:27] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:38] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:49] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:0] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:11] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:22] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:33] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:45] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:56] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:19:7] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:19:18] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:19:29] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:5] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:16] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:27] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:38] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:49] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:1] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:12] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:23] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:34] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:45] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:56] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:8] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:19] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:30] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:41] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:52] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:3] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:14] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:26] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:37] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:48] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:59] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:10] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:21] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:32] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:44] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:55] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:6] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:17] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:28] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:39] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:50] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:2] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:13] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:24] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:35] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:46] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:57] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:8] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:20] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:31] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:42] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:53] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:4] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:15] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:26] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:38] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:49] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:0] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:11] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:22] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:33] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:45] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:56] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:7] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:18] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:29] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:40] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:51] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:3] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:14] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:25] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:36] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:47] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:58] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:9] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:21] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:32] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:43] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:54] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:5] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:16] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:28] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:39] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:50] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:1] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:23] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:34] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:45] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 03, 2011, 03:35:58 PM
LoL i need to learn

gettime and getdate
i will use it in Psa or Ban system to see when it happens
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Aldo on March 05, 2011, 06:38:54 PM
I have a anti hacks for Money Hackers, Weapon Hackers, Armour Hackers, HP Hackers

They are so easy to make  ;)
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on March 05, 2011, 06:51:35 PM
Using a timer repeated at max 5 secs may boost your lag...
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: shivambansal on March 06, 2011, 03:31:21 AM
Money Hackers  :o :o :o
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 06, 2011, 04:10:45 AM
any getdate and gettime code for me :-[
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on March 06, 2011, 08:53:23 AM

gettime(&hour=0, &minute=0, &second=0)

getdate(&year=0, &month=0, &day=0)

From (


and for the use:

new year,month,day;

new hour,minute,second;

Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on March 15, 2011, 03:08:45 PM
Heekz Big[H] said PlayerToPoint can be used like Set world bounds and how to do that? plse give example

Set Radius 1 or 2 will work??? I cant  understand !!! :(
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 15, 2011, 07:07:00 PM
Maybe its would be better to use radius  60 - 90 ;D
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on March 19, 2011, 03:15:03 PM
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 15, 2011, 07:07:00 PM
Maybe its would be better to use radius  60 - 90 ;D

Do u think changing radius works? it wont it only says the dirretion u should be more close to it m i right heekz?
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on March 19, 2011, 04:12:36 PM

Just try to decrypt the code from PlayerToPoint and add the radius into SetWorldBounds
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on March 20, 2011, 04:35:01 AM
Givvme 1 example man i cant get u pro
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 20, 2011, 07:31:17 PM
    for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1)  {
if(!PlayerToPoint(70,i,x,y,z) SetPlayerPos(i,x,y,z,1.00);

