Hello all,
I need help in this script that I fault
alias vcmp.nickcolor {
var %name = $1
if ($par(255) isin %name) !return 14 $+ $remove(%name,$par(255)) $+
elseif ($par(0) isin %name) !return 14 $+ $remove(%name,$par(0)) $+
elseif ($par(1) isin %name) !return 07 $+ $remove(%name,$par(1)) $+
elseif ($par(2) isin %name) !return 06 $+ $remove(%name,$par(2)) $+
elseif ($par(3) isin %name) !return 10 $+ $remove(%name,$par(3)) $+
elseif ($par(4) isin %name) !return 08,14 $+ $remove(%name,$par(4)) $+
elseif ($par(5) isin %name) !return 04 $+ $remove(%name,$par(5)) $+
elseif ($par(6) isin %name) !return 12 $+ $remove(%name,$par(6)) $+
elseif ($par(7) isin %name) !return 13 $+ $remove(%name,$par(7)) $+
elseif ($par(8) isin %name) !return 07,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(8)) $+
elseif ($par(9) isin %name) !return 13,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(9)) $+
elseif ($par(10) isin %name) !return 05,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(10)) $+
elseif ($par(11) isin %name) !return 08,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(11)) $+
elseif ($par(12) isin %name) !return 10,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(12)) $+
else !return 01 $+ %name $+
said: Cristian_08:
and want than say the id of player, example: [3] Cristian_08:
please help !! :(
Here use mine ;)
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{
var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id),$vcmp.nickcolor(%name $+ $par(%team)) $+ :,01 $+ $1 $+ )
$iif($($+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]),2) == 5,vcmp.kicknow %id flooding,inc -u5 $+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]))
vcmp.enforcelogin %id
vcmp.enforcestfu %id
vcmp.enforce.censor %id $2-
if ($left($2,1) == !) {
if ($($+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]),2) > 0) { vcmp.adminmsg %id ** Error: You must use the commands between 4secs. }
else { inc -u4 $+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]) | .signal vcmp.event.gamecmd $1- }
if (%echolevel > 2) vcmp.echo 2 $+ $+($chr(91),%id,$chr(93)) $+ 7 %name $+ $+ : $2-
Replace your old one and add this.
alias vcmp.nickcolor {
var %name = $1
if ($par(255) isin %name) !return 14 $+ $remove(%name,$par(255)) $+
elseif ($par(0) isin %name) !return 14 $+ $remove(%name,$par(0)) $+
elseif ($par(1) isin %name) !return 07 $+ $remove(%name,$par(1)) $+
elseif ($par(2) isin %name) !return 06 $+ $remove(%name,$par(2)) $+
elseif ($par(3) isin %name) !return 10 $+ $remove(%name,$par(3)) $+
elseif ($par(4) isin %name) !return 08,14 $+ $remove(%name,$par(4)) $+
elseif ($par(5) isin %name) !return 04 $+ $remove(%name,$par(5)) $+
elseif ($par(6) isin %name) !return 12 $+ $remove(%name,$par(6)) $+
elseif ($par(7) isin %name) !return 13 $+ $remove(%name,$par(7)) $+
elseif ($par(Cool isin %name) !return 07,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(Cool) $+
elseif ($par(9) isin %name) !return 13,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(9)) $+
elseif ($par(10) isin %name) !return 05,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(10)) $+
elseif ($par(11) isin %name) !return 08,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(11)) $+
elseif ($par(12) isin %name) !return 10,15 $+ $remove(%name,$par(12)) $+
else !return 01 $+ %name $+
This has nothing to do with [3] Cristian_08:
thank friends
2 question, how can i change the climate by mirc?, which is the commands?
