Well, Well, Well, Stunty...Look who's had a word with rulk, aye?
[13:21] <~[SDT]FoRcE> From rulk. stunty (jamie) has used the basis of my script and is free to edit it and distribute it.
[13:21] <~[SDT]FoRcE> From rulk. stunty13 is free to claim ownership on the code once modified.
[13:21] <@rulk> WTFFFFFFFFFFF
[13:23] <@rulk> i havent got a username for the forums anymore, canu post something like, luke has not authorsied any of this
Look's like someone has been lying hell of a lot :o >:(
Aka, You haven't had permission to post any of this code
Hmmm..... >:(
I hate ppl taking credit for others' work.
theres no :balistic: smilie so >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Code stealers = The END of good scripting!
I had a feeling he hadnt got permission since force hadn't been able to get hold of him ut stunty apparently "had" or more like hadn't....
Quote from: Forum rules & guidelinesNo ripping. - Don't steal other peoples material and claim it's your own. We will simply not tolerate these kinds of things! You will be banned.
If thats so, IMO that/those stolen script(s) should be deleted
I agree with juppi... Admin please delete scripts added by stunty.
I think that rulk would be happy to agree with that :)
plx post with links to all the stolen scripts - someone will delete them later
people... please don't steal other people's hard work and say its yours... these scripts are often the product of a few people's works, but at least give credit where credit is due.
Ok all of the scripts are as follows:
Please make sure they are deleted asap
hp bar wasn't added by he.
Yes but it is from rulk's script :P
Quote from: [SDT]F_T_F0RC3 on July 30, 2008, 07:39:45 PM
Yes but it is from rulk's script :P
yea is script rulk you copy script rulk >:(
what a shame.. hopefully people learn from this and it doesnt happen again. that was alot of posts to have to delete.... what a waste...
shame people spend their free time to script and then a noob takes credit for it . . .
Thanks for making sure those posts were deleted and it was a shame, rulk's server was great and now its not gonna be the same (if he puts it back up again) because everyone will have the same thing :(
stunty just got OWN3D 8)
Script stealers are stupid noobs who decide to take it upon themelves to take credit for the work done by those who actually scripted t, its not fair because its like a buisnes, if someone takes you business ideas u go bankrupt , script stealers generally take the work of others an then thereal scripter gets ignored, and its not fair, I know that everyone knows this but i just wanted to clarify it for the script stealers, i know what its like to write a 7,000 line script and have it stolen ( my skinM system got re-posted and some said they made it) skinM = a filterscript i made for samp))
Regards orph, lets hope this doesn't happen again
P.S as force already knew before all this happened, i was suspicious that rulk had said such a thing as we had not be able to gain contact with him
Quote from: Orpheus on July 31, 2008, 03:50:55 PM
Script stealers are stupid noobs who decide to take it upon themelves to take credit for the work done by those who actually scripted t, its not fair because its like a buisnes, if someone takes you business ideas u go bankrupt , script stealers generally take the work of others an then thereal scripter gets ignored, and its not fair, I know that everyone knows this but i just wanted to clarify it for the script stealers, i know what its like to write a 7,000 line script and have it stolen ( my skinM system got re-posted and some said they made it) skinM = a filterscript i made for samp))
Regards orph, lets hope this doesn't happen again
P.S as force already knew before all this happened, i was suspicious that rulk had said such a thing as we had not be able to gain contact with him
Shiii !! Please you are noob rulk is creator script all script :P
Quote from: TanaX01 on July 31, 2008, 06:33:35 PM
Quote from: Orpheus on July 31, 2008, 03:50:55 PM
Script stealers are stupid noobs who decide to take it upon themelves to take credit for the work done by those who actually scripted t, its not fair because its like a buisnes, if someone takes you business ideas u go bankrupt , script stealers generally take the work of others an then thereal scripter gets ignored, and its not fair, I know that everyone knows this but i just wanted to clarify it for the script stealers, i know what its like to write a 7,000 line script and have it stolen ( my skinM system got re-posted and some said they made it) skinM = a filterscript i made for samp))
Regards orph, lets hope this doesn't happen again
P.S as force already knew before all this happened, i was suspicious that rulk had said such a thing as we had not be able to gain contact with him
Shiii !! Please you are noob rulk is creator script all script :P
I said that in what you quoted..
I know you're not english so you probably misunderstood, i was refering to a similar experience with a script i wrote on a different forum , not this script :)
I know rulk made the scripts that stunty claimed to be his
Regards Orph