Add In Gamemodeint()
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on March 23, 2011, 02:47:38 PM
public Model(vehicleid)
new x[256];
    if (vehicleid == 130) x = "Land Stalker";
else if (vehicleid == 131) x = "Idaho";
else if (vehicleid == 132) x = "Stinger";
else if (vehicleid == 133) x = "Line Runner";
else if (vehicleid == 134) x = "Perennial";
else if (vehicleid == 135) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 136) x = "Rio";
else if (vehicleid == 137) x = "Fire Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 138) x = "Trash Master";
else if (vehicleid == 139) x = "Stretch";
else if (vehicleid == 140) x = "Manana";
    else if (vehicleid == 141) x = "Infernus";
else if (vehicleid == 142) x = "Voodo";
else if (vehicleid == 143) x = "Pony";
else if (vehicleid == 144) x = "Mule";
else if (vehicleid == 145) x = "Cheetah";
else if (vehicleid == 146) x = "Ambulance";
else if (vehicleid == 147) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 148) x = "Moon Beam";
else if (vehicleid == 149) x = "Esperanto";
else if (vehicleid == 150) x = "Taxi";
    else if (vehicleid == 151) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 152) x = "Bobcat";
else if (vehicleid == 153) x = "Ice Cream";
else if (vehicleid == 154) x = "Injection";
else if (vehicleid == 155) x = "Apache";
else if (vehicleid == 156) x = "Squad Car";
else if (vehicleid == 157) x = "Enforcer";
else if (vehicleid == 158) x = "Armored Car";
else if (vehicleid == 159) x = "Banshee";
else if (vehicleid == 160) x = "Coast Guard";
    else if (vehicleid == 161) x = "Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 162) x = "Tank";
else if (vehicleid == 163) x = "Baracks";
else if (vehicleid == 164) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 165) x = "Police Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 166) x = "Angel";
else if (vehicleid == 167) x = "Public Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 168) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 169) x = "Stallion";
else if (vehicleid == 170) x = "Rumpo";
    else if (vehicleid == 171) x = "Bandit";
else if (vehicleid == 172) x = "Hearse";
else if (vehicleid == 173) x = "Packer";
else if (vehicleid == 174) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 175) x = "Admiral";
else if (vehicleid == 176) x = "Squalo";
else if (vehicleid == 177) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 178) x = "Pizza";
else if (vehicleid == 179) x = "Borrito";
else if (vehicleid == 180) x = "INVALID";
    else if (vehicleid == 181) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 182) x = "Speeder";
else if (vehicleid == 183) x = "Reefer";
else if (vehicleid == 184) x = "Tropic";
else if (vehicleid == 185) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 186) x = "Yankee";
else if (vehicleid == 187) x = "Golf Cart";
else if (vehicleid == 188) x = "l33t cab";
else if (vehicleid == 189) x = "Top Fun";
else if (vehicleid == 190) x = "Skimmer";
    else if (vehicleid == 191) x = "PCJ";
else if (vehicleid == 192) x = "Faggio";
else if (vehicleid == 193) x = "Freeway";
else if (vehicleid == 194) x = "Baron";
else if (vehicleid == 195) x = "Raider";
else if (vehicleid == 196) x = "Glendale";
else if (vehicleid == 197) x = "Oceanic";
else if (vehicleid == 198) x = "Sanchez";
else if (vehicleid == 199) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 200) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 201) x = "Limo";
else if (vehicleid == 202) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 203) x = "Dinghy";
else if (vehicleid == 204) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 205) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 206) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 207) x = "Phoenix";
else if (vehicleid == 208) x = "Walton";
else if (vehicleid == 209) x = "Regina";
else if (vehicleid == 210) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 211) x = "Deluxo";
else if (vehicleid == 212) x = "Burrito";
else if (vehicleid == 213) x = "Spand";
else if (vehicleid == 214) x = "Marquis";
else if (vehicleid == 215) x = "Baggage";
else if (vehicleid == 216) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 217) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 218) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 219) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 220) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 221) x = "Virgo";
else if (vehicleid == 222) x = "Greenwood";
else if (vehicleid == 223) x = "Jetmax";
else if (vehicleid == 224) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 225) x = "Monster Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 226) x = "Blista";
else if (vehicleid == 227) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 228) x = "Boxville";
else if (vehicleid == 229) x = "Benson";
else if (vehicleid == 230) x = "Jeep";
else if (vehicleid == 231) x = "Goblin";
else if (vehicleid == 232) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 233) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 234) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 235) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 236) x = "Cheetah";
else x = "INVALID";
return x;

You send this a model and it returns the car's name. To get a model you might want to make an enum like this
enum cInfo

new CarInfo[180][cInfo];