help plizz
Use this:
Quoteelseif ($1 == !setweather) { vcmp.setweather $2- | vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] changed weather to:[ $2 ] }
Write it under:
if ($vcmp.ishop($nick)) {
;--- hop and higher commands
thank friends :)
hey [SRS]Tomi thx in commnads !setweather ;D
Np :D
hello all,
I need help in this script:
elseif ($1 == !setlevel) { vcmp.setlevel $2- | vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] set level to:[ $vcmp.hgetname($3) ] level: [ $2 ] }
<&ArgentinaSpoon> Admin:[ Cristian_08 ] set level to:[ victim ] level: 10
<~Cristian_08> !admin
<&ArgentinaSpoon> ** Admins:
I want to appear but did not say that is admin
another thing more
on the script !car
I want to appear
<~Cristian_08> !car shadow
<&ArgentinaSpoon> Shadow - Vehicle Status: Model:[ Hunter ] ID:[ 156 ] Hp:[ %28 ] Owner:[ Cristian_08 ] Price:[ $150.000 ] Share:[ shadow ]
my script is:
elseif ($1 == !car) $iif(($vcmp.nameid($2) != $null),vcmp.echo ** $vcmp.playervehicle($vcmp.hgetname($$vcmp.nameid($2))),vcmp.echo Error: Invalid ID.)
and :
alias vcmp.playerarea !return $vcmp.area($vcmp.hgetpos.x($vcmp.nameid($1)),$vcmp.hgetpos.y($vcmp.nameid($1)))
alias vcmp.playervehicle {
if ($hget(vcmp,vehicles. $+ $1)) {
tokenize 32 $hget(vcmp,vehicles. $+ $1)
return $1 is $iif(($4 == 18),driving,a passenger in) $iif(($left($vcmp.carname($3),1) isin aeiou),an,a) $vcmp.carname($3) $+ . $par(id: $2 - type: $3)
elseif ($vcmp.hgetcarid($vcmp.nameid($1)) == 0) return $1 is on foot.
else return $1 is in a $vcmp.carname($gettok($hget(config,vehicle. $+ $vcmp.hgetcarid($vcmp.nameid($1))),1,32))
HELP!!! :(
Sorry for my English ;)
I hope this works
if ($vcmp.isop($nick)) {
;--- op only commands
if ($1 == !setlevel) $iif((($3 isnum) && ($3 > 0) && ($3 < 12)) && ($vcmp.acct.exists($2) != 0),vcmp.acct.setadminlvl $2 $3,vcmp.echo ** Account $2 not found.)
Use the full player's full name.
alias vcmp.acct.setadminlvl vcmp.setacct $1 $puttok($vcmp.acct($1),$iif($2,$v1,1),3,32)
Do you have buycar commands in your script?
Without that you cant configure it to shows who is the owner of a specific vehicle.
help in script SanSan, i want to appear
<~Cristian_08> !car shadow
<&ArgentinaSpoon> Shadow - Vehicle Status: Model:[ Hunter ] ID:[ 156 ] Hp:[ %28 ] Owner:[ Cristian_08 ] Price:[ $150.000 ] Share:[ shadow ]
my script is:
elseif ($1 == !car) $iif(($vcmp.nameid($2) != $null),vcmp.echo ** $vcmp.playervehicle($vcmp.hgetname($$vcmp.nameid($2))),vcmp.echo Error: Invalid ID.)
and :
alias vcmp.playerarea !return $vcmp.area($vcmp.hgetpos.x($vcmp.nameid($1)),$vcmp.hgetpos.y($vcmp.nameid($1)))
alias vcmp.playervehicle {
if ($hget(vcmp,vehicles. $+ $1)) {
tokenize 32 $hget(vcmp,vehicles. $+ $1)
return $1 is $iif(($4 == 18),driving,a passenger in) $iif(($left($vcmp.carname($3),1) isin aeiou),an,a) $vcmp.carname($3) $+ . $par(id: $2 - type: $3)
elseif ($vcmp.hgetcarid($vcmp.nameid($1)) == 0) return $1 is on foot.
else return $1 is in a $vcmp.carname($gettok($hget(config,vehicle. $+ $vcmp.hgetcarid($vcmp.nameid($1))),1,32))
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.enter:{
var %id = $vcmp.nameid($1)
if (%echolevel > 5) vcmp.echo 14 $+ ** $1 is $iif(($4 == 18),driving,a passenger in) $iif(($left($vcmp.carname($3),1) isin aeiou),an,a) $vcmp.carname($3) $+ . $par(id: $2 - type: $3)
!hadd vcmp vehicles. $+ $1 $1-
HELP in script SanSan, please!!! :(
Yeah, seems you hasnt got buycar etc command in your script.
