Add here all your greatest functions (: .
I will start:
PlayerToPoint(Float:radi, playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
new Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz;
new Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz);
tempposx = (oldposx -x);
tempposy = (oldposy -y);
tempposz = (oldposz -z);
if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi)))
return 1;
return 0;
Not made by me
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) GetPlayerName(playerid,Nick,sizeof(Nick));
else format(Nick,sizeof(Nick),"0");
return Nick;
Made by me
forward HowMuchPlayersAreInArea(Float:radi,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z);
public HowMuchPlayersAreInArea(Float:radi,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z)
new i;
new cplayers=0;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(PlayerToPoint(radi, i, x, y, z))
return cplayers;
Made by me:)
how can i uesd ? What is the use
//Function to get a Subnet from IP
public GetSubnet(IP[])
new IP1[76],IP2[76],counter=0;
new Subnet[72];
return Subnet;
public FindPlayerIDFromString(string[])
{// for determining player id from a string -bakasan
// fixed version by aXXo
new player = INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID;
new p = 0;
if ((strlen(string) <= 2) && (isnumeric(string) == 1)) {
if (IsPlayerConnected(strval(string))) return strval(string);
while (p < MAX_PLAYERS) { if (strfind(gPlayers[p],string,true) != -1) { player=p;break; } p++; }
if (player == INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID) {// string didnt match so check if it can be an id
if ((strlen(string) > 2) || (isnumeric(string) == 0)) { return INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID; }
player = strval(string);// string is numeric and not more than 2 digits
if (!IsPlayerConnected(player)) { return INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID; }
return player;// valid id found
Quote from: theway on February 11, 2011, 05:02:56 AM
how can i uesd ? What is the use
you have your own server ???
copy these and paste in a notepad ten paste in your server' scriptsfiles
as example:
if(PlayerToPoint(Float:radi,playerid,Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z)) {
// smthing happens
return 1;
It under-understands :)) Its simple.
as example,you wanna do /c repair
this could be the code
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"repair",true) == 0)
if(PlayerToPoint(30.0,playerid,somecoords)) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Vehicle Repaired");
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You are not at Pay'n'Spray");
return 1;
aXXo How to Make A Subnet Ban CMD O_o
with the subnet function you could just make a command that adds a list of all the subnets and then compare them on player connect
This probably isnt ground breaking but here's a function for sending a message to players near another player
stock say(playerid,string[256])
for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1) {
new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
if (GetDistance(i,X,Y,Z) <= 10) {
return 1;
Subnets banning is simple,it uses DINI.
So when someone does /c sban his subnet gonna be typed on a file then he is kicked
when a player connects,his subnet is compared with the subnets listed on that file,if it returns 1,then he is kicked,and if returns 0,it is just fine !
Please Write Code Here
Sorry,I dont got enough time and its just a prototype.
shadow can u give the code for making properties pickup by typing !addprop my gups have this cmd but dont work so i deleted it can u give me the code plse
What dont works more exactly?
O.o Just giveme Subnet ban ::)
Do someone minded at taking scripts from sa-mp and converting into vcmp ? ::) ::) ::) ::)
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 14, 2011, 04:46:04 PM
Do someone minded at taking scripts from sa-mp and converting into vcmp ? ::) ::) ::) ::)
That's easy ;D
Ya but it will take out some of the functionality
Quote from: Robd on February 15, 2011, 12:21:56 AM
Ya but it will take out some of the functionality
Not Really, because im pro at it :D
Quote from: yazeen on February 14, 2011, 02:15:27 AM
shadow can u give the code for making properties pickup by typing !addprop my gups have this cmd but dont work so i deleted it can u give me the code plse
addprop wont work on gups and fbs use gus i didnt use gus xD
Wilson,I didn't understood a word. ??? ??? ???
Theoreticlly,the best way to make VC:MP Scripts what you couldn't find,and you are a beginner,is downloading SA:MP Scripts and studying'em.
BTW I will list,when I will reach my home,my Ping-Limiter. :D
Aldo,trust me,a guy who can't make a !cop or !wanted command and who don't knows about random use......
QuoteIm a pro at it
heekz.shadow cheers Aldo.
heekz.shadow advises FREESTYLE_WILSON to improve his english.
heekz.shadow advises some players of VC:MP to use Past Tense Verbs when they are needed.
heekz.shadow hides.
Quote from: yazeen on February 14, 2011, 02:15:27 AM
shadow can u give the code for making properties pickup by typing !addprop my gups have this cmd but dont work so i deleted it can u give me the code plse
You could just read FAMP or and see that AddStaticPickup is usable just in OnGameModeInit ( I hope that I can say yet )
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
QuoteIm a pro at it
Yes, I fail but I converted SA:MP style property,car,bizz systems to VC:MP ;)
QuoteI converted bizz
*FAIL*Aldo, every freestyle and lots of peoples saw you lying.I saw your server.What you Don't exists....