then if you're using pawn find "LoadVehicles"
change to
public LoadVehicles()
print("Loading vehicles, please wait...");
new XU;
if(!dini_Exists("/Vehicles/list.ini")) return -1;
new data[7][256];
for (XU=1; XU<=250; XU++) {
new pos[256],fm[6];
pos = dini_Get("/Vehicles/list.ini",fm);
if (strlen(pos)) {
new id;
            split(pos,data,' ');
id = AddStaticVehicle(strval(data[0]),floatstr(data[1]),floatstr(data[2]),floatstr(data[3]),floatstr(data[4]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
//printf("Creating Vehicle! ModelID:[ %d ] Colors:[ %d ; %d ]",strval(data[0]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
CarInfo[id][model] = strval(data[0]);
printf("Vehicles Loaded!");
return asp;
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on March 23, 2011, 03:17:30 PM
Quote from: Robd on March 23, 2011, 02:47:38 PM
public Model(vehicleid)
new x[256];
    if (vehicleid == 130) x = "Land Stalker";
else if (vehicleid == 131) x = "Idaho";
else if (vehicleid == 132) x = "Stinger";
else if (vehicleid == 133) x = "Line Runner";
else if (vehicleid == 134) x = "Perennial";
else if (vehicleid == 135) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 136) x = "Rio";
else if (vehicleid == 137) x = "Fire Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 138) x = "Trash Master";
else if (vehicleid == 139) x = "Stretch";
else if (vehicleid == 140) x = "Manana";
    else if (vehicleid == 141) x = "Infernus";
else if (vehicleid == 142) x = "Voodo";
else if (vehicleid == 143) x = "Pony";
else if (vehicleid == 144) x = "Mule";
else if (vehicleid == 145) x = "Cheetah";
else if (vehicleid == 146) x = "Ambulance";
else if (vehicleid == 147) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 148) x = "Moon Beam";
else if (vehicleid == 149) x = "Esperanto";
else if (vehicleid == 150) x = "Taxi";
    else if (vehicleid == 151) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 152) x = "Bobcat";
else if (vehicleid == 153) x = "Ice Cream";
else if (vehicleid == 154) x = "Injection";
else if (vehicleid == 155) x = "Apache";
else if (vehicleid == 156) x = "Squad Car";
else if (vehicleid == 157) x = "Enforcer";
else if (vehicleid == 158) x = "Armored Car";
else if (vehicleid == 159) x = "Banshee";
else if (vehicleid == 160) x = "Coast Guard";
    else if (vehicleid == 161) x = "Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 162) x = "Tank";
else if (vehicleid == 163) x = "Baracks";
else if (vehicleid == 164) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 165) x = "Police Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 166) x = "Angel";
else if (vehicleid == 167) x = "Public Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 168) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 169) x = "Stallion";
else if (vehicleid == 170) x = "Rumpo";
    else if (vehicleid == 171) x = "Bandit";
else if (vehicleid == 172) x = "Hearse";
else if (vehicleid == 173) x = "Packer";
else if (vehicleid == 174) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 175) x = "Admiral";
else if (vehicleid == 176) x = "Squalo";
else if (vehicleid == 177) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 178) x = "Pizza";
else if (vehicleid == 179) x = "Borrito";
else if (vehicleid == 180) x = "INVALID";
    else if (vehicleid == 181) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 182) x = "Speeder";
else if (vehicleid == 183) x = "Reefer";
else if (vehicleid == 184) x = "Tropic";
else if (vehicleid == 185) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 186) x = "Yankee";
else if (vehicleid == 187) x = "Golf Cart";
else if (vehicleid == 188) x = "l33t cab";
else if (vehicleid == 189) x = "Top Fun";
else if (vehicleid == 190) x = "Skimmer";
    else if (vehicleid == 191) x = "PCJ";
else if (vehicleid == 192) x = "Faggio";
else if (vehicleid == 193) x = "Freeway";
else if (vehicleid == 194) x = "Baron";
else if (vehicleid == 195) x = "Raider";
else if (vehicleid == 196) x = "Glendale";
else if (vehicleid == 197) x = "Oceanic";
else if (vehicleid == 198) x = "Sanchez";
else if (vehicleid == 199) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 200) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 201) x = "Limo";
else if (vehicleid == 202) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 203) x = "Dinghy";
else if (vehicleid == 204) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 205) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 206) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 207) x = "Phoenix";
else if (vehicleid == 208) x = "Walton";
else if (vehicleid == 209) x = "Regina";
else if (vehicleid == 210) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 211) x = "Deluxo";
else if (vehicleid == 212) x = "Burrito";
else if (vehicleid == 213) x = "Spand";
else if (vehicleid == 214) x = "Marquis";
else if (vehicleid == 215) x = "Baggage";
else if (vehicleid == 216) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 217) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 218) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 219) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 220) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 221) x = "Virgo";
else if (vehicleid == 222) x = "Greenwood";
else if (vehicleid == 223) x = "Jetmax";
else if (vehicleid == 224) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 225) x = "Monster Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 226) x = "Blista";
else if (vehicleid == 227) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 228) x = "Boxville";
else if (vehicleid == 229) x = "Benson";
else if (vehicleid == 230) x = "Jeep";
else if (vehicleid == 231) x = "Goblin";
else if (vehicleid == 232) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 233) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 234) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 235) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 236) x = "Cheetah";
else x = "INVALID";
return x;