So put it on first.
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on August 10, 2008, 01:58:46 AM
Yeah, seems you hasnt got buycar etc command in your script.
So put it on first.
critian you change whats !! in commands !car ???
Quote from: TanaX01 on August 10, 2008, 02:14:03 AM
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on August 10, 2008, 01:58:46 AM
Yeah, seems you hasnt got buycar etc command in your script.
So put it on first.
critian you change whats !! in commands !car ???
1? my name not is Critian my name is Cristian
2? I want to switch to command !Car so that you will find another way rather than this:
<~Cristian_08> !car Shadow
<&ArgentinaSpoon> ** Shadow is driving a Hunter. (id: 171 - type: 155)
and change this, example:
<~Cristian_08> !car Shadow
<&ArgentinaSpoon> Shadow - Vehicle Status: Model:[ Hunter ] ID:[ 171 ] Hp:[ %28 ] Owner:[ Cristian_08 ] Price:[ $150.000 ] Share:[ Shadow ]
sorry for my english ;)
Do you have a buycar script?
Quote from: thijn on August 10, 2008, 03:19:55 PM
Do you have a buycar script?
yes, is :
elseif ($2 == !getcar) {
if ($vcmp.hgetcarid(%id) != 0) vcmp.adminmsg %id You must be on foot to use the <!Getcar> Command.
elseif (!$3) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <ID>
elseif ($3 !isnum) vcmp.adminmsg %id $2 $+ , Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif (. isin $3) vcmp.adminmsg %id $2 $+ , Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif ($3 > 140) || ($3 < 0) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error: Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif (+ isin $3) || (- isin $3) vcmp.adminmsg %id $2 $+ , Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif ( $vcmp.carsowners($3) != $vcmp.hgetname(%id)) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error - You Dont have Keys To this Vehicle.
else {
vcmp.setcarloc $3 $calc($vcmp.hgetpos.x(%id) + 2) $calc($vcmp.hgetpos.y(%id) + 2) $calc($vcmp.hgetpos.z(%id) - 1)
vcmp.adminmsg %id Spawning Car:[ $3 $+ ]
if ($vcmp.hgetcarid(%id) != 0) vcmp.adminmsg %id You must be on foot to use the <!Getcar> Command.
elseif (!$3) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <ID>
elseif ($3 !isnum) vcmp.adminmsg %id $2 $+ , Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif (. isin $3) vcmp.adminmsg %id $2 $+ , Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif ($3 > 140) || ($3 < 0) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error: Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif (+ isin $3) || (- isin $3) vcmp.adminmsg %id $2 $+ , Invalid Vehicle ID.
elseif ( $vcmp.carsshares($3) != $vcmp.hgetname(%id)) vcmp.adminmsg %id Error - You Dont have Keys To this Vehicle.
else {
vcmp.setcarloc $3 $calc($vcmp.hgetpos.x(%id) + 2) $calc($vcmp.hgetpos.y(%id) + 2) $calc($vcmp.hgetpos.z(%id) - 1)
vcmp.adminmsg %id Spawning Car:[ $3 $+ ]
plz post ur alias for cost
try this:
alias vcmp.playervehicle {
!return $vcmp.name($vcmp.getid($1)) - Vehicle Status: Model: $chr(91) $vcmp.carname($3) $chr(93) ID: $chr(91) $2 $chr(93) Owner: $chr(91) $vcmp.carsowners($3) $chr(93) Share: $chr(91) $vcmp.carsshares($3) $chr(93)
Help in my !sethp for sansan is:
elseif ($1 == !sethp) { vcmp.sethp $vcmp.nameid($2) $3- | vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] Changed:[ $iif($vcmp.nameid($2) != $null,$vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($2)),$2) ] HP To:[ $4- ] }
<~Cristian_08> !sethp shadow 100
<&ArgentinaSpoon> Admin:[ Cristian_08 ] Changed:[ shadow ] HP To:[ ]
<&ArgentinaSpoon> >> shadow died.