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 05:29:55 PM
QuoteI converted bizz
Aldo, every freestyle and lots of peoples saw you lying.I saw your server.What you Don't exists....
Why would I post my scripts such as my Clan Protection?
Why would I put RP scripts on a DM server? lol
>implying I don't have a file on my pc with scripts in it
>implying your english is pro
how long have these "Scripting masterminds" been fighting, how about some 'Usefule Functions' in this topic.
I have idea settle your argument, whoever gives awesomess functions wins...
wins wat? idk, definetly not bragging rights because u too are bad enough already
public SetPlayerWanted(playerid, amount)
new Wanted;
PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted] = amount;
Wanted = PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted];
GameTextForPlayerBottom(playerid, WantedBar(Wanted));
You will have to define some of the player info, but u can use all that data pretty well in an RPG script
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
heekz.shadow advises FREESTYLE_WILSON to improve his english.
heekz.shadow advises some players of VC:MP to use Past Tense Verbs when they are needed.
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 15, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
I didn't understood a word.
I also advise those who request code to stop making modes asap. If you can't make a simple function all by yourself, you obviously won't be able to make a mode attractive enough for people to play it (especially considering 80 out of 100 vc-mp players are only playing at XE). If you want a good new mode - pay someone to do it, otherwise you're wasting your time.
Everyone has to start somewhere Boss, the best way of learning is observing and trying.
Some people learn slower than others, for a variety of reasons, so don't be so put-downing.
I would have thought the last job of a beta tester would be to discourage activity in this board.
Quote from: Robd on February 17, 2011, 03:11:09 AM
how long have these "Scripting masterminds" been fighting, how about some 'Usefule Functions' in this topic.
I have idea settle your argument, whoever gives awesomess functions wins...
That's pointless and I rather help people with scripting so they can learn
Quote from: Boss on February 17, 2011, 09:29:17 AM
I also advise those who request code to stop making modes asap. If you can't make a simple function all by yourself, you obviously won't be able to make a mode attractive enough for people to play it (especially considering 80 out of 100 vc-mp players are only playing at XE). If you want a good new mode - pay someone to do it, otherwise you're wasting your time.
Like Charleyutton said people have to start somewhere but Boss has a point, why make a gamemode if you cant make a basic function?
I started at the bottom like these guys but I had a background in scripting (SA:MP) but now anyways back on topic.
PS if heekz still wants to shit on me use my PM so you don't embarrass yourself on these forums.
Quote from: Robd on February 17, 2011, 03:11:09 AM
public SetPlayerWanted(playerid, amount)
new Wanted;
PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted] = amount;
Wanted = PlayerInfo[playerid][wanted];
GameTextForPlayerBottom(playerid, WantedBar(Wanted));
You will have to define some of the player info, but u can use all that data pretty well in an RPG script
error 017: undefined symbol "WantedBar"
Might wanna fix that :D
lol ya, thats an array i forgot to include
here ya go.
public WantedBar(Float:data)
new x[256];
if (data == 0) x = "~b~>>>>>>";
else if (data == 1) x = "~b~>>>>>~w~>";
else if (data == 2) x = "~b~>>>>~w~>>";
else if (data == 3) x = "~b~>>>~w~>>>";
else if (data == 4) x = "~b~>>~w~>>>>";
else if (data == 5) x = "~b~>~w~>>>>>";
else if (data == 6) x = "~w~>>>>>>";
return x;
Quote from: Robd on February 18, 2011, 01:32:56 AM
lol ya, thats an array i forgot to include
here ya go.
