Vice City Multiplayer

VC:MP => VC:MP Clans => Topic started by: [UB]TheKing on November 08, 2008, 10:28:18 PM

Question: Is it a nice clan???
Option 1: Yes, it is votes: 14
Option 2: So So votes: 19
Title: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on November 08, 2008, 10:28:18 PM
Unique Boys

well unique boys started when two players theking and callofduty14 were having a long fight when we dicided to start a clan called Unique boys [UB]... I think dis clan will grow and be a nice clan that people will like.... Also we are not racist to any other players n we have good manners xD

Country: International

Leader(s): [UB]theking,[UB]callofduty14

Co. leader(s): [UB]Aldo

Clan tag: [UB]

Clan Members




We will have more clan members shortly!!! XD

Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: ULK.HeAD on November 09, 2008, 07:53:19 PM
yeah, it's a nice clan, I've seen and fought everyone except zygoat and apertber, and they are all good players. even though I just kicked lape for spawncamping with a spas  ;)
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on November 12, 2008, 09:50:51 PM
well we got some new players like boystick and we got now a server its name is ub unique boys clan go check it out
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on November 23, 2008, 05:20:16 PM
we got more players so yall will knw like alma*fuerte,ice,gayboi ni think more bt cant remeber thier nicks :D
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on November 25, 2008, 10:23:58 PM
well since we got new players ima make the list again ok



Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on November 25, 2008, 10:35:51 PM
i keep forgeting ppl well i forgot [UB]RAMBO
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: Dexter on November 26, 2008, 08:26:48 AM
Maybe use *modify* button?  ::)
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on November 26, 2008, 11:48:17 PM
lol didnt see3 it bt ty
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on December 05, 2008, 09:08:43 PM
boystick left the clan
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: Charleyutton on December 06, 2008, 12:26:39 AM
The king, you made the topic so you can edit it. No need to post just to bump it up.
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: j-king on December 06, 2008, 12:50:57 PM
he just wants to get more post count ::)
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on December 07, 2008, 04:49:05 PM
lol no i dnt j-king LAWL
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on December 12, 2008, 08:15:56 PM
well i got a new forum for my clan the url is go n visit it :P
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: (VK)aldo on December 27, 2008, 01:01:42 AM
ey you hommies

its me UB Aldo i wanna say that my laptop is mess so i cant play

ok maybe in a month i gonna play ok see ya friends king a call and all my boys

never give up be hard in all your figths >:(

Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: (VK)aldo on January 06, 2009, 04:10:25 AM
wanna join UB? heres the forum/unirte a UB? aqui esta el foro
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on March 12, 2009, 12:14:53 AM
well there has been a long time since i have cheked this topic and i just wunted to make an invite to all of those people that wunna come in to our new channel its called #UB.Clan just go in and talk to people its just a regular channel not a server channel but maybe later u dont know maybe theres a server and a new channel

like to give speacial thanks to PlayerX that help really on explain me and creating the channel thanks for your help dude

Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: (VK)aldo on March 12, 2009, 12:19:00 AM
playerx thanks a lot for all your help on the [UB]forum we all respect you

[UB] claps playerx


                                                                                    i lag thats all
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: Squida on March 12, 2009, 03:09:54 AM
lol so i assume you're [UB]Aldo xD
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: ULK.HeAD on March 12, 2009, 03:17:28 AM
whaaaat....for reals? can I be ULK HeAD?

anyways, I checked out the new IRC chan, nice
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: [UB]TheKing on March 13, 2009, 12:55:49 AM
ty head ;P
Title: Re: [UB] unique boys
Post by: theking on July 25, 2009, 08:11:01 PM
yo adm,in please Remove this topic UB clan is way far DEAD thanks!