help :(
HP To:[ $3- ]
help in script CHAT, say:
<&ArgentinaSpoon> [] [Silence]*JOSE**: *********
<&ArgentinaSpoon> [] Gral.: *********
<&ArgentinaSpoon> [] **Daemon**: *********
<&ArgentinaSpoon> [] [Silence]*JOSE**: *********
<&ArgentinaSpoon> [] **Daemon**: *********
my script is:
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{
var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id),$vcmp.nickcolor(%name $+ $par(%team)) $+ :,01 $+ $1 $+ )
$iif($($+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]),2) == 5,vcmp.kicknow %id flooding,inc -u5 $+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]))
vcmp.enforcelogin %id
vcmp.enforcestfu %id
vcmp.enforce.censor %id $2-
if ($left($2,1) == !) {
if ($($+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]),2) > 0) { vcmp.adminmsg %id ** Error: You must use the commands between 4secs. }
else { inc -u4 $+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]) | .signal vcmp.event.gamecmd $1- }
if (%echolevel > 2) vcmp.echo 2 $+ $+($chr(91),%id,$chr(93)) $+ 7 %name $+ $+ : $2-
Try this :)
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{
var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id),$vcmp.nickcolor(%name $+ $par(%team)) $+ :,01 $+ $1 $+ )
$iif($($+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]),2) == 5,vcmp.kicknow %id flooding,inc -u5 $+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]))
vcmp.enforcelogin %id
vcmp.enforcestfu %id
vcmp.enforce.censor %id $2-
if ($left($2,1) == !) {
if ($($+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]),2) > 0) { vcmp.adminmsg %id ** Error: You must use the commands between 4secs. }
else { inc -u4 $+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]) | .signal vcmp.event.gamecmd $1- }
if (%echolevel > 2) vcmp.echo 2 $chr(91) $+ %id $+ $chr(93)7 %name $+ : $2-
Help in script !setcash for sansan, say :
<~Cristian_08> !setcash Shadow 10000
<&ArgentinaSpoon> Admin:[ Cristian_08 ] Player:[ Shadow ] Cash:[ $ 10000 ]
<~Cristian_08> !money 0
<&ArgentinaSpoon> Shadow Money: 0
my script is :
Quoteif ($vcmp.ishop($nick)) {
;--- hop and higher commands
elseif ($1 == !setcash) { vcmp.setcash $vcmp.nameid($2) $3- | vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] Player:[ $iif($vcmp.nameid($2) != $null,$vcmp.hgetname($vcmp.nameid($2)),$2) ] Cash:[ $ $3- ] }
Help Please :(
please help!! :S :(:(:(
After having a quick look I have come up with this:
If you put the command directly under: ;-- hop and higher commands
if ($1 == !setcash) {
vcmp.setcash $2 $3
vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname($2) ] Cash:[ $ $+ $3 ]
If you put the command under another one e.g. under !say
elseif ($1 == !setcash) {
vcmp.setcash $2 $3
vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname($2) ] Cash:[ $ $+ $3 ]
Quote from: [SDT]F_T_F0RC3 on August 19, 2008, 10:34:16 PM
After having a quick look I have come up with this:
If you put the command directly under: ;-- hop and higher commands
if ($1 == !setcash) {
vcmp.setcash $2 $3
vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname($2) ] Cash:[ $ $+ $3 ]
If you put the command under another one e.g. under !say
elseif ($1 == !setcash) {
vcmp.setcash $2 $3
vcmp.adminchat Admin:[ $nick ] Player:[ $vcmp.hgetname($2) ] Cash:[ $ $+ $3 ]