public WantedBar(Float:data)
new x[256];
if (data == 0) x = "~b~>>>>>>";
else if (data == 1) x = "~b~>>>>>~w~>";
else if (data == 2) x = "~b~>>>>~w~>>";
else if (data == 3) x = "~b~>>>~w~>>>";
else if (data == 4) x = "~b~>>~w~>>>>";
else if (data == 5) x = "~b~>~w~>>>>>";
else if (data == 6) x = "~w~>>>>>>";
return x;
public WantedBar(Float:data)
new x[128];
if (data == 0) x = "~b~>>>>>>";
else if (data == 1) x = "~b~>>>>>~w~>";
else if (data == 2) x = "~b~>>>>~w~>>";
else if (data == 3) x = "~b~>>>~w~>>>";
else if (data == 4) x = "~b~>>~w~>>>>";
else if (data == 5) x = "~b~>~w~>>>>>";
else if (data == 6) x = "~w~>>>>>>";
return x;
Uses less memory :D
public log(text[256])
ServerInfo[0][line] = ServerInfo[0][line] +1;
new szMsg[256];
and add this to OnGameModeInit
ServerInfo[0][line] = dini_Int("/chat.ini", "line");
This is good if you want to see what's happening in your server, make sure to add chat.ini in your script files folder
Hp Auto Ban system xD
Quotepublic OnPlayerArmoursys(playerid)
new MSN[256], Float:Armour; GetPlayerArmour(playerid,Armour);
if (Armour >= 101)
format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [Armour Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [Armour Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Error: No Armour allowed");
new IP[256],inf[256];
format(inf,256,"1 %s Server Armour-hax",gPlayers[playerid]);//info to archive player banned
// dini_Set("/Banneds/Banlist.ini",IP,inf);//send to ban list
// dini_Set("/Banneds/PlayerBanlist.ini",gPlayers[playerid],IP);//send to player and IP
//Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
//Plrinfo[playerid][adminfreezed] = 1;;
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,"~y~>> ~w~Banned ~y~>> ",gPlayers[playerid];
Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
format(MSN,256,"Forum url");
return 1;
public OnPlayerhpsys(playerid)
new MSN[256], Float:Health; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,Health);
if (Health >= 101)
format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [health Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">> Auto-Ban: %s - Reason: [health Hax]",gPlayers[playerid]);
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,">>pm>> not more than 100 hp not allowed");
new IP[256],inf[256];
format(inf,256,"1 %s Auto-Admin-Server health-hax",gPlayers[playerid]);//info to archive player banned
dini_Set("/Banneds/Banlist.ini",IP,inf);//send to ban list
dini_Set("/Banneds/PlayerBanlist.ini",gPlayers[playerid],IP);//send to player and IP
Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
Plrinfo[playerid][adminfreezed] = 1;
Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At %s ",gPlayers[playerid],asd);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,">>%s Post Your Ban Appeal At Forum url ",gPlayers[playerid]);
format(MSN,256,"~y~>> ~w~Banned ~y~>>",gPlayers[playerid]);
Plrinfo[playerid][kicking] = 1;
format(MSN,256,"Forum url");
return 1;
public kickinginsec()
for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
if((IsPlayerConnected(i) && Plrinfo[kicking] == 1)) Kick(i);
QuotePublic Hphax()
new playerid;
QuotePublic Armhax()
new playerid;
Add this in gamemodeinit
No,theoreticly it sucks.You need to use that for(new i=0; thingy to run the first function.(playerid) needs some parameters for it to work so :D
BIG[H].... Just dont paste lots of things what are not defined in another gamemodes.The begginers won't understand a thing and they'll get lots of errors pasting that thingy!
heekz.shadow hides.
[Nub]Shadow Its not for nub also other fine scripters can use it
BIG[H] Hides..
Have you ever readed my post ? :
Quote from: heekz.shadow on February 26, 2011, 06:18:48 PM
No,theoreticly it sucks.You need to use that for(new i=0; thingy to run the first function.(playerid) needs some parameters for it to work so :D
BIG[H].... Just dont paste lots of things what are not defined in another gamemodes.The begginers won't understand a thing and they'll get lots of errors pasting that thingy!
heekz.shadow hides.
That HP/Armour hack system fails, It only detects people who hack more then 101 while mine will detect you as a Armour hacker even if you hack 1% of Armour
For those who don't believe, From my server logs :)
(25/2/2011)[4:13:30] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:13:41] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:13:53] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:4] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:15] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:26] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:37] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:48] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:14:59] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:10] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:22] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:33] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:44] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:15:55] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:6] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:17] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:28] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:40] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:16:51] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:2] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:13] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:24] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:35] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:46] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:17:58] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:18:9] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:18:20] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:18:31] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:20:56] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:7] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:18] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:29] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:40] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:21:51] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:3] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:14] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:25] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:36] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:47] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:22:58] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:9] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:20] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:32] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:43] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:23:54] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:24:5] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:24:16] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:28:10] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(25/2/2011)[4:28:21] AdminInfo[HACK] clemen Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[0:10:51] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[0:11:2] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[0:11:13] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:8] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:19] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:30] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:42] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:20:53] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:4] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:15] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:26] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:37] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:48] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:21:59] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:11] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:22] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:33] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:44] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:22:55] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[1:23:6] AdminInfo[HACK] pene(Lgs) Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:57:46] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:57:57] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:8] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:19] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:30] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:42] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:58:53] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:4] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:15] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:26] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:37] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[8:59:48] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:0:0] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:0:11] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:0:22] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:5:56] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:7] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:18] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:29] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:41] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:6:52] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:3] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:14] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:25] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:36] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:47] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:7:59] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:8:10] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:8:54] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:5] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:17] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:28] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:39] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:9:50] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:20] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:31] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:42] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:16:53] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:4] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:15] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:27] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:38] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:17:49] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:0] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:11] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:22] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:33] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:45] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:18:56] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:19:7] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:19:18] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(27/2/2011)[9:19:29] AdminInfo[HACK] serena Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:5] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:16] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:27] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:38] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:46:49] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:1] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:12] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:23] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:34] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:45] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:47:56] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:8] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:19] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:30] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:41] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:48:52] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:3] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:14] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:26] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:37] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:48] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:49:59] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:10] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:21] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:32] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:44] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:50:55] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:6] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:17] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:28] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:39] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:51:50] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:2] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:13] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:24] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:35] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:46] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:52:57] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:8] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:20] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:31] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:42] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:53:53] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:4] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:15] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:26] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:38] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:54:49] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:0] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:11] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:22] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:33] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:45] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:55:56] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:7] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:18] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:29] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:40] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:56:51] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:3] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:14] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:25] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:36] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:47] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:57:58] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:9] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:21] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:32] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:43] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:58:54] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:5] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:16] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:28] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:39] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[5:59:50] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:1] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:23] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:34] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
(28/2/2011)[6:0:45] AdminInfo[HACK] long020 Has Hacked Armour, You may ban.
