Hi guys. I've started to adding new stuffs to my script. I noticed that it should have auto-kick if some is registered spawned but not logged in.
Quoteon *:SIGNAL:vcmp.spawn:{
var %name = $1
var %id = $vcmp.getid($1)
if (($vcmp.setting.spawn == On) && if ($vcmp.pass(%id) != $null) && if ($vcmp.lin(%id) != 1)) vcmp.kick %id Auto-kick Filed to login
But it isn't working... what's wrong?
Script ?
Based on gus
Quote from: Youpi! on July 30, 2008, 10:04:51 PM
Script ?
nah. script ? WTF!!! LOOK IN TOPIC !! SCRIPTING! :P
is this sansan ???
wtf :-\
Try this:
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.spawn:{
var %name = $1
var %id = $vcmp.getid($1)
if (($vcmp.setting.spawn == On) && ($vcmp.pass(%id) != $null) && ($vcmp.lin(%id) != 1)) vcmp.kick %id Auto-kick Filed to login [/quote]
Doesn't work
sorry need to be:
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.spawn:{
var %name = $1
var %id = $vcmp.getid($1)
if ($vcmp.setting.spawn == On) && ($vcmp.pass(%id) != $null) && ($vcmp.lin(%id) != 1) vcmp.kick %id Auto-kick Filed to login
Doesn't work
try this:
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.spawn:{
var %name = $1
var %id = $vcmp.getid($1)
if ($vcmp.pass(%id) != $null) && ($vcmp.lin(%id) != 1) vcmp.kick %id Auto-kick Filed to login
Quote from: TanaX01 on July 30, 2008, 11:49:20 PM
Quote from: Youpi! on July 30, 2008, 10:04:51 PM
Script ?
nah. script ? WTF!!! LOOK IN TOPIC !! SCRIPTING! :P
Quote from: Nemesis2500 on July 31, 2008, 12:33:17 AM
is this sansan ???
Quote from: thijn on July 31, 2008, 03:39:20 PM
Try this:
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.spawn:{
var %name = $1
var %id = $vcmp.getid($1)
if (($vcmp.setting.spawn == On) && ($vcmp.pass(%id) != $null) && ($vcmp.lin(%id) != 1)) vcmp.kick %id Auto-kick Filed to login [/quote]
Dude that is Sansan scripting and it doesn't work on gus
gus is completly different
Yes, make sure you do not get the scripts mixed up. As for my GUS scripts, I really recommend using VRockers new admin system for scripting off of for now.
I might be releasing my new scripts that are based off of VRockers new admin system, but am not sure. The new version I am making is totally recoded and differnet; made to be as simple as possible to understand, as organized as possible and with the best script-player sync. So far things have been going great.
my script by rulk use Vrock System , Tommis Script Is Cool ;)