I'm honestly very curious what makes this server so special, if anyone could explain I'd love to hear it.
Ye i hate XE it feels annoying to me :o
1. It has a chaotic gameplay.
2. You get to pwn 999 noobs
3. You get FFA DM, but you can also gather with your clan and have some TDM
4. It doesnt restrict you from anything, If you are a roofer...you are welcome, DBer......welcome, Pro Noob Heli killer....welcome. Gltcher....welcome.
5. If you wanna 1v1 do gotolocs, nogoto on and invite your opponent. You can easily stay away from noobs.
So in short, it doesnt discriminate between players of different skills or styles.
Quote from: aXXo on March 31, 2011, 09:25:29 AM
1. It has a chaotic gameplay.
2. You get to pwn 999 noobs
3. You get FFA DM, but you can also gather with your clan and have some TDM
4. It doesnt restrict you from anything, If you are a roofer...you are welcome, DBer......welcome, Pro Noob Heli killer....welcome. Gltcher....welcome.
5. If you wanna 1v1 do gotolocs, nogoto on and invite your opponent. You can easily stay away from noobs.
So in short, it doesnt discriminate between players of different skills or styles.
well i dont fell like that!!
Hey, just because you get raped everytime you join xe, doesn't mean you have to dislike it :)
Yeah pretty much what aXXo said.
There's a long back-story as to why XE is so popular with newbies and veterans alike, if you really want an essay on it pm me :p
The overall reason though is that it promotes complete freedom of gameplay, whilst under thorough administration and monitoring so as to keep the gameplay balanced.
Quote from: ManiAc on March 31, 2011, 10:28:35 AM
Hey, just because you get raped everytime you join xe, doesn't mean you have to dislike it :)
I can Even Do a Killing spree on that Noobs
Hmm, I've played there a couple times and never really noticed that. Thanks for all the help.
Quote from: yazeen on March 31, 2011, 09:46:04 AM
Quote from: aXXo on March 31, 2011, 09:25:29 AM
1. It has a chaotic gameplay.
2. You get to pwn 999 noobs
3. You get FFA DM, but you can also gather with your clan and have some TDM
4. It doesnt restrict you from anything, If you are a roofer...you are welcome, DBer......welcome, Pro Noob Heli killer....welcome. Gltcher....welcome.
5. If you wanna 1v1 do gotolocs, nogoto on and invite your opponent. You can easily stay away from noobs.
So in short, it doesnt discriminate between players of different skills or styles.
well i dont fell like that!!
Well if you dont feel like that, it makes you much of a hater than a normal VCMP gamer.
its baned for no reason i hate xe now if they unbaned me i still hate it caz i remeber
that old ban ! and other hack and i baned huh ::)
I don't get the chaotic gameplay... the only good thing about the gameplay is the fact that there are 12 million people there. What I don't get is why they come to begin with...
XE Uses Laggy Mirc scripts that's why people like it!
toasting in an epic bread
being a RIP EIPC NOOB GAY Is XE is 100% FUN!!! PWNDD!!
Quote from: yazeen on March 31, 2011, 06:59:27 AM
Ye i hate XE it feels annoying to me :o
Butthurt cheater banned from XE detected
it's always been popular, and its good to see it still is.
Prehaps because the original creator ( tommis ) contributed a tremondious amount of work to vcmp. credit where credit is due, that guy worked hard on this server, released many variations of his script, both for vcmp and MTA VC.
I for one, learnt allot from his GUS release ( and many more have, some of whom i think you will be quite suprised to hear stated from GUS )
I used to play on XE, just because it had many players and it is good to play with guys, that you already know :). Also those hidden package thing was damn good, I remember I had collected maybe 70 of them?