LoL i need to learn
gettime and getdate
i will use it in Psa or Ban system to see when it happens
I have a anti hacks for Money Hackers, Weapon Hackers, Armour Hackers, HP Hackers
They are so easy to make ;)
Using a timer repeated at max 5 secs may boost your lag...
Money Hackers :o :o :o
any getdate and gettime code for me :-[
gettime(&hour=0, &minute=0, &second=0)
getdate(&year=0, &month=0, &day=0)
From (
and for the use:
new year,month,day;
new hour,minute,second;
Heekz Big[H] said PlayerToPoint can be used like Set world bounds and how to do that? plse give example
Set Radius 1 or 2 will work??? I cant understand !!! :(
Maybe its would be better to use radius 60 - 90 ;D
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 15, 2011, 07:07:00 PM
Maybe its would be better to use radius 60 - 90 ;D
Do u think changing radius works? it wont it only says the dirretion u should be more close to it m i right heekz?
Just try to decrypt the code from PlayerToPoint and add the radius into SetWorldBounds
Givvme 1 example man i cant get u pro
for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1) {
if(!PlayerToPoint(70,i,x,y,z) SetPlayerPos(i,x,y,z,1.00);
Add In Gamemodeint()
public Model(vehicleid)
new x[256];
if (vehicleid == 130) x = "Land Stalker";
else if (vehicleid == 131) x = "Idaho";
else if (vehicleid == 132) x = "Stinger";
else if (vehicleid == 133) x = "Line Runner";
else if (vehicleid == 134) x = "Perennial";
else if (vehicleid == 135) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 136) x = "Rio";
else if (vehicleid == 137) x = "Fire Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 138) x = "Trash Master";
else if (vehicleid == 139) x = "Stretch";
else if (vehicleid == 140) x = "Manana";
else if (vehicleid == 141) x = "Infernus";
else if (vehicleid == 142) x = "Voodo";
else if (vehicleid == 143) x = "Pony";
else if (vehicleid == 144) x = "Mule";
else if (vehicleid == 145) x = "Cheetah";
else if (vehicleid == 146) x = "Ambulance";
else if (vehicleid == 147) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 148) x = "Moon Beam";
else if (vehicleid == 149) x = "Esperanto";
else if (vehicleid == 150) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 151) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 152) x = "Bobcat";
else if (vehicleid == 153) x = "Ice Cream";
else if (vehicleid == 154) x = "Injection";
else if (vehicleid == 155) x = "Apache";
else if (vehicleid == 156) x = "Squad Car";
else if (vehicleid == 157) x = "Enforcer";
else if (vehicleid == 158) x = "Armored Car";
else if (vehicleid == 159) x = "Banshee";
else if (vehicleid == 160) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 161) x = "Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 162) x = "Tank";
else if (vehicleid == 163) x = "Baracks";
else if (vehicleid == 164) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 165) x = "Police Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 166) x = "Angel";
else if (vehicleid == 167) x = "Public Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 168) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 169) x = "Stallion";
else if (vehicleid == 170) x = "Rumpo";
else if (vehicleid == 171) x = "Bandit";
else if (vehicleid == 172) x = "Hearse";
else if (vehicleid == 173) x = "Packer";
else if (vehicleid == 174) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 175) x = "Admiral";
else if (vehicleid == 176) x = "Squalo";
else if (vehicleid == 177) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 178) x = "Pizza";
else if (vehicleid == 179) x = "Borrito";
else if (vehicleid == 180) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 181) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 182) x = "Speeder";
else if (vehicleid == 183) x = "Reefer";
else if (vehicleid == 184) x = "Tropic";
else if (vehicleid == 185) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 186) x = "Yankee";
else if (vehicleid == 187) x = "Golf Cart";
else if (vehicleid == 188) x = "l33t cab";
else if (vehicleid == 189) x = "Top Fun";
else if (vehicleid == 190) x = "Skimmer";
else if (vehicleid == 191) x = "PCJ";
else if (vehicleid == 192) x = "Faggio";
else if (vehicleid == 193) x = "Freeway";
else if (vehicleid == 194) x = "Baron";
else if (vehicleid == 195) x = "Raider";
else if (vehicleid == 196) x = "Glendale";
else if (vehicleid == 197) x = "Oceanic";
else if (vehicleid == 198) x = "Sanchez";
else if (vehicleid == 199) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 200) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 201) x = "Limo";
else if (vehicleid == 202) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 203) x = "Dinghy";
else if (vehicleid == 204) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 205) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 206) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 207) x = "Phoenix";