You send this a model and it returns the car's name. To get a model you might want to make an enum like this
enum cInfo

new CarInfo[180][cInfo];

then if you're using pawn find "LoadVehicles"
change to
public LoadVehicles()
print("Loading vehicles, please wait...");
new XU;
if(!dini_Exists("/Vehicles/list.ini")) return -1;
new data[7][256];
for (XU=1; XU<=250; XU++) {
new pos[256],fm[6];
pos = dini_Get("/Vehicles/list.ini",fm);
if (strlen(pos)) {
new id;
            split(pos,data,' ');
id = AddStaticVehicle(strval(data[0]),floatstr(data[1]),floatstr(data[2]),floatstr(data[3]),floatstr(data[4]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
//printf("Creating Vehicle! ModelID:[ %d ] Colors:[ %d ; %d ]",strval(data[0]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
CarInfo[id][model] = strval(data[0]);
printf("Vehicles Loaded!");
return asp;

Why u Did this noone asked u .u could make a new Topic and add it :P
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on March 23, 2011, 10:06:54 PM
Because I'm awesome... duh
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 07:19:18 AM
Nah who said that you are pro in scripting? Can you make a keycard?
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 12:55:13 PM
Simple But UseFull Function xD
public AllPlayers()
    for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1)
        return i;

it  can be used in Freezeall and healall etc a short form of Script!
example :
stock FreezeAll()
new i = AllPlayers();
Plrinfo[i][adminfreezed] = 1;

This Script Never Fails!
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on March 25, 2011, 01:34:08 PM
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 12:55:13 PM
Simple But UseFull Function xD
public AllPlayers()
    for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1)
        return i;

it  can be used in Freezeall and healall etc a short form of Script!
example :
stock FreezeAll()
new i = AllPlayers();
Plrinfo[i][adminfreezed] = 1;

This Script Never Fails!

lol u just added  AllPlayers()
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 04:25:36 PM
xD ! its easy you donot need to make MaxPlayers etc just
new fa = AllPlayers();
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on March 26, 2011, 03:12:47 AM
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 04:25:36 PM
xD ! its easy you donot need to make MaxPlayers etc just
new fuckmydick = AllPlayers();
You are right
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on March 27, 2011, 06:18:39 AM
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 07:19:18 AM
Nah who said that you are pro in scripting? Can you make a keycard?
Yes, make a pickup. OnPlayerPickup make a series of functions for that pickup. In those add a enum for the player and change it to that they do have keycard. then make a command (or a constant timer that detects range) that opens if they have picked it up.


and no, im not pro, but im above average and i get it done.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on March 27, 2011, 06:28:45 AM
Quote from: Robd on March 27, 2011, 06:18:39 AM
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 07:19:18 AM
Nah who said that you are pro in scripting? Can you make a keycard?
Yes, make a pickup. OnPlayerPickup make a series of functions for that pickup. In those add a enum for the player and change it to that they do have keycard. then make a command (or a constant timer that detects range) that opens if they have picked it up.


and no, im not pro, but im above average and i get it done.