Quote from: Ghostface_Killah on April 11, 2011, 07:11:34 PM
Quote from: yazeen on March 31, 2011, 06:59:27 AM
Ye i hate XE it feels annoying to me :o
Butthurt cheater banned from XE detected
i dont know why i got banned i was idle for 5hours when i came back to game im banned for death evading Disconnected
Well i can give an unban appeal but i dont want to :P
XE is home for ULK TLK USA etc clans
Quote from: BIG[H] on April 12, 2011, 10:01:47 AM
XE is home for ULK TLK USA etc clans
XE is home of many players tooo ;D
Quote from: BIG[H] on April 12, 2011, 10:01:47 AM
XE is home for ULK TLK USA etc clans
yes it is, along with a few major clans like VU and others and more importantly, clan less players.
yeh... tommis and his scripts gave us a good platform for the fundamentals that make XE so popular to this day.
the mirc scripts and their limitations have actually helped XE on a conceptual basis up until recently. without XE to showcase the potential popularity of a basic VC deathmatch script, done in mirc no less, many scripting talents would still be lost a few years back in time, still thinking that all we need to do to make VCMP popular is copy what SAMP servers do.
there are many other reasons for XE's popularity, but the primary reason imo has to be the administration activity at XE.
XE has many experienced Vice City enthusiasts as members of the staff team, and this shows its benefit on day to day operations, as well as helping create an XE community sense of inclusiveness for the public.
also, most other servers pop out of nowhere one day from some scripters brain, and once he finds out it takes much more than his ideas alone to make a popular server, they abandon their efforts, begin ragging on VCMP and blaming the game for the shortcomings of their server.
XE has never taken this "blame and abandon VCMP" route, we are content to sit on top of a server with no scripts but only to kick/ban cheaters if thats what it comes down to, and we will still tell you VCMP is an awesome game. this gung ho approach to operating a server is what makes XE popular.
Head said it all ;D
Maybe its One of the Best Hosted Servers by Vrocker thats why!
Quote from: yazeen on April 18, 2011, 03:51:55 AM
Maybe its One of the Best Hosted Servers by Vrocker thats why!
yes, VRocker's hosting and ongoing support is indeed one of the many contributing factors ;D
Agora vou falar aqui,ja chega! por que me kicka?,hein? esse tal de Adasko,ele ta Marcado,ele que se cuida,eu pego ele..Ja fui kickado Duas veses por causa de ping,essas duas veses,eu prometi matar ele.e quer saber..por que pessoa gosta do XE? por que são NOOBS gosta de críticar os outros..se ele tem uma net boa,e eu não,fala sério né? quer que eu jogue com uma net boa,me pega uma,que eu te esculacho de bala,(isso é para você principalmente,Adasko) eu sou LBR e nois aqui sempre bRazil,sempre vamos ganha de voces,seja o *USA* clan..tanto fas...somos melhores,por causa de quem? de min,de todos os brasileiros que estão no LBR,olha,todo mundo dis: se voce não fosse tão lagger,eu te matava,pensa bem,se eu nao fosse lagger,eu fasia limpa em qualquer server pobre! se liga Galera,tem gente 1000x mais forte que vocês,e se cham os fortoes,por que tem level no XE,é mesma coisa que ser um Dono,não gosta de ping alto...quando perde,fica chingando...*USA*Old_Fart,é um deles,quando morre,fica corando,vo falar em sua limgua agora(don't cry noob) ta ligado? L B R somos melhores que qualquer um..e não pensa que é só a gente,temos parceria..hehehe,mais,nimgem sabe.Eu sou EDERSONesse é meu aviso para os ADMIN dos server (Adasko,te prepara,o pau vai come,quero pega você cara!)
aXXo is right. XE is home to new players and veterans alike, of which most cannot control their temper. Plus, it does not give shelter to hackers. ANY type of hackers. But it's disliked by some elite DMers for various reasons.
Quote from: ULK.HeAD on April 16, 2011, 11:46:52 PM
also, most other servers pop out of nowhere one day from some scripters brain, and once he finds out it takes much more than his ideas alone to make a popular server, they abandon their efforts, begin ragging on VCMP and blaming the game for the shortcomings of their server.
Ok....mais...só por que minha internet é podre,por que eles ficam fasendo isso? eu odeio esse tipo de coisa! >:( mais...tudo bem...deixa...vai ter a volta...