else if (vehicleid == 208) x = "Walton";
else if (vehicleid == 209) x = "Regina";
else if (vehicleid == 210) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 211) x = "Deluxo";
else if (vehicleid == 212) x = "Burrito";
else if (vehicleid == 213) x = "Spand";
else if (vehicleid == 214) x = "Marquis";
else if (vehicleid == 215) x = "Baggage";
else if (vehicleid == 216) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 217) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 218) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 219) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 220) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 221) x = "Virgo";
else if (vehicleid == 222) x = "Greenwood";
else if (vehicleid == 223) x = "Jetmax";
else if (vehicleid == 224) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 225) x = "Monster Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 226) x = "Blista";
else if (vehicleid == 227) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 228) x = "Boxville";
else if (vehicleid == 229) x = "Benson";
else if (vehicleid == 230) x = "Jeep";
else if (vehicleid == 231) x = "Goblin";
else if (vehicleid == 232) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 233) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 234) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 235) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 236) x = "Cheetah";
else x = "INVALID";
return x;
You send this a model and it returns the car's name. To get a model you might want to make an enum like this
enum cInfo
new CarInfo[180][cInfo];
then if you're using pawn find "LoadVehicles"
change to
public LoadVehicles()
print("Loading vehicles, please wait...");
new XU;
if(!dini_Exists("/Vehicles/list.ini")) return -1;
new data[7][256];
for (XU=1; XU<=250; XU++) {
new pos[256],fm[6];
pos = dini_Get("/Vehicles/list.ini",fm);
if (strlen(pos)) {
new id;
split(pos,data,' ');
id = AddStaticVehicle(strval(data[0]),floatstr(data[1]),floatstr(data[2]),floatstr(data[3]),floatstr(data[4]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
//printf("Creating Vehicle! ModelID:[ %d ] Colors:[ %d ; %d ]",strval(data[0]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
CarInfo[id][model] = strval(data[0]);
printf("Vehicles Loaded!");
return asp;
Quote from: Robd on March 23, 2011, 02:47:38 PM
public Model(vehicleid)
new x[256];
if (vehicleid == 130) x = "Land Stalker";
else if (vehicleid == 131) x = "Idaho";
else if (vehicleid == 132) x = "Stinger";
else if (vehicleid == 133) x = "Line Runner";
else if (vehicleid == 134) x = "Perennial";
else if (vehicleid == 135) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 136) x = "Rio";
else if (vehicleid == 137) x = "Fire Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 138) x = "Trash Master";
else if (vehicleid == 139) x = "Stretch";
else if (vehicleid == 140) x = "Manana";
else if (vehicleid == 141) x = "Infernus";
else if (vehicleid == 142) x = "Voodo";
else if (vehicleid == 143) x = "Pony";
else if (vehicleid == 144) x = "Mule";
else if (vehicleid == 145) x = "Cheetah";
else if (vehicleid == 146) x = "Ambulance";
else if (vehicleid == 147) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 148) x = "Moon Beam";
else if (vehicleid == 149) x = "Esperanto";
else if (vehicleid == 150) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 151) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 152) x = "Bobcat";
else if (vehicleid == 153) x = "Ice Cream";
else if (vehicleid == 154) x = "Injection";
else if (vehicleid == 155) x = "Apache";
else if (vehicleid == 156) x = "Squad Car";
else if (vehicleid == 157) x = "Enforcer";
else if (vehicleid == 158) x = "Armored Car";
else if (vehicleid == 159) x = "Banshee";
else if (vehicleid == 160) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 161) x = "Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 162) x = "Tank";
else if (vehicleid == 163) x = "Baracks";
else if (vehicleid == 164) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 165) x = "Police Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 166) x = "Angel";
else if (vehicleid == 167) x = "Public Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 168) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 169) x = "Stallion";
else if (vehicleid == 170) x = "Rumpo";
else if (vehicleid == 171) x = "Bandit";
else if (vehicleid == 172) x = "Hearse";
else if (vehicleid == 173) x = "Packer";
else if (vehicleid == 174) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 175) x = "Admiral";
else if (vehicleid == 176) x = "Squalo";
else if (vehicleid == 177) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 178) x = "Pizza";
else if (vehicleid == 179) x = "Borrito";