@Robd Big[H] Means Not Making Pickup he mean making Random Keycard
For example Keycard is somwhere at Vice Beach Finding it will give u 1k
If he Finds it the next will be other location and other price
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: BIG[H] on March 27, 2011, 12:24:39 PM
not possible With pIckups With pawn while Between server running BUt possible in MIRC
But it is also possible in Pawn by PlayerToPoint!
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on March 29, 2011, 02:40:15 AM
Wow, you could have given me a chance to answer that question of yours properly. Btw, I made a road block so EHH!
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: tato on April 01, 2011, 04:50:15 AM
Quote from: Robd on March 23, 2011, 02:47:38 PM
public Model(vehicleid)
new x[256];
    if (vehicleid == 130) x = "Land Stalker";
else if (vehicleid == 131) x = "Idaho";
else if (vehicleid == 132) x = "Stinger";
else if (vehicleid == 133) x = "Line Runner";
else if (vehicleid == 134) x = "Perennial";
else if (vehicleid == 135) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 136) x = "Rio";
else if (vehicleid == 137) x = "Fire Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 138) x = "Trash Master";
else if (vehicleid == 139) x = "Stretch";
else if (vehicleid == 140) x = "Manana";
    else if (vehicleid == 141) x = "Infernus";
else if (vehicleid == 142) x = "Voodo";
else if (vehicleid == 143) x = "Pony";
else if (vehicleid == 144) x = "Mule";
else if (vehicleid == 145) x = "Cheetah";
else if (vehicleid == 146) x = "Ambulance";
else if (vehicleid == 147) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 148) x = "Moon Beam";
else if (vehicleid == 149) x = "Esperanto";
else if (vehicleid == 150) x = "Taxi";
    else if (vehicleid == 151) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 152) x = "Bobcat";
else if (vehicleid == 153) x = "Ice Cream";
else if (vehicleid == 154) x = "Injection";
else if (vehicleid == 155) x = "Apache";
else if (vehicleid == 156) x = "Squad Car";
else if (vehicleid == 157) x = "Enforcer";
else if (vehicleid == 158) x = "Armored Car";
else if (vehicleid == 159) x = "Banshee";
else if (vehicleid == 160) x = "Coast Guard";
    else if (vehicleid == 161) x = "Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 162) x = "Tank";
else if (vehicleid == 163) x = "Baracks";
else if (vehicleid == 164) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 165) x = "Police Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 166) x = "Angel";
else if (vehicleid == 167) x = "Public Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 168) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 169) x = "Stallion";
else if (vehicleid == 170) x = "Rumpo";
    else if (vehicleid == 171) x = "Bandit";
else if (vehicleid == 172) x = "Hearse";
else if (vehicleid == 173) x = "Packer";
else if (vehicleid == 174) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 175) x = "Admiral";
else if (vehicleid == 176) x = "Squalo";
else if (vehicleid == 177) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 178) x = "Pizza";
else if (vehicleid == 179) x = "Borrito";
else if (vehicleid == 180) x = "INVALID";
    else if (vehicleid == 181) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 182) x = "Speeder";
else if (vehicleid == 183) x = "Reefer";
else if (vehicleid == 184) x = "Tropic";
else if (vehicleid == 185) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 186) x = "Yankee";
else if (vehicleid == 187) x = "Golf Cart";
else if (vehicleid == 188) x = "l33t cab";
else if (vehicleid == 189) x = "Top Fun";
else if (vehicleid == 190) x = "Skimmer";
    else if (vehicleid == 191) x = "PCJ";
else if (vehicleid == 192) x = "Faggio";
else if (vehicleid == 193) x = "Freeway";
else if (vehicleid == 194) x = "Baron";
else if (vehicleid == 195) x = "Raider";
else if (vehicleid == 196) x = "Glendale";
else if (vehicleid == 197) x = "Oceanic";
else if (vehicleid == 198) x = "Sanchez";
else if (vehicleid == 199) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 200) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 201) x = "Limo";
else if (vehicleid == 202) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 203) x = "Dinghy";
else if (vehicleid == 204) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 205) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 206) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 207) x = "Phoenix";
else if (vehicleid == 208) x = "Walton";
else if (vehicleid == 209) x = "Regina";
else if (vehicleid == 210) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 211) x = "Deluxo";
else if (vehicleid == 212) x = "Burrito";
else if (vehicleid == 213) x = "Spand";
else if (vehicleid == 214) x = "Marquis";
else if (vehicleid == 215) x = "Baggage";
else if (vehicleid == 216) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 217) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 218) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 219) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 220) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 221) x = "Virgo";
else if (vehicleid == 222) x = "Greenwood";
else if (vehicleid == 223) x = "Jetmax";
else if (vehicleid == 224) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 225) x = "Monster Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 226) x = "Blista";
else if (vehicleid == 227) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 228) x = "Boxville";
else if (vehicleid == 229) x = "Benson";
else if (vehicleid == 230) x = "Jeep";
else if (vehicleid == 231) x = "Goblin";
else if (vehicleid == 232) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 233) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 234) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 235) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 236) x = "Cheetah";
else x = "INVALID";
return x;

