Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP => News => Topic started by: maxorator on April 09, 2011, 09:39:15 PM

Title: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 09, 2011, 09:39:15 PM
It has been a long time since there has been a new version released. While somewhat slowly at times, VC:MP has been under development during that time. I believe it is time to show people what has been done so far.

As the current beta version still has some shortcomings, the public beta will have to wait a little bit, although I hope it takes place soon. Till then, I can list which new features have been implemented since 0.3z_r2 and which bugs have been fixed. As it takes some time to thoroughly document the features, I will start posting changes that have been made one by one.

Therefore, I hope that by the time we get to an actual release, there is enough documentation and information that people can immediately take the best of it. There have been many significant changes, although many internal changes are invisible to the average player, but will make the future development of the modification easier.

I know that many of you may be tired of waiting and some have given up, but I hope that you will still be interested in what the new version has to offer. As the amount hours that we, developers, could put into developing this mod has been dramatically decreased during the last few years, it has been difficult to keep things going.

If you have any comments or questions about the changes and fixes mentioned in this topic, feel free to post them in this topic:
Title: Re: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 09, 2011, 09:58:27 PM
Changes regarding death / death reasons.

Changes regarding quitting.

This is just a tiny fragment of features and bugfixes. Be sure to check this thread every once in a while.
Title: Re: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 10, 2011, 01:03:44 AM
Vehicle synchronization improvements.

Some of this (1 and 3) can be seen in this video:
Title: Re: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 10, 2011, 01:24:47 AM
Changes with first person aim and headshots.

Title: Re: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 10, 2011, 09:28:39 PM
New console and chatbox.

Here is a video demonstrating the new console:
Title: Re: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 11, 2011, 04:39:05 PM
Build mode changes.

Usage: /setwep [weapon_id] [ammo]
Usage: /clearwep

Title: Re: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 11, 2011, 04:46:53 PM
New miscellaneous commands.

/inf_modelsearch gun
(1) Found 'chromegun' at 277.
(2) Found 'minigun' at 290.
(3) Found 'minigun2' at 294.
... and 3 more.

Usage: /inf_getwepid [weapon_name]
Usage: /inf_getwepname [weapon_id]
Usage: /inf_getvehid [vehicle_name]
Usage: /inf_getmodelname [model_id]
Usage: /inf_modelsearch [model_name]

Class = 0 12 -1022.9858 184.6826 11.2494 143.5805 14 100 25 800 30 500
AddPlayerClass(12, -1022.9858, 184.6826, 11.2494, 143.5805, 14, 100, 25, 800, 30, 500);

// custom label!
Vehicle = 204 -1025.4694 179.7530 10.9614 0.7965 16 16
CreateVehicle(204, -1025.4694, 179.7530, 10.9614, 0.7965, 16, 16); // hermes

Title: Re: Current status of version 0.4
Post by: maxorator on April 11, 2011, 09:31:31 PM
Changes related to weapons.