else if (vehicleid == 180) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 181) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 182) x = "Speeder";
else if (vehicleid == 183) x = "Reefer";
else if (vehicleid == 184) x = "Tropic";
else if (vehicleid == 185) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 186) x = "Yankee";
else if (vehicleid == 187) x = "Golf Cart";
else if (vehicleid == 188) x = "l33t cab";
else if (vehicleid == 189) x = "Top Fun";
else if (vehicleid == 190) x = "Skimmer";
else if (vehicleid == 191) x = "PCJ";
else if (vehicleid == 192) x = "Faggio";
else if (vehicleid == 193) x = "Freeway";
else if (vehicleid == 194) x = "Baron";
else if (vehicleid == 195) x = "Raider";
else if (vehicleid == 196) x = "Glendale";
else if (vehicleid == 197) x = "Oceanic";
else if (vehicleid == 198) x = "Sanchez";
else if (vehicleid == 199) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 200) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 201) x = "Limo";
else if (vehicleid == 202) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 203) x = "Dinghy";
else if (vehicleid == 204) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 205) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 206) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 207) x = "Phoenix";
else if (vehicleid == 208) x = "Walton";
else if (vehicleid == 209) x = "Regina";
else if (vehicleid == 210) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 211) x = "Deluxo";
else if (vehicleid == 212) x = "Burrito";
else if (vehicleid == 213) x = "Spand";
else if (vehicleid == 214) x = "Marquis";
else if (vehicleid == 215) x = "Baggage";
else if (vehicleid == 216) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 217) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 218) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 219) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 220) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 221) x = "Virgo";
else if (vehicleid == 222) x = "Greenwood";
else if (vehicleid == 223) x = "Jetmax";
else if (vehicleid == 224) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 225) x = "Monster Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 226) x = "Blista";
else if (vehicleid == 227) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 228) x = "Boxville";
else if (vehicleid == 229) x = "Benson";
else if (vehicleid == 230) x = "Jeep";
else if (vehicleid == 231) x = "Goblin";
else if (vehicleid == 232) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 233) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 234) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 235) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 236) x = "Cheetah";
else x = "INVALID";
return x;
You send this a model and it returns the car's name. To get a model you might want to make an enum like this
enum cInfo
new CarInfo[180][cInfo];
then if you're using pawn find "LoadVehicles"
change to
public LoadVehicles()
print("Loading vehicles, please wait...");
new XU;
if(!dini_Exists("/Vehicles/list.ini")) return -1;
new data[7][256];
for (XU=1; XU<=250; XU++) {
new pos[256],fm[6];
pos = dini_Get("/Vehicles/list.ini",fm);
if (strlen(pos)) {
new id;
split(pos,data,' ');
id = AddStaticVehicle(strval(data[0]),floatstr(data[1]),floatstr(data[2]),floatstr(data[3]),floatstr(data[4]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
//printf("Creating Vehicle! ModelID:[ %d ] Colors:[ %d ; %d ]",strval(data[0]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
CarInfo[id][model] = strval(data[0]);
printf("Vehicles Loaded!");
return asp;
Why u Did this noone asked u .u could make a new Topic and add it :P
Because I'm awesome... duh
Nah who said that you are pro in scripting? Can you make a keycard?
Simple But UseFull Function xD
public AllPlayers()
for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1)
return i;
it can be used in Freezeall and healall etc a short form of Script!
example :
stock FreezeAll()
new i = AllPlayers();
Plrinfo[i][adminfreezed] = 1;
This Script Never Fails!
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 12:55:13 PM
Simple But UseFull Function xD
public AllPlayers()
for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1)
return i;
it can be used in Freezeall and healall etc a short form of Script!
example :
stock FreezeAll()
new i = AllPlayers();
Plrinfo[i][adminfreezed] = 1;
This Script Never Fails!
lol u just added AllPlayers()
xD ! its easy you donot need to make MaxPlayers etc just
new fa = AllPlayers();
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 04:25:36 PM
xD ! its easy you donot need to make MaxPlayers etc just
new fuckmydick = AllPlayers();
You are right
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 07:19:18 AM
Nah who said that you are pro in scripting? Can you make a keycard?