You send this a model and it returns the car's name. To get a model you might want to make an enum like this
enum cInfo

new CarInfo[180][cInfo];

then if you're using pawn find "LoadVehicles"
change to
public LoadVehicles()
print("Loading vehicles, please wait...");
new XU;
if(!dini_Exists("/Vehicles/list.ini")) return -1;
new data[7][256];
for (XU=1; XU<=250; XU++) {
new pos[256],fm[6];
pos = dini_Get("/Vehicles/list.ini",fm);
if (strlen(pos)) {
new id;
            split(pos,data,' ');
id = AddStaticVehicle(strval(data[0]),floatstr(data[1]),floatstr(data[2]),floatstr(data[3]),floatstr(data[4]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
//printf("Creating Vehicle! ModelID:[ %d ] Colors:[ %d ; %d ]",strval(data[0]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
CarInfo[id][model] = strval(data[0]);
printf("Vehicles Loaded!");
return asp;

how to use this when player gets a car or something like that?
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on April 04, 2011, 04:12:00 PM
   new szMsg[256];
   format(szMsg,sizeof(szMsg),"You entered a %s",Model(CarInfo[vehicleid][model]));
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: tato on April 06, 2011, 01:57:55 AM
Quote from: Robd on April 04, 2011, 04:12:00 PM
   new szMsg[256];
   format(szMsg,sizeof(szMsg),"You entered a %s",Model(CarInfo[vehicleid][model]));

thanks i will try :D
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: heekz.shadow on April 06, 2011, 04:30:15 PM
Somehow,a IsPlayerStandingStill function :D

Remember I just moved my house and im now posting it from another friends who got INTERNET.

NOT TESTED!!!glow]

new PlayerCall[50];

enum NewPos


enum OldPos


new SavePlayerOldPos[MAX_PLAYERS][OldPos],SavePlayerNewPos[MAX_PLAYERS][NewPos];

forward IsPlayerStandingStill(playerid);

public IsPlayerStandingStill(playerid)
new Float:Lx,Float:Ly,Float:Lz;
SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasX] = Lx;
SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasY] = Ly;
SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasZ] = Lz;
return 1;

public GetNewPos(playerid)
new ishemoving;
new Float:Xx,Float:Xy,Float:Xz;
SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastX] = Xx;
SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastY] = Xy;
SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastZ] = Xz;
new Float:resultx,Float:resulty,Float:resultz,Float:finalresult;
resultx = SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastX] - SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasX];
resulty = SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastY] - SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasY];
resultz = SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastZ] - SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasZ];
finalresult = resultx+resulty+resultz;
if(finalresult != 0) {
ishemoving = 1;
else if(finalresult == 0)
ishemoving = 0;
return ishemoving;
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on April 07, 2011, 02:55:26 AM
Why don't you only use one and then just use GetPlayerPos? I did that for an idle script and it works fine.
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on April 07, 2011, 07:53:47 AM
Quote from: Robd on April 07, 2011, 02:55:26 AM
Why don't you only use one and then just use GetPlayerPos? I did that for an idle script and it works fine.

i Made a Auto-Kick for idling BTW It Bans the player i tested a 1000 times
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: Robd on April 07, 2011, 10:11:45 PM
Ban for idle!?!?! I can understand kick, but ban?!?!?!
Title: Re: Some usefull functions
Post by: yazeen on April 08, 2011, 06:01:45 AM
Quote from: Robd on April 07, 2011, 10:11:45 PM
Ban for idle!?!?! I can understand kick, but ban?!?!?!

I Used Kick(playerid) BTW its Banning the players Subnet ROFL