Yes, make a pickup. OnPlayerPickup make a series of functions for that pickup. In those add a enum for the player and change it to that they do have keycard. then make a command (or a constant timer that detects range) that opens if they have picked it up.
and no, im not pro, but im above average and i get it done.
Quote from: Robd on March 27, 2011, 06:18:39 AM
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 25, 2011, 07:19:18 AM
Nah who said that you are pro in scripting? Can you make a keycard?
Yes, make a pickup. OnPlayerPickup make a series of functions for that pickup. In those add a enum for the player and change it to that they do have keycard. then make a command (or a constant timer that detects range) that opens if they have picked it up.
and no, im not pro, but im above average and i get it done.
@Robd Big[H] Means Not Making Pickup he mean making Random Keycard
For example Keycard is somwhere at Vice Beach Finding it will give u 1k
If he Finds it the next will be other location and other price
not possible With pIckups With pawn while Between server running BUt possible in MIRC
But it is also possible in Pawn by PlayerToPoint!
Wow, you could have given me a chance to answer that question of yours properly. Btw, I made a road block so EHH!
Quote from: Robd on March 23, 2011, 02:47:38 PM
public Model(vehicleid)
new x[256];
if (vehicleid == 130) x = "Land Stalker";
else if (vehicleid == 131) x = "Idaho";
else if (vehicleid == 132) x = "Stinger";
else if (vehicleid == 133) x = "Line Runner";
else if (vehicleid == 134) x = "Perennial";
else if (vehicleid == 135) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 136) x = "Rio";
else if (vehicleid == 137) x = "Fire Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 138) x = "Trash Master";
else if (vehicleid == 139) x = "Stretch";
else if (vehicleid == 140) x = "Manana";
else if (vehicleid == 141) x = "Infernus";
else if (vehicleid == 142) x = "Voodo";
else if (vehicleid == 143) x = "Pony";
else if (vehicleid == 144) x = "Mule";
else if (vehicleid == 145) x = "Cheetah";
else if (vehicleid == 146) x = "Ambulance";
else if (vehicleid == 147) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 148) x = "Moon Beam";
else if (vehicleid == 149) x = "Esperanto";
else if (vehicleid == 150) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 151) x = "Washington";
else if (vehicleid == 152) x = "Bobcat";
else if (vehicleid == 153) x = "Ice Cream";
else if (vehicleid == 154) x = "Injection";
else if (vehicleid == 155) x = "Apache";
else if (vehicleid == 156) x = "Squad Car";
else if (vehicleid == 157) x = "Enforcer";
else if (vehicleid == 158) x = "Armored Car";
else if (vehicleid == 159) x = "Banshee";
else if (vehicleid == 160) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 161) x = "Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 162) x = "Tank";
else if (vehicleid == 163) x = "Baracks";
else if (vehicleid == 164) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 165) x = "Police Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 166) x = "Angel";
else if (vehicleid == 167) x = "Public Bus";
else if (vehicleid == 168) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 169) x = "Stallion";
else if (vehicleid == 170) x = "Rumpo";
else if (vehicleid == 171) x = "Bandit";
else if (vehicleid == 172) x = "Hearse";
else if (vehicleid == 173) x = "Packer";
else if (vehicleid == 174) x = "Sentinel";
else if (vehicleid == 175) x = "Admiral";
else if (vehicleid == 176) x = "Squalo";
else if (vehicleid == 177) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 178) x = "Pizza";
else if (vehicleid == 179) x = "Borrito";
else if (vehicleid == 180) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 181) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 182) x = "Speeder";
else if (vehicleid == 183) x = "Reefer";
else if (vehicleid == 184) x = "Tropic";
else if (vehicleid == 185) x = "INVALID";
else if (vehicleid == 186) x = "Yankee";
else if (vehicleid == 187) x = "Golf Cart";
else if (vehicleid == 188) x = "l33t cab";
else if (vehicleid == 189) x = "Top Fun";
else if (vehicleid == 190) x = "Skimmer";
else if (vehicleid == 191) x = "PCJ";
else if (vehicleid == 192) x = "Faggio";
else if (vehicleid == 193) x = "Freeway";
else if (vehicleid == 194) x = "Baron";
else if (vehicleid == 195) x = "Raider";
else if (vehicleid == 196) x = "Glendale";
else if (vehicleid == 197) x = "Oceanic";
else if (vehicleid == 198) x = "Sanchez";
else if (vehicleid == 199) x = "Sparrow";
else if (vehicleid == 200) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 201) x = "Limo";
else if (vehicleid == 202) x = "Coast Guard";
else if (vehicleid == 203) x = "Dinghy";
else if (vehicleid == 204) x = "Hermes";
else if (vehicleid == 205) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 206) x = "Sabre";
else if (vehicleid == 207) x = "Phoenix";
else if (vehicleid == 208) x = "Walton";
else if (vehicleid == 209) x = "Regina";
else if (vehicleid == 210) x = "Patriot";
else if (vehicleid == 211) x = "Deluxo";
else if (vehicleid == 212) x = "Burrito";
else if (vehicleid == 213) x = "Spand";
else if (vehicleid == 214) x = "Marquis";
else if (vehicleid == 215) x = "Baggage";
else if (vehicleid == 216) x = "Taxi";
else if (vehicleid == 217) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 218) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 219) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 220) x = "Rancher";
else if (vehicleid == 221) x = "Virgo";
else if (vehicleid == 222) x = "Greenwood";
else if (vehicleid == 223) x = "Jetmax";
else if (vehicleid == 224) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 225) x = "Monster Truck";
else if (vehicleid == 226) x = "Blista";
else if (vehicleid == 227) x = "Maverick";
else if (vehicleid == 228) x = "Boxville";
else if (vehicleid == 229) x = "Benson";
else if (vehicleid == 230) x = "Jeep";
else if (vehicleid == 231) x = "Goblin";
else if (vehicleid == 232) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 233) x = "Hotring";
else if (vehicleid == 234) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 235) x = "Bloodring";
else if (vehicleid == 236) x = "Cheetah";
else x = "INVALID";
return x;
You send this a model and it returns the car's name. To get a model you might want to make an enum like this
enum cInfo
new CarInfo[180][cInfo];
then if you're using pawn find "LoadVehicles"
change to
public LoadVehicles()
print("Loading vehicles, please wait...");
new XU;
if(!dini_Exists("/Vehicles/list.ini")) return -1;
new data[7][256];
for (XU=1; XU<=250; XU++) {
new pos[256],fm[6];
pos = dini_Get("/Vehicles/list.ini",fm);
if (strlen(pos)) {
new id;
split(pos,data,' ');
id = AddStaticVehicle(strval(data[0]),floatstr(data[1]),floatstr(data[2]),floatstr(data[3]),floatstr(data[4]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
//printf("Creating Vehicle! ModelID:[ %d ] Colors:[ %d ; %d ]",strval(data[0]),strval(data[5]),strval(data[6]));
CarInfo[id][model] = strval(data[0]);
printf("Vehicles Loaded!");
return asp;
how to use this when player gets a car or something like that?
new szMsg[256];
format(szMsg,sizeof(szMsg),"You entered a %s",Model(CarInfo[vehicleid][model]));
Quote from: Robd on April 04, 2011, 04:12:00 PM
new szMsg[256];
format(szMsg,sizeof(szMsg),"You entered a %s",Model(CarInfo[vehicleid][model]));
thanks i will try :D
Somehow,a IsPlayerStandingStill function :D
Remember I just moved my house and im now posting it from another friends who got INTERNET.
NOT TESTED!!!glow]
new PlayerCall[50];
enum NewPos
enum OldPos
new SavePlayerOldPos[MAX_PLAYERS][OldPos],SavePlayerNewPos[MAX_PLAYERS][NewPos];
forward IsPlayerStandingStill(playerid);
public IsPlayerStandingStill(playerid)
new Float:Lx,Float:Ly,Float:Lz;
SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasX] = Lx;
SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasY] = Ly;
SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasZ] = Lz;
return 1;
public GetNewPos(playerid)
new ishemoving;
new Float:Xx,Float:Xy,Float:Xz;
SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastX] = Xx;
SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastY] = Xy;
SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastZ] = Xz;
new Float:resultx,Float:resulty,Float:resultz,Float:finalresult;
resultx = SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastX] - SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasX];
resulty = SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastY] - SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasY];
resultz = SavePlayerNewPos[playerid][LastZ] - SavePlayerOldPos[playerid][LasZ];
finalresult = resultx+resulty+resultz;
if(finalresult != 0) {
ishemoving = 1;
else if(finalresult == 0)
ishemoving = 0;
return ishemoving;
Why don't you only use one and then just use GetPlayerPos? I did that for an idle script and it works fine.
Quote from: Robd on April 07, 2011, 02:55:26 AM
Why don't you only use one and then just use GetPlayerPos? I did that for an idle script and it works fine.
i Made a Auto-Kick for idling BTW It Bans the player i tested a 1000 times
Ban for idle!?!?! I can understand kick, but ban?!?!?!
Quote from: Robd on April 07, 2011, 10:11:45 PM
Ban for idle!?!?! I can understand kick, but ban?!?!?!
I Used Kick(playerid) BTW its Banning the players Subnet ROFL